Rating:  Summary: Good Movie.....with a GREAT Message! Review: After reading the book series, I saw this movie and felt that it was better than some of the other reviewers give it credit. Is it as good as the books? No, but what movie is! Is it an MGM or Universal production? No, but Cloud Ten productions shows a lot of promise for the future! The special effects were done very well. They could have gone into a little more detail of the devistation caused by the "disappearances", especially when the plane landed, as the book did. I think it would have added to the believability of the movie. Will I recommend that people go see this movie when it comes out in the theaters? Yes! It is worth seeing, even just for the message!
Rating:  Summary: One Everybody Can Enjoy! Review: This movie was well done, if you haven't read the books first... As with most books made into movies, time constraints don't allow for movie to have the same detailing as the book version, but this is by all means an excellent movie with a great story to tell. I feel anyone who likes science fiction, mysteries, etc. would really like this movie. I hope more movies will be made to go with the whole series of books. I feel the books also will appeal to a great many people with different literary interests. And best of all...there is a great lesson to be learned.
Rating:  Summary: A Noble Failure Review: That's what I call productions like this, where the reach exceeds the grasp and noble intentions are frustrated. (Previous examples include the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles). I have really, really, liked the books despite myself, and was hoping that this would be a great production. It's not. In "Roaring Lambs" the late Bob Briner advised the aspiring Christian film-maker to not pick projects that would require massive scenery and special effects. The producers have ignored his advice to their detriment.There is a reason that Tom Clancy's "Red Storming Rising" has never been filmed, and there is a reason Tolkien fans have had to wait FORTY years to see the Lord of the Rings on the big screen. The scope of the production is simply too enormous and the price of failure very, very high. The thing that has made the "Left Behind" series a blockbuster best seller is the pleasure of seeing a valid, yet controversial system of Biblical interpretation fully worked out in the most concrete and dramatic terms. It's not Victor Hugo or Charles Dickens, but it is at least as good as the worst Tom Clancy and Stephen King has turned out. What makes the books work is the use of realistic detail: CNN, Time Magazine and the U.N. make cameo appearances. The world is thrown in upheaval on an epic scale. Disbelief is willingly suspended. We are seeing our world in the not-distant future, the only thing different (the crucial difference) is that the symbols of Revelations are entering reality. The shoe-string budget of this movie is it's fatal flaw. International news-gathering organizations and world institutions can only be hinted at. Certain limited venues can be destroyed. The illusion of reality is never sustained long enough for anyone to seriously entertain the ideas which the creators are interested in. Its a real shame, having sat through more than my fair share of movies based on cobbled together clap trap Hollywood eschatology (going back to The Omen and beyond), I was really hoping someone would get it right. They haven't. Unfortunately, for the time being, the best place to see the Left Behind series will be the theater of your imagination. ********** For a good approximation of what a Post-Rapture world might be like, see the recent "Last Night." To their credit, they leave the Bible completely out of their end of the world movie, instead of playing around with it and re-writing it to fit their movie.
Rating:  Summary: El Crapola Review: Ok, let's be honest here, the movie was crapola. It took me three days to watch it and I fell asleep twice. The only reason I put myself through such boredom was because the book was so good. If I had not read the book first I would have never subjected myself through that painfully agonizing boring film. Forget the movie and read the book. Shoot, read the whole series, it is great.
Rating:  Summary: Not Hollywood Review: This movie had such potential to be a great Hollywood quality film, but falls far short. So short that there is only one great line in the whole movie--when Ken Ritz says to Buck--nice hair. Please don't take your non-churched friends to see it. If you haven't read the book there is no way you will know what is going on. I have heard that even the authors of the series aren't happy with it. That should speak volumes.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is REALITY Review: This was a great movie-it really makes one think-more importantly it makes one realize that this is not fiction or tale tale of what might occur-it will occurr-many will in fact be LEFT Behind(anyone who sees this movie aand doesn't realize that Jesus is the most important thing in life-they are either blind or deaf
Rating:  Summary: A Movie to be Watched with Your Heart Review: I have not read the Left Behind series, but now I will. I found this movie in a Christian book store and was inspired to buy it and watch it at home. As is true for any movie or book or piece of art, the way people react to them is a very personal and subjective experience, based on their own beliefs and what has happened in their lives so far. So no matter what people say in these reviews, you need to make your own decision about this movie's value. I watched it with my 11 year old daughter and one of her friends. We were all totally caught up in the characters and the story, as well as the music (we have since bought the sound track and love it!). It made us cry, and more importantly, it made us think about what we need to do as Christians to help non believers (including my husband) begin to ask the question: if all of this is true, and if Christ does return to take His believers away from the horrors of the end times, where will I be? If you believe that it could be God's will to get this movie out in as many theaters as possible and move people to change their hearts, then join in the efforts to get sponsorship for this movie in your area. All the criticism about special effects is moot since the movie producers have already enhanced those scenes for the movie release. We thought the actors were very well cast, especially Kirk Cameron as Buck Williams. It was also a treat to watch a movie that you could immerse yourself in with no worries except when it would end. But the main point is this: if you open yourself to the message here, you will feel it as we did, and you will want to share it with anyone you care about or love. Leave your worldy views and prejudices behind and watch this with your heart.
Rating:  Summary: Not As Good as I thought it was going to be Review: I saw this movie and I honestly was disappointed at the differences between it and the book. I was even more disappointed when the authors were not even credited, nor were they involved in writing the screenplay, something I think would have been in the best interest of the producers. It is my hope that the producers will recognize that the authors need to have some input, because there are fans of the series that will be disappointed should this continue. I also hope that the producers will take the risk and involve the entire book in the next movie: Tribulation Force. The movie mostly ploded along in my opinion, there was nothing in it that truly grabbed my attention, it was something that I just watched, there was nothing in it that grabbed me and made me think at all. I hope the next one will be treated with the respect this series deserves.
Rating:  Summary: Liked the movie Review: As with any great book series that has been made into a movie, the movie will fail to live up to the built-in expectations that the reader/viewer bring into the viewing. "Left Behind" is no exception. The movie in itself is very nicely made and is very interesting to watch. Having read the entire series, I was anxious to see how they were going to pack so much information into a 90 minute movie. They did a fairly good job and the production values were better than I had hoped for. I would definitely recommend that anyone contemplating watching this movie should do so. The story and performances are compelling and the emotion brought into the movie by the performances makes up for the lack of information disseminated throughout the film.
Rating:  Summary: I enjoyed it tremendously! Great evangelism tool! Review: I think the books are great and I really enjoyed the movie. My husband and I will also go to see it in the theatres! I've already contacted movie theatres asking them to carry this film in February and I will be recommending it to unsaved friends too. Its the book of revelation and in the future ALL of these prophesies are going to be TRUE!! I hope and pray that others will listen, learn, and their hearts will be changed. Go see it!! Rent it!! Read the books!! You'll enjoy them all!! :-) God Bless!