Rating:  Summary: It was FABULOUS!!!! Review: I can't say enough good things about this film. Jack & Diane are excellent as mature, successful, yet playful, middle-aged people. Throw in Keanu Reeves and Amanda Peet for eye candy and Francis McDormand for character and you have a GREAT movie. I laughed, I cried, I got starry eyed from the romance. The plot is a little predictable, but manages to pull off scenes that you are not expecting. Let's just say, IT PUTS IT ALL UP FRONT. Deal with it or not. Again...EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT movie!
Rating:  Summary: not enough Frances! Review: I saw this movie opening night. I had allready read about 3 reviews from different newspapers, and none of them were too kind. I hate to admit this, but I truly am the type of guy that waits to get a general concensus from all different reviews before I go and see a movie. If the concensus agrees that it's the biggest bomb out there, then I'm renting a movie that night. You get the idea. But, what happens when the concensus shows mixed reviews all across the boards?? I always look at the 2 main stars. Nicholson and Keaton. I mean how bad could it really be. If only I had stuck to my own rule with this, the epitomy of an abysmal movie. Jack has played this part so many times, he could do it in his sleep, which in many scenes was exactly how I felt about the performance coming from this 3 time Oscar winner! Dianne Keaton is real easy to sum up. Annie Hall 26 years later. Only, Jack is no Woody Allen, and the director Nancy Meyers isn't even in the same class with the powerhouse cast that she managed to suck in to this awful mess. What was with that ridiculously over the top 15 minute crying garbage that Keaton was going through. I get that the point was to be over the top, but she fell so hard for a guy that she had known for all of 3 or 4 days. and now she's having a meltdown of near epic proportions over the guy. I know that with this movie, the press and even the stars were hyping the point that finally Jack will get a leading lady thats a bit closer to his age. I've got no problem with that if in fact Jack and Dianne had anything rezembling any kind of chemistry, but maybe I was in the bathroom during the "chemisty" part? Then theres' Keanu, who I won't even waste my time or the readers time by putting down on paper what I think about him. Ok, I'll say one thing. I'd rather see a foreigner get any of the roles that you get in any movie that you do. Here's why. I'd acually prefer to read those hideous subtitles, rather than listen to you read your lines as if you're reading them off cue cards. Gutwrenching. There was one really good thing about this film, but she wasn't around long enough. Frances Mcdormand. She's one of the best in the biz and she should actually have 2 oscars as opposed to the just one for Fargo. Mississippi Burning anyone?:) She was the brief life of the party for SGG, but just as soon as she appeared, she was gone just as quickly and with her she took the life, the heart, the pulse and the fun out of what could have been a great movie instead of a wake up call for 2 ageing actors.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as all the hype Review: 1) Nicholson was funny as usual. His acting can't go wrong.2) Yes, Keaton was very good...but best actress? I'm not sure. 3) Reeves tried to act more lively and less monotone...I appreciated the effort. Though I didn't feel the chemistry between him and Keaton. 4) Directing was well done. 5) Dialogue and writing was good. 6) I thought the end was handled a bit too easy in regards to bringing closure. Can't say more without giving things away. OVERALL: A good movie, not great or on par with As Good As It Gets by Nicholson. Definitely worth renting before owning I think.
Rating:  Summary: Keaton - great; Nicholson - great; Reeves - not so great Review: I am normally one of these people who cringe at people of a certain age 'making out' or heaven forbid, 'doing it'. I was going to scream if I saw Jack Nicholson naked. Thankfully, we didn't, we just saw his butt, as he mooned everyone in his hospital gown! And the sex scenes were done tastefully, and was quite sweet at the same time. Diane Keaton is also very brave, as she appears naked in this, which is quite a funny scene when Jack sees her naked. It takes a brave woman of her age to appear naked, especially when she's approaching 60! I'm not normally a great fan of Jack Nicholson, ask anyone and they will tell you his eyes totally freak me out! Don't ask me why! But I loved him in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and this too - and there were two other Jack Nicholson movies in the "previews", Anger Management and that other one with Helen Hunt. There was a great supporting cast in this, including Paul Michael Glaser (Starsky for all you fans out there) and Jon Favreau, both who's roles could have been expanded, to have a bigger part in the movie. I was pretty disappointed with Keanu's role in this. He basically gets messed about by Diane Keaton's character, and his role at the end just gets left hanging. At 2 hours 8 minutes long, this film was about 20 minutes too long. After Diane & Jack 'get it on', the scenes which appear afterwards are just stupid, and the scene where Diane cries is just plain embarrassing. If you're an old romantic at heart, you'll get quite teary by the end of the movie. If you're not - then you'll probably hate it.
