Rating:  Summary: The movie was disappointing................ Review: I voraciously read the serious and loved it! I immediately assumed that the movie would mirror the excitement of this incredible series. Some of the characters were introduced in the movie in a way that differs from the series. I was unfortunately disappointed....The movie should be in mini series format that closely follows the book.
Rating:  Summary: This movie left me wanting.... Review: The Left Behind series, especially the first one that set the stage, are all page-turners worthy of a much bigger effort than this movie provided. So much of the story was left out. My excitement at discovering this film, was quickly dampened by the weak performances. I hope there is more effort put into any future films made of this fabulous book series.
Rating:  Summary: READ THE BOOK!!! Review: This movie was terrible,which is too bad,because the book is THE BEST. This movie did not do the book any justice. Plus it left out important parts and details. Please do not waste your money on this awful movie. Just sit down and read the book. You will thank me. P.S. The book is SO SO great!--Non-religious, movie/book person
Rating:  Summary: Best ever Review: I have read all 9 books after left behind and ordered the first book-left behind. They were all excellent books and I can't wait for the other ones to come out. It's to bad they will take so long. I am going to try and find all the movies and buy them, I'm sure they are just as good as the books. Hope so anyway. God Bless and keep the faith.
Rating:  Summary: Poor compared to the book Review: After reading the fantastic (5 Star) novel Left Behind a friend lent me the video. I was very dissapointed as the movie is an abridged version of the book with some parts rewritten to speed up the action. The result was a rather boring movie with virtually no character development. Almost none of the underlying reasons for what happens is revealed in the movie. This was very important in my enjoyment of the book. I supposed if I hadn't read the book I could have enjoyed it as some low budget action flick, but over all I can't recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Poor Review: I've read the books and I am a devout Christian and a lover of DVDs. However, this film was a poor adaptation of the book. It only goes through about half of the story and is missing some very important details. Moreover, the price is not something to get excited about. I was excited about seeing Christian movies that could compete with major picture studios. Sadly, I think we still have a long way to go. The visual effects and acting were acceptable (though Rayford's "coming to Christ" scene was WAY too weepy). The real problem was the adaptation of the screenplay. I wish this had been developed a little further. Still, the Christian community should be proud of these efforts because they are showing that someday we will be able to compete with Hollywood. Why 2 stars?: This DVD is not worth the pricetag. It is dull and goes through only half of the story. The acting and effects are adequate, but not enough to make this a work of art.
Rating:  Summary: Maybe the worst movie... EVER!!! Review: However, I highly recommend that everyone watch this stinker! This movie has the exact opposite of the intended result. It is such a departure from the real world that I half-expected the Superfriends, with the Wondertwins and Gleek, to save the day. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I learned that some of the writers from the Superfriends wrote the screenplay. It has all the profundity, cleverness and originality of a Chick Tract and it is about as compelling. They should have made it as a clay-mation and had Burl Ives narrate it. After graduating from Conservative Christian Clown Factory Inc. (Bob Jones University), Tim LaHaye made quite a name for himself, using the anachronistic writings of a long forgotten age to scare people into church and make a pretty good living doing it. But he wanted more money and more power. So he applied his marginal writing skills and produced a best selling book. A badly written novel with a contrived plot and 2 dimensional, plastic characters (complete with names like "Buck Williams" and "Ray Steele") about those left behind after the Rapture. The good guys are so honorable and upright that they practically drip with honey and the bad guys are so swarthy and irredeemably evil that the reader can only suppose that they eat dead babies to celebrate Charles Manson's birthday. This lined Tim's pockets a little more and scared a few more people into church. So like the money junkie he is, he cut a deal with fellow nutjob Peter LaLonde, CEO of Cloud Ten Films. He was then poised to scare even MORE people into church and make even MORE money. Obviously, this movie was intended for the unchurched. That is why it was marketed like a secular movie. That is why there was just enough violence (as well as an almost adult situation) to warrant a PG-13 rating. Cloud Ten knew that they would not appeal