Rating:  Summary: Punk explainer Review: Now, if your not a punk, and have no idea what it is, then this movie will explain a lot to you. I originally bought this for 4 bucks because it has some great music in it, but watching it was a pleasure. The terms have changed through the times (mods are rudies or rude boys), and there are some gaps left out of the punk scene, no skins, but overall it was great to remember what it was like. It captured the no-cares attitude I've had for a while, but it also showed some of the end result, without damning the middle to uselessness. Lillard was great, Goorjian was devilish, I loved their acting. What this lacks in story line, it makes up for in laughs. I've shown it to all the non-punk people I know, and they love it. I have to explain a lot to them, but it's a great insight into the life. I hated to see it end!! This is definitely a great one to watch before going to a show, it released a lot of the pent up tension, and while the punk show they showed was a lame representation of what it's like now, it got the juices going. I wouldn't recommend this if you are a prep, or have something against angst and self-destruction, but otherwise it's great!
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE THIS FLICK - and maybe you will too... you poser! Review: Discovered this flick a while ago and when watching it again now I remember why I bought it (on Amazon no less) for an old punker girlfriend immediately after seeing it! I grew up in the 80's listening to all this music, and I will state loudly that SLC PUNK ROCKS! If this was your scene then (or now - for all you posers) you need to own SLC PUNK! Opposingly, if you think Black Flag is just for pest control, then don't bother - you just won't get it!Matthew Lillard (more famous for roles in Scream and 13 Ghosts etc., etc.) is outstanding in this early role in his career and a final dramatic scene with Lillard shows just how talented this fine actor really is. The film is a well-developed character study of Lillard and friends, and the performances and dialogue are exceptional. It transported me, as the viewer, straight back to the mid 80's, of days and nights spent in the Channel and The Rat in Boston. With a goofy smile plastered on my face, I watched these guys move around from: the package store, to the clubs, to the all-night house parties; and in the midst, scoop up all the punker honeys to boot! You can't turn back the clock, but SLC PUNK does its' best to put you right back there in the middle of it all. Oh, and did I mention that I LOVE THIS FLICK?!
Rating:  Summary: This film is great Review: This was an intelligent and fun romp through the Salt Lake City Punk scene from the Mid-eighties. It is the story of Steve-o, essentially the "poster boy" for left wing punks in the SLC area, but also essentially believed to be one of the more intelligent people in the area too. Steve-O is played by Mathew Lillard of "Scream" or "Scooby Doo" fame (he played Shaggy). No. This is NOT your typical Mathew Lillard performance, though his zany personality DOES come out some in his character. The first time I saw this movie in any way, shape or form, I started watching near the end of the movie and it was one of the more confusing, worthless movie experiences I've EVER had and it really turned me off to the possibilty of this being a good movie. Then I moved in with a roomate who owned the Video and was "forced" to watch the movie. It's a great flick about politics, "punks", society, love, and life. I really like the characters, the way the film shows the growth of all the characters, and I feel the side bar things, such as narratives and explanations of scenes (the fight scene with the rednecks being what I'm referring to) are great for showing a point, moving the plot and also justifying some scenes to punch up the movie a bit. Well worth your time, this small film is definitely a film to watch. Some of the scenes are nearly stolen by the man who plays Lillard's dad, as he has a great performance too.
Rating:  Summary: Very Entertaining, An All Around Good Film Review: When I first saw this film, I thought it would be some weird comdedy about punks in general. But I was wrong, very wrong. Its much more. Yes, it does make you laugh, ecspecially when Stevo, Bob and Eddie go to Wyoming to get some "real" beer. But it also makes you think. And perhaps it will make you cry at the end as well. Whether or not this film portrays the punk way of life back in 1985 doesnt matter. This film is not just about punks and the punk way of life. Im sure its not even supposed to be. It is about growing up and teenage rebellion. Its about fear, death, life and love. Its about realizing who you really are and realizing things cant stay the same forever, no matter how much you'd like them to. One thing I liked was how well Matthew Lillard portrayed Stevo. Throughout the movie, you felt all his emotions and when it was done, you felt like he was an old friend. Despite the large amount of swearing, drug use and sexual scenes, I think this is a film most people will enjoy, maybe even relate to. It receives my highest reccomendation. Pick it up today. You wont be disapointed.
