Rating:  Summary: Fateful Encounter Review: RUN@AWAY@BRIDE@@@@ I watched this movie at a movie theater in the USDThis is a story of a woman (Maggie) who have a fear of marriage and a man (Ike), a journalist, who tries to feature her fear in the news, fall in love in a short time. Even though he knows that she has a fear of marriage, he gets engaged to her. And at a wedding, she runs away from him for the fear. Finally, they make a match of it. At the beginning, they hate each other. Maggie hates Ike, because he thinks their marriage as a trickery, and tries to feature her fear in the news. On the other hand, he hates her as an obstinate woman at first, but, through the interviews with her, the more he knows about her, the more he is attracted to her. She also is attracted to him. Seeing the movie I think that unexpected things will happen in our life. Until they meet, each of them has not had any romantic relationships, but since the day, she finds that she has changes her feeling for him and her heart becomes full of him. I think that love is wonderful. It shows what I call love and fateful encounter.
Rating:  Summary: Gere Takes The Comical "Rainbow Hair" Trick From Roberts. Review: After changing her mind about marriage at the altar so many times that a young woman (Roberts) attracts the attention of a reporter (Gere) who investigates her case, as yet another groom (Meloni) has popped the question.
Rating:  Summary: 2 hours of my life...wasted! Review: I was dragged kicking and screaming to this one by a lady friend. I have actually found a few chick-flicks watchable and mildly entertaining, but found this one especially cheeky, corny, and predictable. An excrutiating looong 2 hours!
Rating:  Summary: Julia Roberts has done it again! Review: One of her best movies has arrived... Runaway Bride! After the huge sucess of pretty women...Roberts and Gere come again in this excellent hit. Everyone in town is crazy about it. Liked Notting hill, stepmom, my best friend's wedding, and pretty women? Well then you'll love this light comedy. I think all her movies are grrrrreat! You like her too? Then you'll love this. I think she acted really good in this. -----------------------AHMED MASHHOOD----------------------------
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining Review: This is a good chic flick, that you do not mind watching with your significnt other. They do not capture all the essence that occured in there first film portrayed. But there is still chemistry on screen; and you can fell. Joan Cussac steals her scenes.Part of the "Lady in Red" spporting staff are in this this fill. You can tell they wanted us to feel that this was the same type of draw emotionally as "Lady in Red'/ Though marshall did a good job directing. Overall the movie is fun, entertaining and has a good sundtrac.
Rating:  Summary: Catch her before she runs away Review: "Runaway Bride" was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. Ike Graham (Richard Gere) is a reporter who is famous for writing notorious stories about women in the USA Today. He is assigned to write a story about Maggie Carpenter's (Julia Roberts) famous antics at weddings. Maggie is known for almost getting married and then at the last second, running away from the wedding. Soon she meets Ike in person and both good and bad things take off from there. "Runaway Bride" is somewhat like Pretty Woman, but it's a little different. For one thing "Runaway Bride" has a lot more comedy. The story is intriguing and you'll be wondering when Maggie is gonna make her next runaway, or if she'll ever get married and not run away. Julia Roberts and Richard Gere do a great job of acting and they have a good supporting cast. That along with an interesting plot make this a good movie and I recommend anybody to watch "Runaway Bride" when you get a chance, it's a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great Romantic Comedy Review: Although there were references to this movie being like "Pretty Woman", I glad to see that it is nothing like that movie. This movie stands on it's on and is still able to pair two great actors that clearly work well together. Being filmed in a small eastern shore town in Maryland made this film even more enjoyable for me since I hail from that State. It also provided great scenary without using typical Hollywood backdrops. Gere's character is one of sureness....and willing to take a chance at any cost with Roberts' flaky character. And although these two actors are wonderful in this movie, in my opinion, it's the supporting cast that really shines. They provide most of the comedy. Is it a chick flick? Sure....but one that most guys probably won't mind sitting through.
Rating:  Summary: Fun Review: This was a fun harmless film. It was certainly better than the dreadful dreadful PRETTY WOMAN. At least Gere and Roberts did something decent this time around. And I enjoyed seeing one of my friends from junior high and high school play one of the grooms Julia ran away from. (If it had turned you into a movie star, Reggie, I would have been jealous! But since it was just a an incidental role, it was fun seeing you after all these years up there on the screen.) I'm suprised at all the one star review for this movie, when worse movies get better ratings. This is a soft piece of work, but it's still fun.
