Rating:  Summary: Sex and the City plus 20 years Review: It's Carrie and Big, 20 years later. It's a 2-plus hour movie that needed to be 1-1/2 hours. While MONSTER has one writer and director and was tight as a drum, this movie has one writer and director who is self-indulgent. A waste of talent. OK if you have nothing better to do. Or see MONSTER and the finest acting I can remember ever seeing.
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate Romantic Comedy For Baby-Boomers Review: Thanks, Hollywood, for remembering that while we baby-boomers are not your prime demographic we are still around and yearning for a great movie like this to make us laugh all the way to retirement. Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton are fabulous playing roles not that far removed from their real lives. Jack is Harry Sanborn, a sixty-three year old entrepreneur who doesn't believe in dating anyone under thirty. Diane is Erica Barry, a highly successful playwright ("the best since Lillian Hellman") who has had an emotional shutdown since her divorce. Romance and sex are not even options for her and Harry is not at all attractive when she first meets him half-naked while he is preparing to bed her daughter. Their relationship is best described as intense dislike at first sight but when he accidentally see her naked, it goes to full-out hate! You might have a good guess as to how this will turn out, but there are so many twists along the way you might not get exactly what you were expecting. What you will get is a great, feel-good movie to have you laughing a lot and thinking "how true, how true." When the relationship hits the rocks, Erica is able to turn her humiliation and rejection into a Broadway hit that features a male chorus line of Dancing Harrys replete in hospital gowns with peek-a-boo backs as well as every romantic and not-so-romantic line Harry ever uttered to her. Keanu Reeves is a most delectable piece of eye candy, but it is Frances McDormand as Erica's sister Zoe and Amanda Peet as her daughter Marin who give great supporting performances. Also good to see Paul Michael Glaser, albeit in a very small role. If you're under thirty, just tell your Mom and Dad to see it. But if you're over 40, don't miss this. Hollywood may not permit us to see the likes of it again.
Rating:  Summary: Genuinely funny and charming Review: "Something's Gotta Give" is one of the sweetest, funniest, and most romantic films of the year. Boasting a to-die-for cast of Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Keanu Reeves, Frances McDormand, and Amanda Peet, director/script writer Nancy Meyers makes good use of her cast. The screenplay is witty, funny (with plenty of laugh out loud moments), touching, romantic, and very entertaining. "Something's Gotta Give" also reaffirms Diane Keaton's status as one of the most charming and beautiful "mature" actress working in Hollywood right now. Jack Nicholson plays Harry Langer, an aged music industry executive with a preference for younger women. In fact, he has yet to date a woman even 15 years younger than him. Marin (Peet) is his latest trophy of a girlfriend and is young, bouncy, and lively. Harry feels that the only way he can stay young is to date younger women. As this is a social issue nowadays, I found it especially interesting when this was heatedly debated at the beginning of the film. Getting back to the plot, Harry is staying with Marin at her mother's (Keaton) beach house for the weekend in the Hamptons. Thinking that her mother, Erica, will be away, Harry and Marin start getting a little, err, playful. Things get a little awkward when it turns out that Erica is home and will be staying with them the whole weekend. As any good mother should, she disapproves of her daughter's relationship with Harry, a man who is her own age! Things get even more uncomfortable when Harry suffers a heart attack and is left in the care of Erica and his doctor (Reeves). To make things even more interesting, the much younger doctor, Julian, has a thing for Erica. You an only imagine what happens next. Let me just say I was pleasantly surprised with the wit of this film. I was not expecting to find myself gasping for air during one of the funniest scenes in the movie; when Harry is stumbling around the hospital in nothing but a hospital gown and we see a little more of him than we would have liked... The only thing holding "Something's Gotta Give" back from being a 5-star movie is the rather slow-moving final act. I understand that it is difficult to maintain the momentum towards the end of a romantic comedy and that there has to be some agonizing soul searching/romance at the end, but it does slow the film down. During the first ¾'s, you're loving it. Unfortunately, by the end, you're looking at your watch and wondering when you can get out of there. This is a shame because it leaves you with a rather lukewarm feel for the film as you walk out of the theater. It wasn't until I got home and reminisced that I realized what a genuinely funny and charming movie it was.
Rating:  Summary: Laugh, Cry and Relate to Harry and Erica Review: As a 'mature aged' person I related heavily on many different levels to 'Something's Gotta Give'. Jack Nicholson, as much as he is older, overweight and wearing increased wrinkles..this is life, it happens to all of us. Diane Keaton is the same (but not overweight). 'Unfortunate' camera angles that were deliberate were ingenious, thoughtful and provided the honest picture of 'mature aged' persons in all our glory. This film is life, life as I have experienced, life as many of us have experienced. 'Something's Gotta Give' stimulates self-reflection. I went home stimulated and reflective with many long forgotten personal life episodes coming to mind (and will continue coming to mind). I am remembering things in my past, considering my future and reflecting on the road I have trod and the road I am following. Paris for my and my partners birthday next year perhaps? Throughout the film the sound track is brilliant and it was so pleasing to enjoy the same music I listen to at home instead of roaring and aurally abusing music that is predominant in so many other films. A 'Must See' Movie. Well Done!
