Rating:  Summary: Great Movie!! Review: The Movie SLC PUNK, is a great movie, the lives of Stevie and Silent Bob are wonderfully documented in this powerful film about teen angst in the Reagan era, and how to be the toughest punk on the block. With such unforgettable monologues as "Posers," and "My Parents Death" SLC PUNK is chock full of great writing, realistic, intelligent and funny. All in all one of the best movies I've ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Punk! Review: This proves punk isnt dead. SLC PUNK is top quality fun. PUNK takes you into the life of a group of punks and punk wantabes and explores their universe, shedding light on the whole spiked blue hair look. Matthew Lillard does a truly wonderful job capturing the essence of a confused teen punk in the middle of religious nowhere USA. Unfortunately Lillard always plays the exact same charater in all his movies, but thats cause hes a damn good screwball. Another reason that I give this five stars is its soundtrack. You'll be banging your head to the awsome selection of tunes.
Rating:  Summary: Bullseye view of the Reagan era... Review: I caught "SLC Punk" primarily because I had been so impressed with Matthew Lillard's work in "Hackers" (see my earlier review). However, I was drawn right into the movie as I recognised myself & many of the people I had known in the early 80's on the screen.It isn't just personal identification that leads me to recommend this film. "SLC Punk" is a classic coming-of-age story about the angry young man too intelligent for his surroundings, questioning the values & lifestyles of those around him. Since JD Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye", every generation has had it's defining story of this type. "Repo Man" & "Drugstore Cowboy" are earlier movies that came to mind while I watched "SLC Punk" for similarities in attitude & style. I was particularly impressed with the cinematography of the "drug" scenes; they caught the visual jerkiness of LSD very effectively. Matthew Lillard's performance as Steve-O was dead-on & very touching. He definitely stands out altho the rest of the cast is uniformly fine (if unknown)! Of course, the soundtrack rocks! From the ironic anger of the closer (the Dead Kennedy's "Kill the Poor") to pre-punk classics by the Stooges & Lou Reed (punk's godfathers) the choices of music are always interesting, if sometimes surprising. Whether you were an 80's punk or simply a fan of well-done, non-Hollywood "product", "SLC Punk" is worth your time; anyone who has ever rebelled against anything will find something they can relate to here.
Rating:  Summary: good movie Review: this movie not only has it all, it is one of the best movies...ever
Rating:  Summary: uneven but accurate Review: As far as displaying the punk lifestyle in a religiously oppressive state (in this case, Utah), "SLC Punk!" is both accurate and uneven. The acting is top-notch, especially Matthew Lillard's blue-haired goon Stevo, and his friend, Heroin Bob, played by Michael Goorjian. Their chemistry together is the backbone of the movie and generally holds it together. However, for much of its running time "SLC Punk!" can't decide whether it's a straight comedy or a straight drama, but as a document of youthful rebellion, it doesn't get much better than this.
Rating:  Summary: So this is growing up... Review: SLC Punk is a great example of what happens when the ideals of youth wear thin, and when one is forced to make a choice that entails giving up a lifestyle, that while is a definite road to nowhere, is very near and dear to the heart, and chooseing a secure future, but said future is the very embodiment of all that you held dear stood against. Especially when you know that the secure future is the right chioce.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting and real. Review: This movie was a great suprise to me. I really enjoy punk music, so I watched this movie, but I didn't know what it was going to really be about. This movie has a great meaning. Stevo, figuring out who he is. The acting is cool. I think Matthew Lillard is great for the role of Stevo, and Devon Sawa as Sean is so cute. I would recommend this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Punk Party Fave Review: I sat down with a few of my closest friends the other night to SLC Punk , which quickly became one of my favorite all time movies. The movie is definatly comming of age , Set in 1985 in Salt Lake City and it definatly shows us punks our roots. The movie is very shocking in each scene never letting on to what is happening next not expecting the content and the depth. The Movie shows that you should always expect life to throw you a "curve" and in turn you should Throw one right back at it....For anyone out there I recommend SLC Punk and trust me you will not regret it!
Rating:  Summary: THis MoViE SeTs An ExAmPle fOr pUnKs eVeRywHerE Review: This movie is the bes movie i have ever seen in life and i disagree with the amazon review saying that this story has np plot to it, it has a plot but their to stupid and narrow minded to see it. This movie not only sets an example for all punks everywere, but it also is funny, has a little irony and has some of the best actors. ANARCHY im really 16
Rating:  Summary: punk??? Review: i admit, SLC punk is a good movie. well, it's even more than good. start from the begining, to the end, it's full of punk scene. the way those people dress and act, they really like a punk. HOWEVER, the movie is pretty pointless. and in my opinion, with this movie, now it's perfect. perfect? yes, now mtv got those punk-posers band, posers start acting like a punk, media talkin about punk, and finally there's a punk movie. what the hell is this? all i know, after i hang out with punks for 4 years and becomin one of them, punk is and always be a minority. now media is tryin to expose punk to the world. is punk a trend now? if you're just 'today's' punk, this movie would be good. but, if you're a street punk, like me, you will think "uh, i want my real punk back!"