Rating:  Summary: Not What I Was Hoping For Review: This movie missed so many chances to be funny and have more romance. I found it hard to watch Julia for she looked very thin and tired. She has made better movies and so has Richard Gere. I think the story line could have been better for the both of them. It needed more fun and humor to be a good movie. Julia and Richard are great actors, this movie just didn't do anything for their acting abilities. Guess I was just expecting more for them to be humorous and romantic.
Rating:  Summary: 2 hours of your life you'll never get back Review: I think there reaches a point in the lives of many a movie star, where they get too big for their britches and decide, "Gee, I'm so famous. Everyone loves me. My movies are always the best. I get paid millions per picture." I have had it about up to here (imagine my hand at eye level) with Julia Roberts. I am of the firm belief that beauty and charm do not an actor make. Allow me to expound on some of the sickeningly contrived plotline for you. We first meet Ike Graham (Richard Gere), a columnist for USA Today, whose inspirations for his column come very last minute, and often as a result of an interesting conversation with a tavern drunk. The audience tags along on just such a day when Ike learns from a barstool companion about a girl from his hometown who has left somewhere in the neighborhood of seven or eight men at the alter. Fast forward, Ike writes a woman-bashing article about the hometown girl, Maggie Carpenter (Julia Roberts) which is nothing short of slanderous. She takes umbrage with this bit of irresponsible journalism and fires off a letter, stating she has left three men at the alter and is planning to wed soon, attempt number four. She also attacks other aspects of his article, point by point. One must ask....wouldn't this person have people above him in the chain of command at USA Today who would never have allowed such reckless journalism to go unchecked? Never fear, justice prevails! Per the recommendation of legal counsel, USA Today kicks blasphemer Graham out on his can. Although, his editor probably deserved some kind of reprimand as well. Even big shot columnists need to remember, sticks and stones may break your bones, but WORDS can hurt just as badly. So, licking his wounds, Graham goes after the REAL story about Maggie Carpenter, black widow of brides. He is seeking to redeem his good name when he makes the trek to Hale, Maryland. Idiotic premise number one: since when does rural America mimic a Norman Rockwell painting? As a denizen of rural Iowa, I am disgusted with the Hollywood stereotype of small towns. Not everyone drives a tractor around town, not everyone knows everyone else, and not every small business owner hangs a cute little homemade sign in their shop window that says, "Be back in five minutes" so they can go see Earl at the corner barbershop for a quick shave and a haircut. A good example of Hollywood's rural misconception is another Julia Roberts flick, Sleeping With The Enemy. This story took place in Cedar Falls, Iowa. A town I know and love, having been born there and having finished my elementary school years there. Cedar Falls is a town of about thirty-five thousand, in addition to being home to the University of Northern Iowa, which boasts a student body of nearly fifteen thousand. Yet, in that lame movie, there are bright smiling people standing around with their cows watching the American flag being raised in the town square. Gimme a break. Last time I checked, many towns have a leash law for dogs. Taking your favorite bovine for a stroll downtown is not in the cards folks. Idiotic premise number two: a woman who repeatedly leaves men at the alter is still loveable and cute, just a little mixed up. Hello? I thought about going to www.shrink.com to find out what a psychologist might have to say about such a person. But, I thought the better of it and asked a psychologist friend, actual real live guy, and asked him. Is a woman who repeatedly leaves men standing at the alter screwed up in the head? YES! He didn't use the phrase "screwed up in the head", that's what I said, he said some doctor stuff that I'm not smart enough to recall, but he basically concurred with my observation that Julia Roberts' character is cuckoo for cocoa puffs (this, also, is not a technical term according) and in need of some therapy. Idiotic premise number three: Julia Roberts and Richard Gere only make great movies. Those two together in a film doesn't necessarily mean the movie is going to be any good. It might make a lot of money, sure, but as for artistic integrity, not one iota. You may be hoping to see an updated, slightly different version of their first go-round Pretty Woman. While Pretty Woman was a stretch story-wise and basically cornball, it was well-thought out and endearing anyway. The mega stars seemed to put a little more stock in that one, with well-rounded characters and following the story through to the end. Runaway Bride seems to have been an ant at a picnic for Gere and Roberts. Annoying, but not much they can do about it, so continue on with the picnic. Their acting is without conviction and about as multi-dimensional as a piece of paper. In a nutshell, Runaway Bride is a predictable, blah movie. There are some nice moments but they don't come often enough to pick things up.