Rating:  Summary: Good reason to sign your organ donar card. Review: This is a definite chick movie (I should know since I'm one and I liked it). It is a love story about a man and woman who fall in love without know that they have one thing in common. The woman has the transplanted heart of the man's dead wife. It's a gimmick, and it is predictable but if you like happy endings and a good feeling after the movie ends (like on a date), I recommend it. The minor characters of the movie (the old folks) are crusty and cute too.
Rating:  Summary: Return To Me Review: A very talented director, screenwriter, producer, and actor was involved in this movie. It is about time we no longer need to mention the sex of directors, screenwriters, producers, etc. since obviously talent has only to do with the ability of the person. The person is this case is Bonnie Hunt who did all of the above. The script is alive with very down-to-earth witticisms that made the audience I was among laugh loud and often. Not only was it incisive, but also it did so with common decency that got the point across and did not need to stoop low in order to give a thoroughly enjoyable nearly two hour meeting with these people. I feel I know most of the characters very well like friends. Even the horrid 'blind date' had enough time to develop a persona such as most people will instantly recognize. Few scripts can be both entertaining, colloquial, easily understood, and seem to love (most) of the persons in the story. This one did just that. This script should be an example to others. There was none of that instant change that so many stories contrive and deal to us as real. This was most telling when Grace finally tells her secret and Bob has a hard time accepting that secret. A bad script would have him immediately embrace Grace. That most likely would not happen in real life and it did not here. Cinematography was outstanding with most of the scenes close up those few wide vistas were all the more compelling, set decoration helping to create moods conducive to the specific scene. All the actors played their parts to wonderful effect. After the movie was over you could view them as if they needed to be just as they were. They seemed to fit the part and live it. They were also clothed appropriately, not like so many "Hollywood" movies that have to have models instead of actors. These actors were telling a story that was moving and had comedy and tragedy entwined into one complete tale. I can highly recommend this movie to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Return to Me Review: Although this movie was entertaining and a cute romantic comedy it lacked substance. In a word it was corny. Although David Duchovny is a "hottie" and Minnie Driver is a "cuttie" I wouldn't even waste my time on it even as a video rental.
Rating:  Summary: What a wonderful film! Romantic Commedy at its finnest! Review: What a wonderful film! Romantic Commedy at its finnest! I was pleseantly surprised with the high quality acting, both in the commedy, romantic, and dramatic scenes. I found myself wanting to cry, laugh, and be in love all at the same time! Every member of this cast was wonderful! Every line was spoken with pure brilliance! Way to go! Bottom line: Return to Me rocks!
Rating:  Summary: An intelligent love story? Could it be? Review: Absolutely! This is a smart, tightly-written, and utterly enjoyable film. We've loved Bonny Hunt for years, and were quite impressed with her directorial debut (as well as her writing -- wow!). The entire theater alternated between uncontrollable laughter and wistful sighing! No kidding. It was chock full of intelligent humor, as well as believable poignancy. Not a bit of triteness -- it was extremely fresh! Great performances by everyone. Terrific casting (we enjoyed seeing some of the former cast members of the Bonny Hunt Show). All in all, it was delightful. And, nobody can improvise like Bonny Hunt. Pretty darn great.
Rating:  Summary: Return To Me Review: Definitely a "chick flick". But an enjoyable viewing with a happy ending. Leaning heavily to the trite side, it slams practically every politically correct button including: treatment of zoo animals, endangered species, organ donation, as well as encompassing the ideal that love eternal will not be denied. A suprise showing from Duchovny as a leading man; this is a tough transition from "X-Files". But the role itself, as written, is weak and a poorly developed character. Duchovny does his best with what he is given, and aside from being upstaged by a dog plays a wonderful guy-next-door. (But such a nice guy would never survive in the world of building/construction.) What makes the movie worthy of seeing is the surrounding cast members; I hesitate to say 'supporting' cast because what humanity that is brought to this film directly stems from the seasoned skills of these people. Collectively they bring humor and grace to some very difficult subjects - death, the gift of life, and depth of love for others. While I do not think it is Academy Award material, it is entertaining and uplifing in its handling of serious issues. And if it is commercially successful enough to bring the issue of organ and tissue donation to our national forefront, then all of the people involved in this film deserve our collective thanks. PS - To those reading this review: Please consider signing an organ donor card today. And tell your family of your request to be an organ donor. There are over 60,000 people waiting for organs . . . and the next name on that waiting list may be somebody you love.