Rating:  Summary: Kept saying to myself "Something's Got to Give" Review: This movie started off strong and quickly went downhill. This movie felt like it was 5 hours long and I kept saying "Something's got to give"! Will these people just get together already so I can get out of here. The first 15 minutes were interesting, but the rest just dragged on forever. You know going into the movie they were going to end up together, but all this back and forth it's just so redundant.
Rating:  Summary: Simply "mah velous" Review: Any Diane Keaton (or Jack Nicholson, for that matter) fan HAS to see this. She just keeps getting better. And the plot is one of those like the "Cathy" comic - mimics life perfectly. Mahvelous movie!
Rating:  Summary: Mature and damn right SEXY!! Review: Something's Gotta Give boasts a group of talented actors that played out their roles with great natural charm (yes! this means Keanu too but everyone knows that). This movie brought back all the romantic and charismatic movies of yesteryear, which now unfortunately have been replaced by exaggerated shoot out scenes, overdone sex and ridiculous one-liners to say the least. It shows that mature older people are not dried out prunes but who are accomplished human beings with (and this bit shouldn't make your stomach churn!) an active healthy sex life. The praising/judging of bachelor/spinsterhoods is just ludicrous. This movie shows that whether you are young, old, a bachelor or a spinster, you can achieve a lot of things if you have the determination and passion for it. And most of all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting older and taking chances to try something new. I can only hope that my life will lead to a prosperous, exciting and romantic mature one, in years to come with lots of things to show for it.
Rating:  Summary: A lighthearted movie for a fun evening Review: Although i was not too thrilled about the movie from its theatrical preview, I ended up having to see it with friends. It was so hilarious. I did not stop laughing from beginning to the end. The movie is about 2 older people who find love. One is a divorcee who has not been out on a date for a very long time and therefore who is out of touch with going out, the other is a womanizer who goes out with women half his age. Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson have such a chemistry. I definitely recommend this movie. If you are looking for a good laugh and a fun movie, this is definitely the one to see. I ended up taking my parents to see it the very next day!
Rating:  Summary: Ok, I gave this thing 3 stars at first, just to appear ... Review: Objective, but those stars were truly unwarranted. This is the sort of brainless film that Hollywood churns out for all of us mindless Americans to be dazzled by. The sad thing is that we don't demand higher standards. If human beings can make films like...oh, Rules of the Game(1939), Citizen Kane (1941), Touch of Evil (1959)(hey, this one on a low budget!), etc...how come the artistry so apparent in these films is so apparently missing today? First of all, technically there was NOTHING interesting in this film. The angles were amateur. The editing ATROCIOUS!! One could call it a crime really. The dialogue was at best tedious...really closer to peurile. The film had about 15 endings, each one releasing sighs and grunts from the more educated members of the audience (those who know that 1, this film is technically uninteresting and 2, boring in general-dialogue, acting, etc). I do think Diane Keaton is a decent actress, but isn't she playing the same woman over and over? One thinks of perhaps Julia Robers, who isn't really a bad actress, she just plays only one role: Julia Roberts. She couldn't act her way out of a brown sack if given anything else...and that's why her fans love her. You know what you're gonna get...namely, Julia Roberts. She's the same in any film, whether she's a runaway bride or a hooker. Jack Nicholson, as I said in an earlier review, is just repulsive. The bad camera angles shooting up his nostrils didn't help either. This sweating old greaseball needs to get a clue and retire! This sappy film had no depth to it. With all of the things in the world exploding at the moment (we are, let's not forget, a nation at war- even though the combat has "officially" ended), this kind of mindless garbage is exactly what makes people not [care]about art anymore. Because art has NOTHING to say about anything relevent. When some "artist" in Manhattan is throwing paint around, Nancy Meyers is making fluffy films with bad dialogue. I mean, come on. This story is so tepid. The brilliant playwright, slightly over the edge, who doesn't sleep and loves to spend her birthdays in Paris, gets shaken up by the dashing- not to mention hideously fat, squat, wrinkled, and just plain gross looking, mangled greasy hair, nostril shots, all that- Jack Nicholson... OOOHHH Jack, you big cuddly greaseball! Gross. I think dinner with the walruses would be more romantic than this waist of a perfectly good screen. Don't waist money on this movie- and ladies, after watching this tired old greasy fart (Nicholson), go home and appreciate your husbands...and be thankful they don't look as gross as him!!
Rating:  Summary: What a movie! Review: This is one of the best movies of 2003 by far. I'm not a huge Jack Nicholson fan but I do love Diane Keaton, they are both amazing in this film. It's a great story, extremely well done. Amanda Peet does a great job playing her part up against some very strong actors including Frances McDormand. The low point of this movie is Keanu Reaves, he's just ok but he tries to make in work in a role that is a bit "lost" among such HUGE characters. Go see this movie and tell everyone you know.