Rating:  Summary: There may be some snow on the roof.... Review: What's not to enjoy? The script has Snap!, Crackle!, and Pop! Also several moments of genuine tenderness as well as natural hilarity. As ably directed by Nancy Meyers whose previous work in What Women Want is also first-rate, the cast is excellent and Diane Keaton's Academy Award nomination for best actress (as Erica Barry) in a leading role was well-deserved. I also expected a nomination for Jack Nicholson as Harry Sanborn. The supporting cast is also fine, notably Frances McDormand (Zoe Barry) and Keanu Reeves (Julian Mercer). The core situation is that the wealthy and charming Harry is dating (at least for the moment) Erica's daughter Marin (Amanda Peet) and accompanies her for a weekend in the Hamptons where her divorcee mother (a successful playwright) has a lovely oceanside home. Of course, Erica and her sister Zoe appear unexpectedly. As a result of his hedonistic lifestyle, Harry suffers a heart attack unrelated to Erica. After emergency care by Julian, he is released but must reside nearby during the recovery period. Guess where? Of course, he and Erica fall in love. Meanwhile, prior to Harry's appearance in his life, Julian had become strongly attracted to Erica...not to her daughter. Apparently she has had no romance in her life since the divorce and is currently hard at work on a new play which is not going very well. Harry eventually becomes well enough to return to Manhattan. And then.... Eventually, both Harry and Erica must make very difficult choices. It would be a disservice to those who have not as yet seen this film to explain what those decisions prove to be. However, I feel free to say that the decisions are juxtaposed very effectively with various humorous incidents, a few of which are featured in the trailer shown in theaters. Yes, this is a comedy but it also has some attitude. On occasion, an edge. There are implications to the lives which the two seniors have led, prior to their meeting. The resolutions of various conflicts (both major and minor) are entirely plausible, except -- in my opinion -- for one which involves Erica and Julian. See this entertaining, sometimes serious film and then reach your own conclusions. The special features provided with the DVD include a "Commentary" by director Nancy Meyers, producer Bruce Brock, and actress Diane Keaton, another "Commentary" by director Nancy Meyers and actor Jack Nicholson, a "Hamptons House Set Tour" with Amanda Peet, and "Harry Sings Karaoke to Erica" (a deleted scene). For whatever reasons, Keaton chose not to contribute much but Nicholson did and, as always, is charming, articulate, and generous. Contrary to his persona in so many films, Nicholson is renowned among his film colleagues for the same endearing qualities which are evident in one of the commentaries.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE Paris! Review: Munching on some fine French food in an Air France 777-200 jet at 35,000 feet and travelling at 888kph, I watched this movie, not once, not twice but THREE times. It is that good!I was flying from Paris at the time. Jack Nicholson is excellent in his role as an aging Lothario who despite a pot belly, wrinkles, bad eyesight and balding scalp is still charming and irresistable to young women of 30 and below. He hs a wonderful sense of humour, great charm, wit and repartee plus charisma and Mr. Midnight which is what he calls his manhood. Harry is every old playboy's dream incarnate. Yes, it is true, ladies don't just fall head over heels in love with a guy for only his macho muscles. The character must have been based in part on Hugh Hefner. Enter Marin, a young, nubile, sexy, juicy woman hearing 30 who just happens to be an auctioneer at Christies' New York. They go off for a romantic weekend to her Mom's house in the Hamptons, Southampton to be exact. All the people in this movie are rich and famous, you see. Suddenly, before thay get to make love, Mom in the person of Diane Keaton as Erica appears with her cynical sister Zoe. Zoe pulls a knife on Harry (Nicholson) in his boxer shorts and Erica threatens to have him arrested. Lo and behold, enter the fair Marin in a black bikini that almost gave me a heart attack. I had to calm myself with a glass of Chateauneuf-du-Pape 2000. Yes, they look after you well in Business Class of Air France. They all calm down after Erica gets over the shock of seeing her daughter in love with an older man, and all 4 spend the weekend in the huge luxurious house. Erica is a divorced, lonely, neurotic, sexually repressed famous writer and playwright.... and abruptly while they hear the sensual sounds of Marvin Gaye music and the oohs and aahs of Harry and Marin fooling around...Marin screams in panic,"Mom!!!" This is where the fun begins as Harry has had a heart attack while trying to smooch Marin. I don't blame him. The great scene which had me laughing in stitches is where Erica wants to give Harry mouth to mouth resuscitaion and he gesticulates NO NO! She does it anyway and saves his life. Eternal triangles abound in this movie. Keanu Reeves as handsome Dr. Julian has a thing for older women like Erica and falls in love with her while inevitably, the hate-hate relationship between Harry and Erica becomes Love-hate and then Love-Love. The scene where they discuss the birds and the bees in the bedroom is hilariously sexy as Harry gets to remove her white polo neck with her gold scissors on her command, no less. The orgasm scene is so terrifically hilarious too and yet strangely true to life. Erica says much much later, "I loove S____" and Harry, totally exhausted exclaims, "You certainly do!" The lines and dialogue are so witty and funny, and they are really smooth, slick actors with perfect timing and super confident delivery of their lines. The final scene in Paris is so romantic. I love Paris in the springtime and most any time, and the scenes of Paris and the lovely river Seine are superb. The food scenes in the restuarant Le Colbert behind the Palais Royale are so perfectly filmed especially where the birthday cake arrives for Erica's birthday in February in Paris. I know a lot about restaurants as I'm The Travelling Gourmet and I write and broadcast on Food, Travel and Wine all over the world. The crying or rather howling scenes where Erica goes hysterical and into a nervous breakdown when she realises that Harry doen't want a long term relationship but just a quick roll in the hay, are sad yet funny, which is incredibly entertaining. She becomes inspired to write a hit Broadway play where she lampoons and lambasts Harry and their relationship to great effect. The scene where her tear drops on to the keyboard of her laptop while she types furiously is very touching. It brought tears to my eyes too. The ending is really cute and I love the cute baby. A superb movie with a great story and wonderful acting. Filmed on location in New York, Paris and Southhampton, I liked this movie very much and watching it made the long flight so much shorter. Go see it soon and leave the movie theater Happy! By Dr. Michael Lim The Travelling Gourmet
Rating:  Summary: On and on it goes where it stops is boring. Review: Nobody buys that Jack Nicholson is some sexy god beyond aging ok? He definately is a cool guy,but come on sexy?!? Gimmme a break. Keaton comes off as some self righteous kook, and this movie is about 45 minutes to long. Not to mention that her plays seemed trite and trivial,a playwrite genius? I thought that overall there were a few funny moments, but this film is just to pretentious to be valid.
