Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies ever made. Review: Many reviews here downplay the DVD version. Initially I was going to do the same. However, as I began watching what is possibly the best movie Nicholson has ever been involved in, the picture and sound shortcomings became less and less inportant. In this DVD format, with proper care, you can watch this cinematic masterpeice for the rest of your life. Not bad for the price here. Furthermore you get to choose between standard and widescreen (I'm partial to widescreen myself). I hope eventually WB will release an enhanced version. I also own Goldfinger which is more than 10 years older yet the picture quality is a bit better. Also, the lack of extras is inexcuseable. At least a movie trailer guys. Anyway, ONE FLEW... is a 5 star movie no matter what medium it's presented on. However, the DVD presentation is a good 3. I'd buy it again for 10 bucks. For $15 I'd probably still buy it. However, for $20 I'd keep watching my copy recorded off the TV.
Rating:  Summary: Suberb, with one or two complaints. Review: Since everyone else has told the story in thier reviews and said why the film was great, I'll skip that and say that even though I really did like this film, and I thought everyone in it was wonderful, it was a TAD long and just a TAD dragging. Maybe it was the non-color scheme in the movie. That said, it really is a great film, and Jack Nicholson is fantastic as always. We're all a little nuts, aren't we?
Rating:  Summary: A great film and Nicholson's finest hour Review: One day, Randall Patrick McMurphy (Nicholson) has a great idea. His prison sentence has a couple of months left to run and he gets himself assigned to a psychiatric hospital for evaluation. It means no more work detail in prison and he sees it as an amusing break.In the hospital he runs up against his ward's boss, nurse Mildred Ratched (Fletcher). She appears nice but dominates, bullies and humiliates the men and sadistically crushes any initiative. When the doctors feel that McMurphy is swinging the lead and should be passed back to the prison service, Ratched views him as unfinished business and angles to keep him in the hospital. For McMurphy, his holiday in the hospital seems to be going well. Despite occasional frustrations and disciplinary issues, he is enjoying himself and, from the viewer's perspective, he appears to be making a difference to the lives of some of the other patients. Nurse Ratched does not view this difference as a benefit. Finally, McMurphy's "holiday" is interrupted when he learns that there is a big difference between the hospital and prison. He can on longer expect automatic release when his sentence is up. Far from it, he discovers that he faces a much longer stay than he expected. Jack Nicholson is absolutely brilliant in this film. His portrayal of McMurphy is the best piece of acting that I have ever seen. The viewer is totally immersed in this character and it makes the hospital environment completely convincing. The rest of the cast do a fine job as assorted other patients. Playing a mentally ill character is never easy but they are convincing as they swing from being a collection of disturbed individuals to a bunch of guys under the influence of McMurphy.
Rating:  Summary: Great Nicholson film. Review: The plot:Randle P. McMurphy(Jack Nicholson) a free-spirited con, who`s is lazy and could be crazy or wildly sane man. They sent him in a mental hospital to test him. Once he enter the mental hospital, he become friends with unusual bunch of inmates, a quiet strong indian(Will Sampson), a shy stutter young man(Brad Doutif) and more inmates are liking him. But McMurphy cannot stand Nurse Ratched(Louise Fletcher in a strong performance). But McMurphy, it`s war to him, stand up to her. Winner of Five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor for Nicholson, Best Actress for Flecther, Best apated screenplay and Best Director. An fine non-anamorphic Widescreen transer(1.92:1) and an nice Dolby Surround soundtrack. An good DVD to own. Grade:A.
Rating:  Summary: this is what nicholson was for all along Review: one flew over the cuckoo's nest is quite possibly the greatest film of the colour era. adapted, quite loosely, from ken kesey's novel, it pitches statutory rapist r.p. macmurphy (nicholson in his finest performance) into an asylum to be psychologically assessed. immediately, he starts a battle of ideologies with nurse ratched (a superb louise fletcher). the support cast, including danny de vito and christopher lloyd, are excellent. and the film is worth seeing just to find out why the words 'ah juicyfruit' are the most revelatory and uplifting in celluloid history. nicholson burns up the screen, and his macmurphy will burn into your memory forever. some people - including the horror writer stephen king - suggests the movie is so vivid that it is difficult after watching it, to go back to the book and see r.p. macmurphy in the same way. what you see ever after is nicholson's macmurphy, despite his interpretation not being quite what we find in the novel. and that takes some ability. personally, i think this movie is one of only a handful of examples where 'the film is better than the book,' if we have to compare and contrast the two very different art forms. milos forman presents us with a provocative, pyrotechnic display of film artistry and the whole thing is virtually flawless. even the music is haunting. a must!
