Rating:  Summary: SLC Punk! Possibly the best movie ever! Review: Alright, this movie, though I've seen it numerous times, never gets old to me! The characters are just excellent! And it describes the life of Punx in perfect detail. I could sit here and go on about how good of a movie it is. But you're only going to listen to yourself. So here's what to do, go rent this movie from your local Blockbuster or whatever, and watch it with all your friends! It'll make you laugh, make you cry, and make you wanna listen to some classic Punk music!
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE GREATEST MOVIES! Review: This movie is awsome. I loved it. When I bought it, I couldn't stop watching it. You must buy this movie and the soundtrack.
Rating:  Summary: Great!!! Review: I recentely found this movie on a real and got it played on a bigger screen and it just made the movie all the better. I first saw this movie in 2000 and was floored by the content. At first I thought this movie was just going to be a sarcastic look at the punk lifestyle with some Dead Kennedys, but I was shocked and suprised to learn the depths that this movie reached. I myself use to be into that whole scene and it brought back memories of things that I wanted to forget and things that I just did. The seting of the movie is absolultely brilliant, Salt Lake City is painted as this dreary place that is starved for culture, when really that is what it is. This was Matthew Lillard at his finest, before he got exploited by that fag Freddie Prince Jr. This movie represents what the punk lifestyle is and what it will eventually lead to. The chracheters are so expertelly done that I found pieces of myself in them. Another thing I was happy with was the bands that they use in the movie. THey didnt go with completely well knows bands all the time, but was happy to hear The Dead Kennedys, and then some undergroung bands from Brittian. I think this movie won something at the Sundance Film Festival, and it hsould of. If you are looking for a movie that is both real and convincing, tragic but happy, a look at life in the sense of death, then this movie is for you. Selling out dosent matter to a lifestyle, it matters to you. Even you remain true to yourself then you can never really sell anything out. Watch this movie and live it because in it you will find the meaning of searching with yourslef.
Rating:  Summary: Very good movie. Review: The great thing about this movie is that it doesn't matter if you are punk, were a punk, or never was one, it's just a riot. These kids run around doing goofy things, metting crazy people, get caught up in crazy situations, and in the end, Stevo (Matthew Lillard) realizes how stupid it all was. Its what most of us think when we remember our "good times". SLC Punk is a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: bad overall, but still has it's good parts Review: There is lots of criticism that could go towards this film. Its depiction of the punker counter-culture was misleading. There was nothing in it about the "straight edge" movement, which I am sure was around in the 80s, the setting of this film. According to SLC Punk, all "punks" do drugs, have pessimistic views on life, have crazy hair, etc. etc. etc. I am sure most people familiar with punk rock know that this isn't true, but it's a point worth reiterating about a culture generally misunderstood by mainstream america. This film also reinforced the view that anarchism isn't a political theory, it's just an excuse for angry kids to act stupid. Once again, though it's a cliche argument, it bears repeating; it's amazing how anarchism is still misunderstood by most "mainstream" adults. I still recall my 9th grade history teacher telling our class that anarchists were nothing but terrorists, that they advocate chaos and a return to the "laws of the jungle". I am sure that some people will get the impression that this film exposes punk rock counterculture to the American public, the same way Michael Moore in my opinion has shown many Americans the true meaning of liberalism and progressivism with his film "bowling for columbine" and his book "stupid white men". But SLC punk is no such expose. It is the exact opposite of that, every stereotype about this counterculture is driven home. Matthiew Lilliard, who stars as Stevo, has mostly appeared in cheesy teen flicks like "scream", and "she's all that". This film is a typical, stereotypical portrayal of the punk rock scene. I have focused on the negative aspects of this film so far. I will briefly state the positives: it is funny as hell sometimes, it has a great soundtrack, and there is one scene where Stevo is heavy with radical leftwing criticism of America(the scene where he is talking to his parents about law school, etc.) This film is worth renting, but not worth purchasing at the prices available on this site. I recommend the documentary "Another State of Mind", if you're looking to purchase a film focusing on the punk scene.
