Rating:  Summary: Left Behind the Eight Ball Review: My understanding is that a lot of Evangelicals who are overly focused on the end-times are hoping that their agenda will be advanced by this movie. These well intentioned, but very misguided people apparently think that a Hollywood style fire & brimstone sermon disguised as some sort of action flick is just the thing to bring you to Jesus. I guess if you can't be lured by the prospect of a life time of chastity and sin management then they will settle for scaring you into some kind of conversion experience. Of course this is all intended with your best interests in mind... Pretty pathetic, huh? Consider that even Billy Graham admits that only something like less than two percent of his T.V. converts are still going to church a year later. And these are people who wanted to be converted unlike the targeted unbelieving portion of the audience of this movie. In any case, I suspect that this particular movie experience, especially for the religious novice, will actually cause most people to think twice about ever even considering stepping inside a real church! But who can blame these end-time hopefuls for their naive approach to religious conversion given the kind of drivel they hear in most of the evangelical pulpits these days. Unfortunately, this may be only the beginning of a new wave of liberalised movie interpretations of what we used to naively call the "Good News". Just take a look at the latest "Jesus" movie that came out a few months ago where Jeremy Sisto portrays Jesus like some kind of lame college sophomore who can't figure out what he should major in next year. You can almost hear his disciples saying "Hey, Dude, don't you know you're God?" And Sisto replying, "Wow, Man, you're right, I almost forgot, Wow!" What is really scary is how many reviewers embraced this latest watered down version of God as "more accessible" -- as if the time honored two-thousand year old version of Jesus as GOD presented in the Bible needs to be modified to fit Evangelical marketing needs in the new Millennium! Whew! In closing, my advice to those who are "eagerly awaiting" the theatrical release of this movie is to "Get A Life"! And ironically enough, there is actually an instruction manual out there specifically designed to show you how to do it, it's called the Bible... You've all obviously missed the point! It wouldn't hurt to read something by Jonathan Edwards either. I recommend "Religious Affections".
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind - The Movie Review: Hello- As a critic of literary fiction and an avid movie fan. I pause to contemplate on this film. I have read three of the books--which are compelling and mystifying. Indeed, I have been a fan of the left behind series for its story telling of end-times. My fellow Christians Christ will return. As far as the book is concerned, It is right to the point. It conveys the message behind it. The movie conveys all the literary themes that the series covers. Yes, it is true that the movie only had a few bible quotes, but the fact of the matter is the whole story is linear to what will happen, according to the bible. I refuse to tell the plot to anyone reading this review. I simply ask you to get a chance to see it. It is a thoughtful attempt to replicate the book, but by the same token-- the movie is a story telling-nutshell of what will happen if you are "Left Behind."
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Review: I beleive that "Left Behind" is an eye opening movie. As a Christian, I know that I will not be here, but to see what possibly will happen is frighting. To see & hear the fear in the parents when they realize their children are taken and they are left is very moving. I believe that all Christians should view this movie and encourage friends, family and co-workers to see it as well. When it comes to theaters in Feburary 2001 I would like to see it at the top of all movies.
Rating:  Summary: Gospel Message Lacking Review: Aside from the the technical aspects of the making of the film (some good points regarding those issues already being addressed)as well as the lack of sound Biblical doctrine and theology the film was sorely lacking within the pure Gospel message that the books possessed. (And I have read all of them thus far save for "The Mark") The fact that we are saved by grace though faith in Jesus Christ alone was not adequately presented. Instead, the focus was on the dissappearances and who was behind them. Little thought was realy gone into the why.I'm an Amillennialist. I enjoy the books as ficton. I see both the Law and Gospel within them and am glad of that. However, I did not find that within this film. The name of Jesus Christ was mentioned only once. Now, true, I have read the writers did so in order not to be "preachy". But it's a bit sad when Christians refuse to proclaim Jesus's name. Although I understand how and why some of the changes were made...that's one that I do not.
