Rating:  Summary: TERRIBLE Review: This film is a complete waste of time. There is absolutely no plot, which results in nothing more than watching uninteresting characters get wasted at concerts. The movie's message is completely unoriginal. How many films have we all seen where rebellious kids grow up and find out that they can no longer identify with a youth culture? Nothing new. The characters are bland and one-dimensional, preventing any interest in their "struggle". Although I am not a punk, if the entire culture consists of wearing ugly clothes and trying to get by without working, then I think I'm better off for it. This culture and movement should consist of intellectuals concerned with figuring out how to create change in the issues that concern them and developing organization within the culture in order for all involved to survive without having to join the system. The characters in this movie are not punk. They are bored, rich, spoiled kids who need attention and have nothing better to do than "rebel". Its no wonder that the main character ends up selling out because he got scared by the image of seeing one his friends end up homeless, begging for change. He didn't realize that the movement was unrealistic, he simply realized that he was a poser all along. Usually I find good aspects even in bad movies. Unfortunately, this movie had none. Unless youre a bored youth who is a punk because you wanted to be "different", steer clear of this waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, who cares what you think Review: There's this soliloquy Stevo delivers in the movie (one of many, most of which are hilarious and truthful) where he rejects the kind of innane territorialistic criticism often displayed in Punk reviews that appear on Amazon: British punk came first (Stevo's response: who cares), American punk came first (who cares), you're a poser and I'm not (who cares), you're not wearing the right punk outfit or listening to the right punk music (who cares). You get the idea. Don't trust the reviews from the people who review this movie and say it's not punk enough. What kind of criticism is that for a movie. Although I think it is an authentic portrayal of punk in the 80s, that's not important. I know it may not be hardcore enough for the hardcores, vegetarian enough for the vegetarians, socialist enough for the socialists, 1977 enough for the Very Old Schoolers, etc. etc. (AN ASIDE: If you want the "real thing", why not watch documentaries like Decline of Western Civilization, D.O.A., Another State of Mind, Unheard Music, or better yet, kill your TV and live in a squat). But the fact of the matter is it is an excellent movie with astute observations. Does anyone else see a similarity between this flick and Scotland's "Trainspotting". Same energy, same sense of humor, same "collection of stories" feel, same sense of more than meets the eye storytelling. If you liked Trainspotting, and have an open mind, you'll like this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Growing Up Punk Review: SLC Punk accurately portays "growing up punk" for most small town punk kids - in the 80's and today. Stevo is the type of punk I knew in my days as a punk/goth. Thoughtful, smart, generally kind and deeply soul searching. This movie is a wonderful trip through the actual formation of Stevo's adult life. It's shares the same sort of questions that most teens/young adults go though - "Who am I? What am I doing here? Why do I have to be this way? Is there a higher purpose for me, for life?" but, unlike most other deep teen movies, this one does it with much humor and some really great acting. In some people's opinions, Stevo "sold out". He didn't sell out, he grew up. We all grow up, we all leave our outer shell behind, but we never lose the inner core of how we think, even if it evolves and shapes through the years. I too would probibly be very disappointed in my self if my teen self was looking back at me now. To me, this movie is one of the few movies that actually comes close to chronicalling what it was like for me as a teen to grow up "different". I love this movie because it's events, feelings and deep self-questioning mirrored my own at the time. And if I'm a posuer, so be it.
Rating:  Summary: The bestest darn move u will ever see: SLC Punk Review: this is the best movie in the world! i love it i love it i love it! matthew lilard is my favorite actor along with michael goorjian. so it makes it perfect that they're both in it! it's hilarious, and i can relate to it perfectly. (i'm a punk, too.) i just saw it one night on the IFC channel and i fell in love with it. u guys will love it, because it's funny, serious, and it reminds me of my own life a lot. the soundtrack kicks ass too! it has some of the best songs i've ever heard.
