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A Guy Thing

A Guy Thing

List Price: $14.95
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: typical young romantic comedy
Review: There's nothing in this movie that hasn't been done a million times before. Very predictable and too much attempted humor that falls flat. A few funny parts here and there if this is the first romantic comedy you've ever seen in your life. I gave this movie 2 stars because of the very talented lead actors, Jason Lee and Julia Stiles. Normally they choose their movies a little better. Selma Blair seems to fit here role perfect. She's a good actress, but all her charactors are basically the same. If it weren't for these actors, this movie would only get 1 star.
Jason Lee plays a guy who got drunk at his bachelor party and wakes up with one of the dancers. (Julia Stiles) She happens to be the cousin of the bride (Selma Blair). That's basically all you need to know to figure out how the entire movie plays out.
There are tons of better romantic comedies out there. Invest elsewhere.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Lame! Boring!
Review: This is one fo the most ridiculous movie ever made. Just plain stupid. Lucky I just rented it. But it is a waste of time just sitting through this. There were very few laughs. Bomb of the decade. keeplooking.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Poor plot, screenwriters should be barred from writing
Review: This is one fo the most ridiculous movie ever made. Just plain stupid. Lucky I just rented it. But it is a waste of time just sitting through this. There were very few laughs. Bomb of the decade. keeplooking.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Just because Julia Stiles is in it
Review: This is yet another by the numbers effort from Hollywood. Why is it that every "romantic comedy" we see these days involves the same elements over and over? How familiar does this sound? Boy is engaged to girl. Boy meets new girl. Boy gets involved with new girl and tries to keep it from fiancee. Boy gets to know new girl and finds out she is not too bad. In the end, boy must choose which girl to be with.

Ho hum. Five minutes in, I knew what the ending would be. Along the way, there is the requisite number of sight gags and sex jokes, like having to stash someone's underwear somewhere in the apartment where the fiancee would not find it. Do you think it will get found? Please. How about a priest living across the hall who happens to show up to look disapprovingly whenever something lurid is happening? (that's pretty often) By the way, no points for guessing that he will magically be the priest chosen to be at the "big" wedding scene at the end.

The only redeeming quality about the movie is the cast, particularly Julia Stiles as Becky(new girl) and Selma Blair as Karen(fiancee) The twist here is that they are cousins, so it's all in the family. Stiles is fun to watch and seems to really carry every scene she is in. Blair, who is often cast as a real beast in her movies, could have seemed more sympathetic than the script allows her to be Maybe that's so Jason Lee's choice will be easier in the end.

All in all, nothing special at all. You've seen it a thousand times before and you'll see it again. I just hope movies will get back to trying to develop characters and a good plot line and not just depend on the same tired jokes over and over.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Comedy!
Review: This movie is one of the best comedies I have seen in a long time. Very fast paste not many slow or boring scenes at all.Sure its predictible but it is still loads of fun with surprising funny stuff. I liked it when he got the crabs and had to go buy medicine at the drug store....that was funny! Its also a very romantic comedy. A little cursing but nothing 'nasty'.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Save your money!
Review: This movie is only missing four things. Unfortunately, those four things are humor, plot, characters, and intelligence. I was left sitting in the theater asking myself, "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?"
I don't want to give away too much, but when one of the major gags is hiding under coats at a party with your legs showing and then pretending to be asleep when discovered, this is bad!
I left the theater with one overwhelming thought, "There went an hour and fourty minutes of my llife I'll never get back."

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Incredible
Review: This movie is very funny.

Paul and his girlfriend are getting married and Paul's friends throw him a bachelor party with hookers. Paul gets really drunk, and the next morning wakes up with one of the girls in his bed. He throws her out of his apartment thinking he will never see her again.

Several days later he goes to his fiences house for dinner and as it turns out the girl in his bed is his fience's cousin. He keeps on bumping into her and also trys not to let his fience know what happened.

As the big day draws near Paul finds himself more attracted to his fiences cousin, but feels that he has to go on with the wedding. What happens? well just watch the movie and find out

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A Predictable Thing
Review: This movie is worth watching if you have a few hours to spare but don't fall over yourself to catch it.

The story is supposed to be a funny romantic comedy but it is only partially that at best. It begins with a bachelor party and a would-be-groom waking up next to a hula dancer at the same time that his fiancé is coming over. How many times has this story been told? From here it only gets more and more predictable, the dancer is part of the fiancé's family, the parents of the couple are opposites (one rich, the other poor), crazy friends fall about complicating things and it all gets very confusing if it hadn't ever been done before. The movie is filled with lewd jokes that are grosser than they are funny, like crotch-itching, dirty underwear and a spell with the runs. There are just too many other movies that work and are held together by the same concepts with better stars and better writing.

Julia Stiles plays the dancer and I was disappointed in her comedic ability, she is such a good serious actress I could never figure out why she chose this role. The doomed groom is played by Jason Lee who falls far short of the great leading man category. Selma Blair works as the worried fiancé but her role is really boring. A few others add a bit of whimsy to the cast but nothing significant.

I would recommend spending your time and money on "Meet the Parents" or "My Best Friend's Wedding" if you are looking for really funny wedding films. Otherwise this will do if you have no imagination and expect less than the best from romantic comedies, it certainly isn't this girl's thing!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: ~Makes ALL guys look like losers~
Review: This movie looked good when I first saw it at the video store. I had hoped it would be an enjoyable film but I was so dissapointed. I mean the way they portrayed men was just TERRIBLE! The movie made it seem as if it's "ok" to cheat because it's "The Hunt." It was so ridiculous.

All the lies and betrayal were NOT funny! How can some guy trying to lie to his soon-to-be bride about waking up with some woman in his bed be comical? Ladies this film is demeaning! All you good men out there with morals, this is demeaning!

I found NOTHING funny about this movie. I kept thinking that since it was just so ridiculous that at the end Julia Stiles' character wouldn't go for the character of Jason Lee because of all the craziness and lies that went on.

The only good thing was that Selma Blair's character found some "good" guy at the end of the movie but he obviously wasn't a great guy to everyone because it was his brother's ex fiance he had been in love with all this time!

I love funny movies but I found it ridiculous to think that a female cousin would lie to another female cousin about something as serious as marriage. This movie made marriage look like a joke instead of a loving lifelong commitment.

I gave it a 1 because it makes people look like nothing but selfish liars! I love Selma Blair and Julia Stiles' movies but this one was just a waste! I can't wait to see these two talented young women do a film worthwhile again. Also Jason Lee is a good actor as well but this film really took down what status he had.

For a funny film about weddings try Just Married or American Wedding! Don't waste your time and money!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Lame! Boring!
Review: This movie was like every other movie! A guy having trouble with a girl that's he's going to get married to. It's lame and I don't recommend it to anybody. I wish they would come up with something new and not always the same crap in every movie.

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