Rating:  Summary: i luv this movie Review: This movie is not about all of us really being posers, and so is Steve-o. Steve-o is not a poser, he is telling you, he got smarter, he stopped fighting the system and started using it against itself. It is a lesson in the power of one. Steve-o is a hero and I bet he would put on his boots and charge up his hair, suit and all, in a heartbeat. This is a great movie! :)
Rating:  Summary: Please Stop the Smear Campaign Review: This film does have a good lead performance and makes a couple of points about musical tribalism and the spuriousness of teen rebellion. But overall it is a tissue of lies. It would be impossible for a film to be more clueless about what Punk is about, what punks in the 80's were like, and what the whole movement was founded on. First of all, I never, ever heard of punks beating up rednecks. It was always vice versa - all through the 80's you could hardly step outside your house without a mustachioed chawbacca roaring physical threats at you from his pick-up truck. It's impossible to describe average people's vicious hatred of your clothes and hair; kids who look "wild" today have no idea. Every punk I knew had been stomped at least once for no reason, and consequently tread *very lightly* in public. "SLC Punk" gives absolutely no sense of this. Secondly - and this is something that makes me furious - Punk was never about violence. It was never about beating up little girls for their hats, needlessly attacking people at shows, etc. If being "hardcore" were measured by how strong and cruel you were, the rednecks and the preppies who listened to Wang Chung would've won the contest hands down. Punk was about other stuff - commitment, community, rejecting the rote thinking society gives you, being firm in your beliefs. None of that is even mentioned in this movie. In case you think these are just details, how 'bout this: after twenty minutes this movie gets BORING. The characters are dull, even the rare ones you actually learn anything about (real punks are so much funnier and more memorable), the plot is aimless, and Stevo's "revelation" at the end nullifies everything he's been saying throughout the movie. "I just wanted attention, but now it's time to grow up." So what was the point of that full hour of philosophy? Never mind that punks in my hometown have shown that Punk can be a viable adult lifestyle. It's as though the ending were written by a totally different person. You have to laugh...Punk was supposed to be about freshness and breaking the rules. Yet "SLC Punk" falls back on the most overused cliche's to tell its story. Such as the lazy expositional gimmick of Stevo-talking-to-the-camera that was used in dozens of films from "Tom Jones" to "Trainspotting"; that silly beginning that was taken almost shot by shot from "Goodfellas"; such as...too many to list. Save your $, guys, cult fantasies like "Repo Man" or "Suburbia" capture the essence of 80's Punk a million times better than this smear job could ever hope to. Way better soundtracks too.
Rating:  Summary: For anyone who enjoys a good time Review: Okay, let me first say, what is it with the word "Poser"? think about it, EVERONE IS A POSER. All you people are so blind! You're just being narrow minded, yah I know it's easier to point fingers than to actually take a look at yourself honey, but please try, for the common good of everyone.Now the definition of poser is like what, "being something you're not?" Well who's to judge and who really gives a damn what other people are doing and acting like?! It shows how insecure YOU are if you are SO concerned with other people's clothing and hair styles. ... ANYWAYS my point! When i first rented this movie I turned it off half way through because i thought it had no meaning..., well i tried renting it again a few months later, and I loved it! Don't ask why, I guess I was just in a better mood or something. It's funny, very well acted, and has meaning. The near ending scene( all you people who have seen this know what I'm talking about) shows how good of an actor Matthew Lillard really is. So This film is great for anyone who enjoys a little fun and diversity.
Rating:  Summary: We're all posers... Review: eh...It was an okay movie. I might buy it if I had some extra cash laying around. It had a good message over all, but it also had the whole cliche "punk" thing going on. To me the movie was basically showing the "punks" who think they're the voice of what and who is punk that..we're all posers. None of us are non conformists, we all conform in some way. I also liked how he finally realizes that anarchy will never work. Because it wont...so all you "anarchists" out there..need to think a little more before you think that anarchy would help the world any.
Rating:  Summary: overrated, ... Review: All you supposed "cinephiles" who think this qualifies as an even halfway decent film are fooling yourselves. SLC Punk is a steaming pile of ... Its a very outsider look at punk culture, regardless of what the director would have you believe on the commentary. My criticism isn't even so much that I disagree with the film's message (I'm not THAT unfair). What we have here, quite simply, is a very poorly made film. Everywhere you look there are lights and microphones in the shot, the characters are very poorly drawn, there is no shortage of pretentious dialogue that sounds like it was written by some depressed kid in high school, and the acting is UNBELIEVABLY bad(excepting a few bit parts). I realize that the film is done with a "punk" ideology in mind, but if that were the case, the director/writer obviously knows nothing about the punk scene, other than the fact that its vapid and lame. SLC Punk is a poor excuse for a movie.