Rating:  Summary: Finally a good movie without any sex or violence Review: I realize how difficult it may be to believe that someone has produced a good movie that actually does not have any sex or violence. In fact, the profanity is utilized in small measured doses to ellicit laughs. It is not used for shock value, nor is it an integral part of the characters' speech patterns. Aside from a few trite and overused plot devices this was an amazing, funny yet wholesome movie. It is very refreshing to see a good comedy that also demonstrates the warmth and caring that is so vital an ingredient in our daily lives. Kudos to everyone involved in this production! I encourage everyone to go out and see this movie at least once. Go with someone you care about. You will not be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Sweet & sentimental, but wonderfully fun Review: About 10 minuts into this movie when you meet the brave young woman, Grace (Minnie Driver) waiting for a new heart, you know prety much how the rest of the movie is going to go - The passionate young Zoo vet who you just left at a trumphant fund raiser, is going to be killed,Grace is going to get her heart, and through a series of twists of fate, her handson sucessful husband (David Duchovny)- but do not let that keep you away."Return to Me" does what so many movies fail to do. It takes a rather tired and predictable plot and transforms it into a wonderfully sweet and sentimental film. It does this in part because of a top quality supporting cast of character actors, and a fine performance by Ms. Driver and Mr. Duchovny (Who does prove there is life after Fox Mulder, something his other movies have left in doubt.) Bonnie Hunt, who also makes her directorial debut with this film, as Grace's married, and aparently quite fecund, best friend and James Belushi as her slightly over whelmed, but loving husband, make a frantic but happy couple Carrol O'Connor plays Grace's grandfather, the owner of an Irish-Italian neighborhood resterant. His accent may be a little over the top, but to an Irish American like my self his character is dead on target, especially his scene in the chapel while he is praying for his grandaughter durring her heart transplant, and the later scene when he tells her that God only sends troubles to those he knows are strong enough to take them. "Return to me" may not be an Ocsar contender, but it is the kind of movie I personally would like to see more of, romantic, funny and completely enjoyable. Since my husband, who is a tougher sell than I am, also enjoyed the movie, I think it is more than just a "chick-flick". This should be the big "date" movie of the spring.
Rating:  Summary: Kudos, Bonnie Hunt! Review: Return To Me is a wonderful mix of amazing writing, great acting and excellent directing and cinematography. Kudos to Bonnie Hunt on all three! I was concerned that David Duchovny wouldn't be up to such a role, but he is the perfect leading man. Minnie Driver is as fantastic as ever, as are Carroll O'Connor and Robert Loggia (and their two friends, whose names I don't know -- those four were hysterical). James Belushi also turns in a well-wrought perfomance. Although mostly a very charming and funny film, Return to Me also has some heartwrenching moments. My wife and I loved it, and I only hope that the final version remains intact. Most films in this genre seem to be about 90 minutes long, and this one is a full two hours. Nevertheless, I loved every scene, every moment. I sincerely hope that it arrives in theaters as is -- don't cut anything out!
Rating:  Summary: Just Romance and laughs Review: This movie starts a little slow as it sets up the plot, but once it gets going, there are lots of warm laughs as a couple finds love and romance in an Irish-Italian restaurant. The strength of this movie is not the plot, which is predictable, but in the supporting cast, led by Carroll O'Conner, who gave a warm and interesting performance. Good date movie, and if your date has been your mate for a good number of years, you will both enjoy it thoroughly.