Rating:  Summary: HIGHLY OVERRATED Review: My comments on this film are: slow, tedious, melodramatic. The battle scenes were very well done - pity the producers didn't just stick to those parts of the movie. When it came to the "at home" scenes with wives, family and friends - pure saccharine! Scratch the next two episodes!!
Rating:  Summary: I want 2 hours of my life back!!! They can keep the other 2! Review: OK, The movie is 4 hours long. I'll split that right down the middle. They can have 2 hours, BUT I WANT 2 BACK!!This movie was TERRIBLE! Like the others, I thought the trailers looked amazing. I went with my friend, who is a History teacher! He thought it was poor! Gods and Generals can't hold a flame to Gettysburg or Glory (which was a masterpiece). This movie rarely stayed on plot! I understand they want to get into to the minds of Jackson and Lee, but, come on' after watching Jackson (Lange) widdle wood for 10 minutes I got somewhat bored. And that was ONE OF MANY completely pointless parts of the film! 4 hours! WHAT DID THEY CUT OUT? Personally, this movie could have been 2 or 2.5 hours GENEROUSLY! The acting was pathetic! Aside, from Duvall, and Daniels. Duvall SHOULD be nominated for an Oscar, his portrayal of Robert E. Lee was UNBELIEVABLE! BUT ALL ACTING WAS LIKE THEY WERE READING STRAIGHT FROM THE NOVEL! The only parts they were not saying was the "He said,", "She said," parts. Adaptation of a novel, IT WAS THE NOVEL! Please, I beg of you, spare your life 4 hours, I'll bet you'll want it back!! PS---> If you've never heard the song, "The Bonnie Blue Flag" you will, when you watch this movie, and that SONG WILL BE WITH YOU FOR DAYS!!!! YOU CAN'T GET IT OUT OF YOUR BRAIN!! Not only did they steal 4 hours from me they left me with the ghost of a terrible song!! I think it's safe to say, I didn't like this movie. And I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts, I'm supposed to like this artsy stuff!
Rating:  Summary: Gods and Generals Review: I am a student of the civil war and have read several volumes on the war between the states, therefore I am looking for an acurate account of history. Gods and Generals did a fine job with the battle scences giving a vivid and realistic portrait of both the intensity of the battles as well as revealing the true character of those leading generals of the south such as "Stonewall" Thomas J. Jackson and Robert E. Lee. These men without question depended on the providence of God in all their battle stratagies. They were men of who digested large portions of the Bible. They were men of constant prayer and knew that they were Christians. They were fearless in expressing their faith in Christ to their fellow soldiers. They believed if they were to die on the battle field they would be instantly eschorted into heaven because of what their Savior did for them by dying a vicarious death. To them Jesus was their Lord and He secured their salvation on the basis of faith alone. They were gracious men because they were recipiants to God's grace. We need more movies of this spiritual caliber. Please keep such movies coming our way. Sincerely, Nick
Rating:  Summary: breathtaking Review: civil war buffs,your movie is here.This epic,although long,is worth it.detailed insight into the battles,and strategies of the generals,as well as thier interactions with each other.hopefully there will be a follow up with avenging angels,the first book written by this authors father,depicting gettysburg
Rating:  Summary: Gods and Generals Review: I just got home from seeing this movie for the second time. I was very moved by the movie and went into it knowing it was a different film than Gettysburg. The actors did an excellent job, but special accolades need to go to Stephen Lang for his portrayal of Stonewall Jackson. Bravo to the cast and crew! I can't wait until they do The Last Full Measure.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome!!! Review: This is possible the best civil war movie ever produced! The acting is amazing and the accuracy is even better. As a civil war reenactor perhaps I'm biased but my non-history loving friends found it just as amazing as me. Any person who says he or she wasn't moved when the two Irish Brigades fight at Fredericksburg are lying. I can't tell you how good this movie is. The only problem is that the producers spend to much time on Stonewall Jackson and not enough on the other characters. But the film is well worth the three hours it takes to see it! Can't wait for it to come out on DVD!