Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE BEST OF ITS KIND Review: ... What I find most horrifying in movies is human sadness, tragedy. In other words, the depiction of characters we can identify with being forced to suffer at the hands of characters who feel no remorse for their actions. What's even more horrifying is when the viewer can actually care for or identify with the culprits. That's the kind of movie "Henry" is. What's really scary about this movie is that it dwells more deeply inside the psychology of a killer than any movie I've ever seen, and that once you get to know him...he's really not such a bad guy. This is somebody you might be seeing every day in a gas station or restaurant, wishing him a good day, and having him respond in kind. And then you part ways and go on with your lives. You know what you're going to do, but he could be going to do the things Henry does in this film. That's what's horrifying about this. The character of Otis is much more obviously demented, actually, than Henry : He just simply is one that would be rejected by society automatically. But Henry actually has good qualities. He seems human. Everybody in this movie seems human. And by the end of the film you get the sense that there is no human life Henry is capable of valuing enough for it to break through the sickness in his soul. It's painful, it's depressing, it's gut-wrenching, and it's very disturbing. It's like watching a real-life documentary of the type of person we hear about on the news constantly. I would put this on a list with my favorite horror movies. The list would also include "The Exorcist," "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre," "Last House on the Left," "The Blair Witch Project," and "Halloween." Like those movies and other favorites, what makes "Henry" so effective is that it's set in such a realistic setting. That's what makes the horror so, well, horrifying. It's damn good filmmaking. Interestingly, I know people who saw this film and weren't scared by it at all, or disturbed. I could never understand why, but I know people who had the same reaction to the other films I just mentioned. One time I insisted some friends of mine see this, telling them how horrifying it was, and they weren't impressed at all. One of them even said it wasn't as scary as Freddy Krueger. Interesting. Then another, who was more knowledgeable about the art of film, said something to the effect of : it could be the times we live in. I think he was onto something. More appropriately, some people expect spectacle from a horror movie. When they don't get it, they feel they were cheated, which is why "Blair Witch" had so many detractors. Most people I know who saw this movie told me it really got to them. Like "Chainsaw Massacre" and "Last House," it's a little too real for many people's good. And like those, I had to prepare myself to watch it. You should too. And know that it could upset you greatly.
Rating:  Summary: Honest but Disturbing Review: The best thing about this movie is how honest it is. This movie is not like the glamourized versions we usually see. This is more like reality that is documented in many works. In order of uneasiness, I would place "Silence of the Lambs" as moderate, "Seven" as disturbing and "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer" as very disturbing. Most slasher movies are a joke -- mostly comical and for someone who likes to walk up and say "boo" to scare people. Real life, however, it much different. These are the types of thoughts that make people's skin crawl. The actors were excellent, which is more astonishing given the low budget. If you have the stomach for it, this is a must-see movie.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, bad DVD... Review: Let me just start by saying I liked the movie. Interesting plot, if a bit short. Both Michael Rooker and the guy who played Otis did a great job.Now, I rented this DVD from Blockbuster. It MAY have just been a bad copy, but the quality of this DVD was terrible. The sound was out of sync repeatedly throughout the movie. I'm talking wicked bad. Very poor. I would consider buying this movie, but not if all of the DVD's have this flaw.
Rating:  Summary: This Reeks!! Review: Who cares if it is reality, this movie isn't scary, unsettling, or disturbing in any way. These reality horror fans alienate gore films, but did you know, that gore is a real thing! I don't belong to any genre of horror, but to be honest, this [is bad]. It is a waste of time. It's boring! There is nothing scary about this reality genre. It's an excuse used by the directors, because in reality they couldn't deliver any shocks, or scares. That is the reality of reality horror films. They [are bad], and that's all there is to it. Don't buy it. Thank you for saving yourself from a mindless boring movie like this one. ...
Rating:  Summary: Terrifying Review: Michael Rooker is absolutely terrifying in this role. He embodies the kind of serial killer who walks around unobserved like .... Remember John Wayne Gacy? Or what about the Red Light District murders? Or that handsome guy who was executed in Florida, but who murdered and raped hundreds of women? A disturbing film.
Rating:  Summary: "There Once was a Boy named Henry ; who loved to indulge .. Review: The [forthcoming] 'Hannibal' trilogy looks like 'Sound of Music' outtakes compared to this - virtually hand-held, fit to your screen format, washed-out color, scratchy sound here and there, and a quite, quite, terrifying splintered vision of mayhem - USA style. Unlike the Ed Gein [Norman Bates] comment about the victims - 'Don't know whether to make love to them or to consume them' - our Henry 'only' kills - that's it - no further hanky-panky... and no Charlie Bronson to save the day. The home-invasion scene even tops 'Clockwork Orange' - raw, nasty and unforgiving in its clinical perfection. [They're not too bright a duo - slightly slapstick Laurel and Hardy manic style [that moment with the 'hot' TV guy], so not sure how many clues are left at the scene or how unenlightened the police might be here....] It's the 'friend / brother' OTIS - Tom Towles, who impresses most, a ravenous animal - out for blood, there's no stopping this one. Michael Rooker? Slightly Norman Bates-ish but fortunately not a trophy hunter, and then the utter mental desolation of Tracy Arnold - 'just can't help lovin dat man'. Reminds strongly of "Straight on 'till Morning" - another 'must see'. ABSOLUTELY not for the young or impressionable.