to their target audience with a G rated film. Tim was not preaching to the choir, he already had them where he wanted them (as evidenced by the over-the-top customer reviews of this movie and the book upon which it was based here on amazon.com). He wanted to scare the unbelievers into church: agnostics, Jews, Wiccans, Hindus, Shintoists, Catholics, liberal christians, Buddhists, etc., we are all on his hit list. The reason Hell was invented in the first place was to scare people into church. The reason that largely plagiarized Jewish apocalyptic literature (e.g. Revelations) has been so popular among Christian conservatives is that it has the effect of scaring people into church. Does it work? Well, to be perfectly honest, I think that LaHaye and LaLonde should have prayed to God a little harder before they made this turkey. They should have prayed for better actors, a better director, a better script etc. "Left Behind: The Movie" is a case study in how not to make a movie. So why am I highly recommending it? Well, if you are among the "unchurched" because the entire modern Christian eschatology seems like something from a really lame, badly written movie, then this movie will prove that you were right all along. Nothing exposes the fact that Christian end times prophesies are silly and fictional like a silly fictionalization of Christian end times prophesies. This movie is invaluable in that capacity. It UTTERLY fails to do what LaHaye intended, and THAT is why people should see it. "Fence sitters" that kind of believe this stuff, but really don't know too much about it need to see it. Atheists and agnostics who want a good laugh need to see. Christians who are not of the LaHaye ilk (that is intelligent Christians) need to see it if for no other reason than to see beliefs of the lunatic fringe which has hijacked their religion. Far from scaring me into church, this horrible piece of film had me laughing in fits. I couldn't help it. When those people disappeared off the plane and then it changed scenes to Chloe (the daughter of the perpetually angry, immoral, atheist airline pilot who cheats on his wife) running around trying to help people in the street I was literally wiping tears out of my eyes. I was laughing so hard, not only because it was so badly done, but because some people actually believe it could happen. And I guarantee you, LaHaye is laughing too... all the way to the bank. Although it is true that Cloud Ten lost their butts on this horrible movie and LaHaye is suing them for not producing a blockbuster (despite Paul's admonishment against Christians suing one another in 1st Corinthians chapter 6) LaHaye is still making ALOT of money. It wasn't ALL bad, however. I must mention that the absense of profane utterances, and unecessary sex or violence was refreshing. Another thing they got right was that they suggest that not all unbelievers are bad people (actually, most unbelievers are not bad people) and that unbelievers would actually believe when presented with sufficient evidence (here Tim contradicts many NT writers --for instance, see Paul on "philosophers"-- who claimed that unbelievers arbitrarily disbelieve no matter what, a fallacy then as now). There was also one good actor in the whole thing, but it wasn't Kirk Cameron, it was the Black guy who plays the "lost" preacher. Not surprisingly, there were very subtle anti-semitisms in the movie and it was subtley anti-muslim too. We must expect that from an exclusionary elitist like LaHaye. The director made several, very contrived, sophomoric and downright goofy attempts at symbolism (i.e. the rat in the cage when Buck is entering the conspiracy theorists apartment, right before he is nearly assasinated). I also thought it was a nice touch that the antichrist be of Russian extraction. Do the words "evil" and "empire" ring a bell? It should: Tim is an old Cold Warrior too!
Rating:  Summary: The Rapture is Real! Review: I have seen this movie about five times and every time it puts a chill in my heart. Those christians who think the rapture is a fiction will be left behind just like the pastor in the movie along with all the unbelievers. Christians really need to believe in the word of God and stop trying to think for God. But I guess that there will always be people who refuse to believe until it is too late. I hope the producers make more parts to the movie to follow it to its conclusion.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: This movie fell way short of the book series. Lousy writing and lousy acting. Buy this for an enemy.
Rating:  Summary: can you say BAD? Review: i have read 8 of the Left Behind Series books and was excited to see the film. I can only try to express my dissapointment with it. I have not seen a worse movie in years. I can honestly say it was more pathetic than an after school special. The story jumped around, major sections of the book were glossed over, the character development was non-existant and the choice of actors dissapointing. All in all this was a big waste of time, stick to reading the books.