Rating:  Summary: Almost 30 years, and still my favorite of the 70s! Review: Next to STAR WARS and THE GODFATHER that is!I watched this movie in High School after reading the novel for Literature class. Like most films made after a novel I can't decide which I liked better - probably the movie in this case! The 2002 DVD is much better than the 1997 DVD edition. It contains everything missing from the former giving the film the justice it deserves: special features, and even better a Director's Commentary. Jack Nicholson may look a little hard to take with spiked hair and stirring up rebellios inmates to free themselves against Louise Fletcher's evil to the bone Nurse (she didn't scare me all that much, but she still plays the role to perfection). From beginning to end you watch the film with so many emotions; humor, sadness, this movie has it all. I personally loved the card playing scenes, and the cheering, and the Chief carrying the sink away in retribution for Nicholson's...sorry don't want to spoil it. Definitely recommended, and I must say, even though it's within his younger years, Nicholson's best film to date! Not only Nicholson but seeing so many other actors in their younger years: Danny DeVito, Christopher Lloyd, Vincent Schiavelli, Brad Dourif, Peter Brocco, Michael Berryman, Sydney Lassick, William Redfield...just a fantastic cast and a must see!
Rating:  Summary: Too funny! Review: I originally saw this in my psychology class back when I was in college. I had heard the name before, but I never really knew what it was about, so I didn't pay attention to about the first 15 minutes or so. I wish I would've, though! It is an awesome movie that is completely hilarious! It makes a lot of different emotions run though your body; happy, laughter, sympathy and sadness. It's definitely one to pick up some time!
Rating:  Summary: To good to be true.. Review: Jack Nicholson is Randal.Patrick.McMurphy. A crimminal man who is taken to a Mental hospital. The doctors suspect that McMurphy just acting crazy to get away from the prission, but they decide to keep him at the hospital for some mounths to see how he will behave. Mcmurphy makes himself at home and inredues himself to the other patons. Soon Mcmurphy make crazy things like stealing one of the hospitals busses and takes some of the others whit him, then he borrows a boat and they goes out on a fishing tour. I dont want to go to deaply in on the story, but i can tell you that this movie is 10000000 times better then my rewview. Tihs movie have to be seen off all the filmfans in the world!
Rating:  Summary: hilarity to seriousness in 60 seconds Review: Besides being one of my favorite films,this story has the added weight of me knowing that the author of the book it`s based on died never seeing the film.The true heart of a great story is the characters and the parts they play in moving the story from start to finish.With a tremendous supporting cast and Oscar winning turns by Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher,if you have never seen the film - shame on you. It contains some of the funniest and deadly serious moments ever captured on flim.Building to an at once hilarious party sequence to a bitter and violent finale,it will take you to the next level where the end result is one that every human being can relate to.....the need to be free - one way or the other.It didn`t win all 5 major oscars that year by accident - find out for your self.
Rating:  Summary: Nicholson the virtuoso Review: Jack Nicholson is simply a virtuoso actor. No actor of the modern times can bring such intensity, humor, and tragedy like he can. 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' is the shining moment for this all-time screen legend. He plays a man who faked insanity to go to a mental ward, only to find out it is just as bad as prison. Along the way he find outs many of the patients are not that insane. Many of them are in the ward voluntarily, but don't have the will to leave. He rebels against the authorities and the result is a tragedy no one can stop from happening. This is one of those rare films that everyone should see. An unforgettable ending and an unforgettable performance from a one of a kind actor.
Rating:  Summary: Jack Nicholson as a victim of the system Review: This movie is full of great performances. Jack Nicholson gives his greatest performance. Also the roles enacted by Danny De Vito and especially Louise Fletcher are remarkable. It is a story about how Nicholson gets caught up in the little world of Louise Fletcher's institution and thus ultimately pays the price of trying to break the rules. It is a reflection of how society 'good-intentionally' breaks the one who does not fall in line and follow the herd. Thus it has been with most great leaders like Christ who are broken down for not conforming when are alive and then worshiped when they are gone. It is a really bold movie.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic Review: In 1962, one of the most important writers of his generation, Ken Kesey, wrote a book titled One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. It was an instant classic and best-seller. For good reason. Over ten years later Milos Forman made a film version of Kesey's book. Also an instant classic. It's a story about friendship, courage, cruelty, and sanity. Admittedly the film did not take on the mental health institutions the way the novel did, but the film did create one of our most coldest and memoriable villains, Nurse Ratchett. And everyone knows Chief. Forman and D.O.P. Haskell Wexler shot the film in a bleak style. Nicholson gave one of his best performances, as did Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratchett (both won Academy Awards for their performances). There is a great supporting cast, including two superb performances by Danny DeVito and Brad Dourif. This film won many awards. Truly one of the greatest movies of all times, and while I wouldn't say it is better than Kesey's book (it isn't), I would suggest that everyone read the novel and watch the film. As for the dvd, it was a bit of a letdown. There is no commentary or behind the scenes. Just the movie and a few pages of production notes (which actually were quite interesting). No special features. But it's in letterbox, the picture and sound quality are better than VHS, so if you don't own this movie yet, go ahead and buy it on dvd.
Rating:  Summary: Works on every level Review: 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest' is at times hysterical, brutal, and thought provoking, but never tries too hard to be any of those and that is what makes it work. Jack Nicholson plays R.P. McMurphy a chronically in trouble hell raiser presently confined to the county work farm. He gets the bright idea that serving his stretch in the nut house would be a much easier sentence what he doesn't know is that the number of days his jail term has to run does not apply to the institution. Nicholson finds himself at times - through his view - in a ward full of raving madmen and potentially dangerous maniacs, to fellows it would be fun to go fishing with, to people no worse than you could find in any corner tavern, to those with deep troubles and issues he can't begin to understand. His biggest challenge presents itself in the person of Nurse Ratched played with bone chilling intensity by Louise Fletcher in an uforgettable performance. Nicholson's bad boy, sly smile and hot temper were perfected in this role, it is the genuine article. This is simply a treasure of an American film that deserves a wide audience and a place in your permanent collection.
Rating:  Summary: Watch Girl Interrupted instead. Review: This movie was interesting and a bit emotional, a bit good; but its pace is slow (the norm for its time.) Also, the ending really didn't fit the movie. I'd suggest you just watch Girl Interrupted. That seems to be pretty much a remake but much more lively, in color, and the ending fits quite well.
Rating:  Summary: A strong and thought-provoking film Review: Jack Nicholson offers an Academy Award winning performance as Randle McMurphy, a man who has decided to work his way into a mental institute after spending time in prison, wich is by his reasoning a much harder place. McMurphy has a hard time adjusting to the ward, though mostly due to the hard and even megalomaniatic nurse Ratched, played by Louise Fletcher, who joined Nichols by winning the lead female role Oscar with her chilling performance. The movie introduces a wide variety of human destinies, all ending up at the mental ward. Milos Forman has done an amazing (and, by the way, Oscar winning) job in making the novel from Ken Kesey come to live with the help of an exellent (and again Oscar winning) adapted screenplay by Lawrence Hauben and Bo Goldman. The movie avoids sentementality as it shows us the every day life of the ward, and manages to raise serious questions about how the society treats it's mentaly ill members. Every one of the several supporting roles are exellently performed and every one of the characters are deep and real, resulting into a strong and thought-provoking film that deserved the Academy Award it won as the best film of the year and a film that doesn't underestimate it's audience and gives it something to ponder upon.