Rating:  Summary: PLEASE! Review: James O'Blivion, just obviously doesn't like getting scared in movies, so he won't try to take them seriously, so that he won't get scared. Poor sap. If you just see films as films, why see them at all. How boring would that be. Go seek help from a 5 year old and ask him how to use your imagination. Anyway, this film stinks. Wasn't scary, just down right hillarious. It isn't disturbing at all, these people who gave it a good review, want to sound like intelligent film viewers, well you all failed and now I think of you as idiots. This isn't scary, and I really wanted it to be. The only film that really stuck with me a long time was The Exorcist. Remember to leave all expectations at the door, wich you should do for any movie you see, and keep an open mind, but try not to act like someone important. This movie bites, and should be considered a comedy, because it is so funny. The only thing scary about it is the FBI warning!
Rating:  Summary: Want to see a real horror show? Review: As soon as I had finished watching "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer" I was not sure what to make of it right away. If this movie dose not bother you in some way, shape, or form I can not think of what will. As you can probally gess from this attention-getting title, Henry: Portait of a serial Killer is not for the easly offended. There are many sceens which depicked graphic, spellbinding and realistic theams of voilence which make it obvious why the film was rated X at the time and still remains unrated today. Its also the kind of piece of filmaking that leaves the veiwer planty things to say about it in the end. The final sceen in the movie itself pack an unexpected twist at the that is sure to be talked about and won't leave your mind after you watching it. Both performances by Micheal Rooker and Tracy Arnold are very good. Seeing other movies that Micheal Rooker has done before this, I was suprised to see how sinister and good his performance in "Henry" really was.
Rating:  Summary: Portrait In Black. Review: God, I hated this film. I decided when I started writing my opinions of movies, (yes, I know... they're just my OPINIONS), that I would only write about my favorites, why waste space on something I didn't like? But this movie so repulsed me, I'm still mad I wasted 90 minutes. I consider myself liberal, open-minded, against censorship, pro "artistic freedom", etc....but this film almost turned me into Nancy Reagan. The title says it all. It is a "portrait" of a serial killer and the sickos in his life, and their conscienceless exploits. The scene where they terrorize an innocent family and rape and kill the mother in front of her subdued little boy, all while they film it for later kicks, is enough to make me vomit still. If you find this entertainment, then you need help, or at least some new hobbies. I'm not against violence in films when it's pertinent to the story as a whole, but I still can't figure out why anyone would have even wanted to pursue this project. I made the mistake of watching it. If you're a person (and sane) who wants to get so depressed that you'll feel like crawling under a rock, watch this "entertainment". Otherwise, throw it in the garbage, where it belongs. There...that's my ONE negative review.
Rating:  Summary: THERE'S A LITTLE HENRY IN ALL OF US Review: I finally saw this movie last week and I must say this is one truly great movie. I think what I liked most about the film was the realism. No monsters, cannibals, or aliens. Just a regular guy who is completly out of his mind. I guess the best way to sum up the movie is that as a young boy Henry was abused by his mother. She used to have sex with different men all the time and force Henry to watch. If he didn't watch she would beat him. Sounds like a nice lady huh? Anyway I guess that screwed him up pretty good and he started killing people. The reason for my title really only relates to one part. Henry and Ottis(his buddy who joins him in some of the killings)go to see a big fat slob who sells video equiptment and tv's. When the guy won't sell them a color tv for only fifty bucks, Henry and Ottis say never mind and were going to leave. But the fat slob starts putting them down and calling them names, just being a real d%*k. So, as so many of us who has run-ins with these type of jerks would love to do, Henry and Ottis kill the guy in a really cool way. I don't want to give away to much. But on the other hand, like in the situation with the innocent family, you wish the same would happen to Henry and Ottis themselves. This is a excellent movie, well made for a low budget film, and very realistic. I am pretty much a jaded horror fan but this one got to me a little. Just because it could be the guy next door or somebody you've known all your life doing these things. Great for a saturday night with a few beers. Oh, just a brief note on another movie I just won on e-bay. If you can sit through a movie with subtitles, try to get a copy of "Red to Kill" on dvd. It is a orential movie but the acting is great and the maniac is really disturbing and believable. It is one sick flick. The only reason I'm mentioning this other movie is that I haven't seen a "bad guy" in a long time that was as nasty and derranged as this one. You can find this movie real cheap on e-bay. I think I paid seven or eight bucks for it. Anyway get Henry and check it out, you won't be disapointed.