Rating:  Summary: Looking for Mr. Midnight Review: The reason Something's Gotta Give was so well received has more to do with the pitiful quality of the average Hollywood film than its own merits. When you have fine actors, pretty locations, and a romantic fantasy you overlook the insubstantial story and unbelievable ending. Something's Gotta Give with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton is pleasant, but not as good as As Good as It Gets, where Nicholson and Helen Hunt play sometimes unpleasant people with real problems who make a way out of loneliness for themselves. In Something's Gotta Give the way out falls into their laps without either having to make a hard choice. As another of Keaton's directors said, it's a "Hollywood Ending." Jack Nicholson is Harry, a rich sixty-three-year-old who dates only young women and takes Viagra to help Mr. Midnight get ready. When Harry's latest young thing brings him to her mother's house in the Hamptons, Harry (1) has a heart attack, (2) finds he can love someone older and not need Viagra, and (3) has to decide whether to change his life. Just as Harry realizes the good things about older women, Erica (Keaton) discovers the joys of younger men. Harry's doctor (Keanu Reeves) falls for Erica's body and her mind. The music is great, from hip-hop to Marvin Gaye. Frances McDormand singing and moving to "Let's Get It On" (which could have been the title of the movie) is one of the highlights of the film. In fact, McDormand has already made a more interesting version of this story, centered on a successful woman who plays the field. Check out Laurel Canyon.
Rating:  Summary: Jack's bum was the best part! Review: This film lost me when Diane's character, after sleeping with the sleazy old man who was her daughter's boyfriend, collapses into the bed and gasps, "I love sex!" It lost me even more when she decidss it's not sex she loves, it's Jack. I just don't understand how that transformation happened. It was bad enough with the turtleneck sweaters that she wears summer and winter, and which she begs Jack to rip from her ( the turtleneck is a symbol of her frigidity, from which jack frees her - get it?). It just did not ring true that a mature woman like Erica would fall for a man like Jack. His (convicingly played) character had zero attraction; neither physical nor mental nor spiritual. It was sheer neediness that drove her into bed with him. A mature woman understands this; the next morning she gives herself a shake and a dust off, feels rather ashamed when she sees his stubble and smells his morning breath, and swears never again. Does anybody older than 17 wail like that after a one-week aquaintance and a one-night-stand? The cliche that older women who happen to be solo are so hungry for sex that they fall in love with the first best beast that comes their way is so tired it is embarassing. As for Keanu - he was good, and convincing. A far better match for her. The age was not an issue here; they actually had something in common. Not his youth, not his body, but his mind. That's what we older women are really after: more depth. I mean, what would she and Jack have to talk about? The age difference does not matter one bit. What matters is shallowness. Jack chasing after young women was shallow and needy. Erica sleeping with Jack was shallow and needy. The daughter lusting after a man older than her father was shallow and needy. The doctor's interest in Erica was neither shallow not needy - couldn't she feel that, and respond in kind? I'd have gone for him like a shot. After their break up Jack goes around trying to find "closure" with all the women he's used and abused. I didn't believe it. And that is supposed to make him ripe for Diana. I didn't believe that either. So yes, though I enjoyed the beginning and had some good laughs, The film lost me. Not that the acting wasn't good; it was. It was the story that didn't work.
Rating:  Summary: Oh those ladies.... Review: Saw this on a plane and other than being half an hour too long I thought it was sweet, clever and funny. Everyone is great, except Keanu who, as usual, comes off as phony as Tom Cruise (who was also completely unconvincing as a doctor). Fortunately, the movie doesn't hang on Keanu. What wonderful middle aged ladies! But, in real life, where are single women like Diane Keaton or Frances McDormand or Helen Mirren or Diane Lane????