Rating:  Summary: Funny, cheesy, tragig... Milos Forman's masterpiece! Review: Jack Nicholson and his anti-hero character is at their best in this wonderful drama-comedy. Other actors (Louise Fletcher and Danny De Vito for example) make good work too. I like the social message of the film; even the wackos have the same needs than we all. They wanna make some love, get drunk sometimes and have fun. Summa summarum, they are human-beings too. Despite some tragig events at the end of the movie, it makes me feel alive! One of the best films I've ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: Unfortiantly for the Movie..... Review: UNfortinatly for the movie I had read the book first... the book being Amazing, one of the best works in american, or world lit. I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I am tempted to give the movie more stars, but only cause Jack Nicholson did a 5 star perfomance, the only problem is the directing was horribal. some of the charecters were a bit off base compared to the book (which is ok) BUT, the book being as good as it was left the door of potentiel wide open for a great flick, Nicholson showed that it could of worked alot better. saying this is Nicholson's best perfomance is beleivable, But he has played some pretty damn good other roles... over all assesment, its worth the watch, and maybe a buy if the DVD went on sale somewhere, but get the book, book is worth more reads then the movie with watches..
Rating:  Summary: Capably directed, well performed, BAD adaption Review: Cuckoo's Nest includes the role Jack Nicholson was born to play, of course, and the strength of his performance has earned it more plaudits than it probably deserves. The direction, too, is solid enough; as an audience, we're immersed in the mental ward setting convincingly. There 's also a handful of very nice supporting actors around Jack. But I found this movie almost unwatchable. The problem I have is that whoever adapted the script from Ken Kesey's novel almost seems to have "lobotomized" (forgive the obvious use of that) the moral ambiguity of the thing. Nurse Ratched is the most radical case. In the book she's far more complex, because we're given a window into her conscience. That wouldn't have been impossible to do on film, but instead we're given a Ratched here who -- as other reviewers have mentioned -- becomes a sort of evil incarnate. Either you view her that way, or you end up wondering what the heck is motivating her. In the absence of some reasonable explanation for why she's doing what she is, Nicholson becomes the good guy and she's the bad guy, and the movie loses the central questions asked in the book. Count me among those who think this is a decent, but overrated, film. There seem to be a few of us.
Rating:  Summary: 5 Star Movie--3 Star DVD Quality Review: One of Hollywood's greatest films loses out in DVD adaption. Both picture and sound quality are much better in the VHS video version. -- Jack Nicholson shines in this comedy drama about a convict who chooses the 'nut-house' over the 'big-house', only to meet his Waterloo in a tough, emasculating nurse. A haunting look at life in an institution, nonetheless grimmly realistic. -- This is a five star movie, no question about that! The second of only 3 films to date to 'sweep the Oscars', winning in all 5 of the top categories! If you haven't seen it yet, don't miss this great movie, but you will be glad to pick the video version.
Rating:  Summary: A classic that deserves better from Warner Bros Review: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is one of the finest films I have ever seen. And I've seen a few. What a shame, then, that this masterpiece is presented so poorly on the much trumpeted 'superior' format. More on that later. There isn't much to say about this film that you haven't heard already. Director Milos Forman paints a savage picture of 1970s America, using the mental hospital setting as an allegory for a country that didn't know its arse from its elbow. There is much mirth to be enjoyed as Jack Nicholson's McMurphy navigates his way around the two-faced, manipulative institution, playing those in charge at their own game. Forman skillfully turns the tone on its head as McMurphy loses an unwinnable battle; his pointless and tragic end is heartbreaking. What strikes me most Cuckoo's Nest is how such a powerful film could be so damn entertaining - and funny. It's infuriating that Warner Bros put zero effort into giving this film the DVD presentation it deserves. The picture is no better than a good VHS tape and the sound has to be turned right up to be listenable. Unbelievably for an Oscar champion, there are no extra features of note. This is a pathetic disc and Warner Bros should seriously consider re-releasing it in an edition worthy of its greatness. Five stars for the film, one star for the disc.