Rating:  Summary: genius, why was this film forgotten at Oscar time? Review: SLC Punk stands for Salt Lake City Punk, when I first heard about this film I simply said "what the hell does SLC stand for?" This movie takes place in 1985,which is genius showing the early punk years. That's why your not going to see any Green Day, Rancid, or The Casualties t-shirts or posters. But they do talk about the "Sex Pistols" and the "Ramones" The thing that caught the corner of my eye was that James Meredino decided to shoot this film in 2:35:1. Shouldn't it be in 1:85:1? But I guess that's James Merdino's style. For a movie which they only wasted eight hundred thousand dollars, it looks pretty damn good. It looks like they wasted more than eight hundred thousand dollars. This film is about two punkers named "Stevo and heroin Bob (Matthew Lillard and Michael Goorjian) who are college graduates who's dream is to make pure anarchy all over the country. Stevo's dad is a lawyer, who wants Stevo to go to Harvard Stevo has the grades, but he doesn't want to go with the system. After hardcore punk shows, and punch of drugs taken in, the two punks don't know what to do in Salt Lake. Heroin Bob doesn't really do heroin, infact he is scared of needles, that's why they call him that. What really caught my attention in this film is Til Schweiger and how well he played his character mark. My favorite scene is when Mark explains how his whole family died, I know you will love that scene. Til Schweiger did that part so well it deserved an Oscar. This film talks about the history of punk, and what a punker thinks. This DVD includes audio commentary by Matthew Lillard, Michael Goorgian, and writer/director James Meredino. The commentary is really funny. What I noticed in it was the fact that they mentioned they took out some scenes, so where are all the deleted scenes? This DVD also includes the trailer for this film, and the movie "go". It also shows art stills from the original comic book. There's not a behind the scenes look, but I guess it's still cool. There is a lot of flash backs in this film, which when Stevo goes back into talking to the person you go, "woo I forgot he was talking to that guy". It is fantastic to see those effects. If you listen to punk music, or is interested in the punk philosophy, you need to watch this slightly twisted film.
Rating:  Summary: love it Review: this is one of my all time favorite movies. this movie has such a great sound track. just buy it if your into punk (none of that pop-punk crap. oh yeah screw bush.
Rating:  Summary: Overall great film with an often misunderstood message Review: I saw this movie for the first time a few years ago, back when I was really into punk rock. This movie really offended me for some reason, but now that I'm no longer 15 and I listen to other kinds of music, I realize the true message behind this film. It wasn't meant as a rallying cry for punks everywhere, it was the writer and director's vision to point out the fallacies in the so-called "anarchist punk" lifestyle. Stevo (played by Matthew Lillard) is the loud-mouthed interpreter of the scene in SLC, but as the film progresses he becomes unsure of himself and what he's doing. I abosutely love this movie and I think most of the so-called "punks" of this day and age could learn something about their "lifestyle".
Rating:  Summary: OK guys..listen Review: This is NOT 100% fiction movie They didn't just say "hey, SLC didn't have a punk scene in the 80's, let's make one up and make a film about it ! "No, no no. There WAS a punk scene in '85 in the streets of SLC and it's fairly accurately portrayed here in SLC Punk. I'm not going to tell you about the movie since every other review already does. I"m just going to say, don't buy the movie if you're a Blink fan and think owning it is going to make you punk. it isn't. It's a fairly deep movie about Drugs / Sex / Love / Friends / and the punk scene sort of takes a backseat depending on how you view it. If you ever have to do a movie analyzation / review for a class, consider choosing this since it has some pretty good points that can be looked into.
Rating:  Summary: I've always wondered if Devon Sawa would go green-headed! Review: After years of having my friend Jordan saying "How goes it?" and "go rent slc punk" I finally watched this movie. Living in Iowa, the "not a hick" speech has become my motto. In a lot of ways, this movie is like my life, I'm more of a Heroin Bob than Stev-o. The best part has GOT to be about eight minutes into the movie where Sean goes, "I can't get off this chair, you know why, bob? Because I can't swim" And this movie has a great ending, with the exception of the death of my favorite characters. Memorize the "mall rant" and say it over and over just to piss off your math teacher.
Rating:  Summary: pure trash Review: No one i repeat no one can say or not say that there ae rules for punk rock. Punk is not what you wear it's not anarchy it's not something you can call yourself by having a mowhawk!!! it's a way of life it's an expression it is something that has been ruined by the media and hollywood. This has to be the most ignorant movie i have ever seen, and if people actually buy into it than thats their own fault. I was briefly entertained, but the simple fact that steve-o has set rules to be a punk rocker is bull-sh*t. I cant have a girfriend im a punk rocker. I can't be a sellout, so that means i can't like english bands?Rules are for your so called establishment, not for an anarchist. This movie is a giant oxymoron. Just the fact that steve-o comes from an upper class family contradicts his own moronic beleifs. go out and watch into hell. If there ever was an acturate interpretation of the punk movement this is it. Or you could go to Hot topic and buy this movie and join the throngs of other people that actually believed it.