Rating:  Summary: Great potential, but... Review: Left Behind the book was great, Left Behind the Movie was just ok. I was very excited to hear that one of my favorite books was going to come out in movie form, but it didn't live up to my expectations. The plot was a bit too choppy (I had to explain quite a few things to some people I watched it with who had never read the book before), the special effects were mediocre, and the script could be corny at times. I guess you have to expect some of that in a movie with just a $17 million budget and 1 1/2 hours to tell a 468 page story, but if they would have taken just another half hour I think they could have tied it together a little better. To the film's credit, I was very impressed with the cast. Nicolae, Buck, Chloe, and Rayford's personalities and mannerisms were exactly as I had imagined them when reading the book; Hattie and Bruce were quite a huge surprise- Chelsea Noble and Clarence Gilyard did an outstanding job with their characters. My hope is that a bigger studio with more money will see this and pick up on the fact that they could take this series and run with it, without jeopardizing the content and message in the books.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind - not quite left behind Review: I did not read the series, so I watched the movie cold. As a Christian, I am very familiar with the Rapture( book of Revelations)and the Tribulations. In spite of what some may feel, by not explaining the Rapture up front for "non-christians" only lent to the suspense of the event. The movie, though not as extravagant as some of the major blockbusters, offers a good message along with decent special effects. I find in movies such as this, the actors have to portray more and not rely a lot on the special effects to carry them through .Some of the other Tribulation movies, such as "A Distant Thunder" while good ,did not capture the moment like this one. Of course, being a christian, I was able to get into the story quite well. I feel that movies such as this ( no sex, no drugs, no filth, etc.) are long overdue. I find this movie refreshing and would reccomend it to anyone looking for a movie with a message. Frankly, I am not one of those "fanatics"who would get this movie because of the message alone. The "fanatics" are those who support awfully made movies with little redeeming value. This movie rates all the way around. I gave it 3 stars only because of some the slowness in it, otherwise it was a quite refreshing film.
Rating:  Summary: ok movie. Enjoyed it. Review: I was waiting to see this so perhaps my expectations were too high, although I know that a great book never translates well on screen. The Gospel was way watered down, but I have to wonder if perhaps the key to reaching unsaved with a movie has to do with making them seek answers to questions this movie may stir up. There should have been a better set up at the beginning with what it was that Irene was talking to Ray and Cloe about, however. Overall, the movie was good as a video or made for TV movie. I can't really see it doing well on the big screen, although the subject matter is the kind that pulls people in. I will go see it and take someone who needs to see it with me.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: I really liked the movie, a fast-paced and well-done "piece" of the book "Left Behind". The characters were well-portrayed. As always, any book is most likely better than the movie. I liked all of it as did my husband. We'll watch it a again, I'm sure.
Rating:  Summary: Average, too good for life movie stars trying to act pivotal Review: Skinny stewardess', an antichrist who's charcter does not fit the role, and a reporter that has never really seems to belong in the scheme of things mark this as a rather average jaunt. The books were awesome, if a little understated in some things regarding technology, but it gets a little old when all we see is size six actresses, and somewhat buff actors attempting to act out the rolls of what we have come to interpret as everyday, some successful, some not, characters who were excellently detailed in the books. I did not imagine Cameron Williams as being the type of person who is photogenic, but rather a little rugged. In some cases, this is the complete opposite, the people you would expect to be photogenic are, in fact, plain looking; as in the case of Nicolae Carpathia. But then, this is the modern age, and everyone on film has to look good.
Rating:  Summary: expecting much better Review: I read the first three books of the series. Thank goodness I knew what was going on or this would have been a very confusing movie. But that is among the least of its problems. I almost walked out as Gilyard's character was "realizing" his situation. His acting is not convincing at all (I was expecting better of him) but I don't know if he could have helped it as his lines were not written as if coming from a man in his position. Few of the characters seem three dimensional, Buck being a surprising exception. Also, Carpathia's accent rarely sounds East European, but perhaps it will pass for the unsuspecting. The portrayal of Jews in the movie is not done particularly well either. The most prominent Jewish character, Chiam, is a dupe who is portrayed as a starry-eyed and naive. Also, anyone who watches this should be aware that there are MANY different interpretations of the prophecies concerning the rapture. So, please read, and think, about them for yourself.