Rating:  Summary: great movie unlike others Review: If you like punk you'll love this movie. It has an awesome soundtrack and is a badass movie. Check it out. I bet you'll love it!
Rating:  Summary: suburban angst at it's best Review: SLC Punk is an increadible movie. It depicts the 'punk rock' movment *of the eighties* increadibly well. This is Stevo's journey through life, and death. It shows his personal growth, and how as we grow as people not just our appearences, but belife systems fluctuate. This was sort of an inside, clip by clip veiw of his growth. His, life, friends, chicks, punks, who they hated, anarchy, posers, and everything else. Not to mention increadible music. Awsome. They've got everything from the Ramones, to Blondie. They've got awsome music on this movie. Soundtrack is totally worth it too! I've seen the movie over, and over, and over again. It's really awsome. Plus, who can't sympathise, with the character? I mean, there is a stevo in us all, or maybe even a bob. Really ur totally going to dig the movie. and if u don't ur out of ur mind. Yeh- it may sterotype punks. But, honestly, we are pretty steriotypicall, i mean don't u have a certain look in mind when u think punk? How could you not? it's been inbeded inside u since forever. Then of course he's a punk in SALT LAKE CITY. The one place where most things fit into utter conformity- I mean comon. Think about it. Basically, folks, it's got it all, you'll laugh, u'll cry, and then you may even go what... just happend. but it's the truth-it's SLC PUNK. It's one... [heck] of a trip.
Rating:  Summary: overstereotypes punks Review: This movie looks like an MTV produced video concentrating on just how cynical and violent punk rockers are , not to mention the main character a rich college boy with blue hair. This film tries to say all punks do is drink beer , smoke pot , and beat up rednecks. Plus Stev-O rambles on and on and on about anarchy and rebellion . Can someone please tell me just what he was being so rebellious against? or just what anarchist principles did he hold?. It is a good film to sit down and watch , discuss , and laugh at , but it really does nothing more than streotype punks ..also it jerks your emotions around constantly from a funny satire , to an emotional study of self discovery. In the end Steve-O becomes what he complains about through the whole film..nothing more than a poser all along ..at least he admitted it.
Rating:  Summary: ~~~Awesome Movie!!!~~~ Review: I heard about SLC Punk from a bunch of my friends who said it was awesome. I saw that it was on the Independent Film Channel and there was nothing else on, so I watched it. I was so happy I did! the movie is great! It follows a bunch of anarchist punks for a while and shows everything they went through. The movie seems to go in all directions, and kinda doesn't make sense sometimes, but it was still good. There were some really funny parts and Stevo (matthew lillard) had some great quotes and stuff in the movie. I love what he had to say about hicks and rednecks! So watch the movie, whether you are punk or not. Punks will love this because they can relate, and posers will like it because, well...because the punks like it and they are posers. yep. that's about it.
Rating:  Summary: "Posers die," Steve-o from SLC PUNK Review: Rated R for its language SLC PUNK is a great movie about two punk rockers, Steve-O and Heroine Bob, (who ironicly never did any drugs in his life and hated needles). They go threw the normal life of a punk rocker in Salt Lake City. This movie is hilarious. I guess all the language isn't that bad... you hear worse at school and in public. A punk diary they go threw good times together, punk rock shows, going to Wyoming, (where all the hicks there have no idea what they are), etc. Then Heroine Bob dies and Steve-O doesn't have anywhere to go. The saddest part of the movie isn't when Heroine Bob dies, its when Steve-O becomes a preppy executive like his Dad. The punk in him died. The movie ends that way, Heroine Bob dead and Steve-O an executive. Hilarious movie I really could relate to. Then it got really sad but you don't end the movie thinking about how sad the ending was, you walk away from the movie thinking how funny everything else was. For any punk rock fan.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie Review: One of the most eye opening movies i have ever seen. Might make you think twice about labeling someone just b/c of how they dress. Who you are is in your mind not in your clothes. Thats the message this movie gives.