Rating:  Summary: Safe and Predictable Review: The filmmakers took much creative license in portraying Nash's life and ultimately rob it of any realism or pathos. If you buy in to Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly's Hollywood makeover you are rewarded with a pretty conventional love conquers all story but this would have been a better film if it were told in a small way without the big budgets, beautiful actors and artificially sweetened ending.
Rating:  Summary: A Great movie Review: Whether or not there is entire truth in this movie in comparision to the real life of John Nash will not sway my feelings on this movie. Almost every movie made about "true events" is embellished in some way. That said, I really was quite engrossed by this film. Russell Crowe was in top acting form. He was simply amazing! John Nash, who I had never heard of until this movie, is a math/ecomonics wiz who is also a professor at Princeton University that has schizophrenia. Crowe's portrayal is stunning to watch. We see all his "delusions" as other characters in the film. I thought Ed Harris', who plays the Department of Defense guy, acting was downright awesome. Speaking of acting, Jennifer Connelly, who played John's wife, Alicia, was good. Although, I didn't think there was anything stunning about her performance that made her deserve an Oscar for best supporting role. Even with the sad subject matter about Nash's mental health, I thought "A Beautiful Mind" was one of the best movies from 2001. It was intriguing, and it told the story of Nash so wonderfully. It gives you a chance to see into the mind of a schizoprehnic, and how their lives and the lives of those around them are affected. Richie Cunningham has outdone all his other films, and I think he truly deserved his Oscar. Russell Crowe's acting is reason enough to watch this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Expected More Review: I heard that this was a great movie, so I decided to rent it. I was very disappointed with the movie. Most of the time, I couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't. I definitely would not recomment this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Superb acting and directing Review: The story is extraordinarily well-told and directed, and the extraordinary Russell Crowe never over-acts.Art is usually considered good if it creates a powerful effect that enlightens and enobles - and this film does that. It has been criticized for not detailing certain aspects of Nash's life and character, although a full character is developed in the story. At any rate, what Nash contributes to the world and achieves personally are brilliantly presented and are surely more important.
Rating:  Summary: A Dumb Bore Review: If they had an Academy Award for most-hyped movie, this one would win. It was dull. Period. I think Ron Howard's ego finally got the better of him. Looking at the trailer you probably got the impression this was a about a math genius who was working for the government and had some sort of mental disorder (at least that's what I thought). Without giving too much of the movie away, it's about a dull nerd who's lost in delusions. And I have to admit, I spent a lot of time fast forwarding, otherwise I would've ejected it. There was a scene in the beginning of the movie where professors perform some pen ceremony on a prestigious faculty member: they go up one at a time and place a pen in front of him and congratulate him. This scene takes place right after a dean just told the nutso star of this bomb he wasn't doing a good job as a student. Now you know at the end of the movie the nutso's going to get pens, too. Talk about telegraphing a scene to the audience. And many of the scenes were unnecessarily long...way too long. In summation: long, dull story. I would only recommend buying or renting this movie if you're an insomniac. It'll cure you.
Rating:  Summary: A different type of movie Review: The thing that I really liked about this movie was that it always held your attention and kept you guessing. The movie as a whole was very good. It was about the mathematical genuius, Professor Nash, who also suffered from skitzefrenia. I can't tell you too much more or else it will ruin the entire movie for you. I'm not sure it deserved all those Oscars it won or not, but I would definately recommend that you watch it. It's a very interesting movie and most people would enjoy watching it. Just make sure you have a lot of time, because it is a very lengthy movie.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Good Movie, But Review: This was a very good movie but I thought that is slowed a bit in the middle. Many have pointed out the fact that it is not historically correct and this seems to be true, but. In my opinion this movie is not about historical correctness, not about the fabricated love affair on screen and the left out affairs with men. BUT (there is that word again) this movie is exceptional with it's interpretation of how strong the human mind can be. The old 'mind over matter' is something that most people do not realize the strength of. John Nash had an incredibly strong mind and it shows him overcoming mental problems, with help from his love. I don't think this is quite realistic but it is a good presentation never the less. Buy it, rent it, but watch it for what it is. Not historically correct, not entirely what folks have said but something that can be enjoyed and make you think. Make you own choice after the viewing (and write a review)!
Rating:  Summary: Forget the true story. Review: I have never understood the panning of a film because it strays from the true story, so let's just get that out of the way. This is not an accurate portrayal of John Nash's life. That being said, let's look at the film as entertainment. The story concerns a man - a mathematician at Princeton - who lives in a world of delusions. He hallucinates and speaks to people who do not exist except to him. To him they are real and interact in his life in a positive and negative way. The scenes with Nash and the non-real characters are the most interesting part of the movie. When he is medicated to bring him back, or to keep him in our reality, he can no longer function in a world of academics and mathematics. A world he values. He makes the decision to stop the medication and live with his delusions. Most of the film takes place before he makes this decision and if there is a flaw in the film this is it. The many years that pass between stopping the medication and the Noble Prize award ceremony at the end zipped by like the roadrunner. I am certain Ron Howard meant for us viewers to wonder who was real and who was not real for as long as possible and I can't argue with that. It worked for me. The expression of love from John Nash to his wife in the audience at the award ceremony at the end of the film did not quite ring true for me as he was quite unlikable and nasty through most of the film. My wife, on the other hand, went through several tissues. Many tears were shed. The cast is first rate. Another nice Ed Harris and Christopher Plummer (soft spoken and menacing even as a good guy)performance, and if you compare Russel Crowe in Gladiator to the John Nash role in this film you will appreciate the fine job he does. I liked the movie. I was entertained and what more can you ask. Just go see it as a movie and not a true story and you might like it too.
Rating:  Summary: Crowe was robbed Review: I love Denzell Washington's work, including that in "Training Day", but his performance in that film was not the caliber shown by Russell Crowe in "A Beautiful Mind". Just outstanding work. I think Denzell Washington is an Oscar-quality actor, but in this case it seems that the Oscar was given to the most-liked actor instead of the best performance. That's a shame. Is Denzell Washington more likeable than Russell Crowe? Probably. Did Crowe make some unwise remarks prior to the Oscars? Most definitely. Should any of that have higher weight than his on-screen performance? Never. I hope Denzell wins another Oscar someday, free of the the political tarnish that seems to cover this one. But in my mind, the Oscar should've gone to Russell Crowe for a beautiful performance in "A Beautiful Mind".
Rating:  Summary: Superb Movie concerning Mental Illness!! Review: A Beautiful Mind is a superb movie portraying Russell Crowe as Bluefield West Virginia native Nobel Prize winner Science/Mathmatical Genius John Forbes Nash suffering from mental illness.PBS showed a documentary/biography on John Forbes Nash called "A Brilliant Madness" which is also available on DVD/VHS and highly recommended as a great addition to the movie.