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Blown Opportunity for an Epic Film Review: The Civil War era affords a great opportunity for filmmakers and audiences alike who want action, drama, tension, and all of the elements that make movies well remembered and worth watching throughout the generations. It is certainly a fascinating period of US History and thus warrants the Hollywood attention it has attracted in the past years. Gods and Generals fails, in every possible respect, to capture the mood and emotional tension of the Civil War, as overall quality must have seemed a fair trade for supreme historical accuracy. The script is certainly an important part of a movie; it delivers the character interaction and provides a gateway into understanding chemistry of various situations, as well as a means toward advancing the plot. Unfortunately, the script suffers from "Soliqui-tus." People do not in real life speak to each other in Soliloquy, and so, in a movie, a conversation will inevitably appear unnatural when characters exchange fifty line speeches. This such mode of communication epitomizes almost every scene in the movie, and remember that you won't be watching a Shakespearian work, where such theatrical modes enhance the quality of the art. In Gods and Generals, the oral theatrics is wholly devoid of anything that might be construed as emotionally gripping or believable, both the result of poor direction and editing decisions as well as a script bogged in over-extended, vaccous dialogue. Don't expect the battle scenes to redeem the film's other numerous theatrical shortcomings, either. The battles are more lame and disappointing than the plot. Instead of drama and energy, a torrential field of war fraught with death, blood and passion, the audience struggles to stay awake as unmotivated extras jog at each other and half-assedly pretend to be locked in the throes of deadly combat. The battles look like a movie Steven Spielberg made when he was a kid. The special effects are seriously wanting; there is no blood (this is a war movie, not a Disney Special), the cannonball and grapeshot explosions are entirely unconvincing. No one actually seems to die in the movie; they simply fall down. If it weren't for the fact that I've read a bit about the weaponry used in the Civil War, I wouldn't understand why explosions in the air were causing men on the group to collapse. They should have tried to explain some of these kinds of things. The actors should not be to blame, mind you; Daniels, Lang, and Robert Duvall all have established careers. Had the directing been better executed and the script wrought with some semblance of thoughtfulness concerning what makes a movie long-standing, I am certain that their roles would have shined. Bad camera angles, awful special effects, a poorly written and poorly thought-out script and lousy editing choices make this a painfully long four hour movie. Just imagine a movie that you really love, now imagine the farthest thing from it; you'll have Gods and Generals. Simply put: avoid this movie like the plague. Don't even waste your time renting it when it comes out. Thucydides of antiquity claimed that the recollection of history be useful. If you want to know more about the Civil War, I can recommend the movies Gettysburg or Glory, or even better read the Shelby Foote trilogy; whatever you do, DON'T watch this movie. Despite the intense historical accuracy, this movie is nothing more than a lesson in boredom.
Rating:  Summary: 4.5 stars out of 5 for this second of a series. Review: This movie like the new STar Wars series -starts before the first one (GettysBurge).The wide time spand makes the focus on battle short,most conflicts are just mentioned. The fight scenes are very good though.But where it lacks in fight it makes up for in story. The story starts after Ft. Sumtener and before:Lee and Virgina join the confederatce.It's focused charecter is "Stonewall"Jackson. The movie ends with the Battle of Chanslorville and the furneral for Jackson.Another focus of this movie -it defending the Souths point of view of fighting for there freedom -which seems too destrub some people and local cridics. It didn't bother me -I think this focus helped the story.It gave a common reference for both sides too talk about.
Rating:  Summary: What A Pleasant Surprise! Review: In an age where political correctness reigns supreme, what a thrill it was to see this epic motion picture in which the honorable intentions of BOTH sides were celebrate as were their courage and especially their faith in God. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Gods and Generals Review: Excellent Historical account of the Southern aspect of the War of Northern Aggression from First Manassas through Chancellorsville, realistically showing what the South was forced to endure. Supurb battle scenes depicting the human toll and suffering of both sides. Also the story of Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson of which Stephen Lang portrays magnificantly. Robert Duvall as General Robert E. Lee is equally convincing. I believe Director Ron Maxwell has out done himself with this movie.