Rating:  Summary: Appalling. Review: Okay, so maybe it wasn't the most brilliant of ideas to film a really, really bad novel. This is way up there with Battlefield Earth. And even then, at least when you watch Battlefield Earth you can laugh at Travolta with schnot hangin off his nostrils. Staying awake for the entire duration of this cliche compendium proved to be quite a challenge. If you suffer from insomnia this may be the movie for you.The script is dull and predictable, the characters cookie-cutter stereotypes delivering cliche after cliche. Not that the actors do anything to attempt to salvage this wreck, mind you. They joyfully participate to this abomination with very convincing bad acting demonstrations. This movie proves one thing: Christian movies are to movies what Christian rock is to rock, a pathetic exploitation genre future generations will look at in utter puzzlement. How such a turkey could ever get production money is bewildering. In some countries they stone people for producing such abominable doodoo! Until U.S. laws are amended to give the authors of this celluloid turd the slow and painful death they so richly deserve, skip this garbage and buy another DVD. Hey, why not Ed Wood's "Plan 9 from outer space"?
Rating:  Summary: Dumber Than Thou Knowest Review: This is one God-awful movie (no blaspheme intended). The Second Coming (or the First Coming, depending on your religious views) is a central event to a big portion of the world's populace and thus prime fodder for movies. From the various cinematic versions of "Ben Hur" to the "Omen" and its sequels, the interpretive dramatic events surrounding the anticipated (or feared) appearance of the Messiah has drawn large audiences. The subject works best when there's a central, accessible character and a story that stands on its own. LEFT BEHIND is a mutant phenomenon that slipped under the radar but impacted the secular, commercial marketplace. First part of an evangelical best-selling series of books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, then a direct-to-video release and then, a limited theatrical release. This is a stupendously badly acted, written and directed sermon that is squarely aimed at the choir. Based on a controversial interpretation of scripture not shared by all Christians, this story posits a prophetic sequence of events that includes a "secret rapture" when all true believers will be bodily lifted from the planet. Per this interpretation, all those remaining on earth will endure seven years of trouble and tribulation unlike anything in history until Satan and his followers are destroyed and the earth is made new. But nothing could be as bad as having to sit through this pathetic joke of a movie. If you still think this end-times genre fiasco is something to see, please note that Kirk Cameron stars as a hard-hitting middle-eastern journalist. This kind of crude, uninformed product gives God a bad name. And someone's going to pay...
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Review: I have read the book series, and wanted to watch the Left Behind Movie. I must admit, at first I thought the movie was awful because it wasn't the same as the first. The relationships were altered, entire chapters were left out, and it just felt awkward. But, after I watched it again (because I still thought it was a good movie), I saw past the differences and realized that this was a wonderful project! You could tell a lot of effort went into making this move. The casting was terrific, the music was GREAT, the effects were incredible, and the story did actually keep the same message as the book (with only minor differences). So, without a doubt, I would recommend this movie to anyone looking for a spiritual awakening, or just a satisfying and thrilling movie. You'll want to keep watching it over and over.
Rating:  Summary: Good intentions - but BEWARE!! Review: This movie isn't much on the scale of production, acting, writing, etc... I'm not saying it's the worst but it's low budget, lets be honest, so obviously with reason, it is lacking. Yet there is more wrong with it then it's Hollywood capabilities (or, the lack thereof), and that exists in it's Christian perspective (or, the lack thereof). It surrounds the modern heresy of "The Rapture." This new idea about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is wrongly preached through this film. ALL people (Christian or not) have no business being exposed to it. It isn't Bibically accurate, or historically (the Fathers of the Church NEVER thought like this, it is a NEW BELIEF). If you are Christian and are thinking of seeing this, I suggest that you pick something else. If you already saw it - Be careful not to look more into this than what it is - a movie; simply entertainment. It has no authoritity (Which many people who have the read the books this production is based on have wrongly given to it's message, authors, and heresies.) and no Biblical support. Don't get confused by its mistakes. CHRISTIANS (OR ANYONE) SHOULD NOT see this because you do run the risk of wanting to believe it, or to even look at it as a Bible Study, which it is not in any way. The makers of "Left Behind" may be well intentioned but that doesn't make them correct.
Rating:  Summary: This would have been only 4 stars Review: But the way I see it, the reviews on here are ridiculous. Left Behind, a movie made by an *no offense* aweful production company, and a low budget film at that, surprised and startled me. I am not exactly a believer of the rapture, but I thought the movie really gave a basic idea of what the end times will be like. I Loved This Movie! And when you love a semi-low budget movie, then you know the acting was great and it HAD a storyline, unlike movies such as "funnybones" and "deep blue sea". oh and i have a question, how does james bond movies and this movie have ANY similarities at all?!?! anyways, it had the evil twist, which was really suspensful. 2 thumbs up here (: P.S. i have a question, how does james bond movies and this movie have ANY similarities at all?!?!
Rating:  Summary: good movie, awesome book Review: this movie definately left something to be desired after having read the book, but it is still a good movie. while the people and places are the same, the sequence of action differs from the book, and several things happen in the movie that did not happen in the book. the good thing is that you can see the movie and understand it without reading the book, though the book is more detailed. i would advise either reading the book or listening to the book on tape before watching this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind: The movie Review: This movie could have been so much better. The intro, to appropriately start, is fairly unrealistic. Buck and Chaim are in the crop fields of Israel when the Russians attack. They both run indoors to a massive surveillance facility which, for the most part, comes out of no where. The AntiChrist is anything but charismatic. It is understood that most movies pale in comparison to the book, but this is just so bad. I was also hoping for a series that would not drag on forever. It looks like it will be one movie per book.
Rating:  Summary: It could have been better Review: After reading the action-packed book, Left Behind. I was expecting a movie filled with the enthusiam and and vividness protrayed by the book. I would have rathered the movie been longer, so that the audience could really get a feel of what was going on. One must not substitute the movie for reading the book, you would be lost.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but not Great Review: Having read the book first, I was somewhat disappointed in the movie. The idea and intent are worthy, but the book series is much more rewarding - a MUST READ.
Rating:  Summary: Hokey Fun Review: It's not a great movie by any means, but I found it interesting in offering an insight into the attitudes of many modern American millennialist evangelicals, and actually quite enjoyed watching it. The basic problem is not the plot (of the movie or the series of books), since the idea of developing a whole story of what happens after the "rapture" is fairly original. Rather the problem lies precisely with the attitudes the movie tries to stroke, i.e. the attitudes of those "Christians" living before the rapture. Some of these attitudes reflect a basically conspiritorial view of all international bodies, and indeed anything that is not whitebread American. I was waiting for someone to mention the "Tri-Lateral Commission." More distressing still is the idea that "believers" will be willing and able to escape all the bad times of the post-rapture period, and would leave behind relatives and other loved ones. This reflects a disgusting degreee of self-satisfaction, and points to a failure of basic compassion.