Rating:  Summary: Greatest Holocaust Video Ever!!!! Review: Schindler's List gives viewers a sense of the distruction that Nazi Germany set out to do. I love the knowledge, and facts that this movie is filled with, and the compassion that Oscar has towrds the Jews at the end of the movie. I love the realism, the horror. Realism in this case being horrifing, but perfect. I found the scene when Amon was trying to shoot the hinge worker a litter fake when no bullets came out of the pistol when cocked, but over all this movie is excellent. "Everyone should be required to watch this movie."
Rating:  Summary: His personal film to date. Review: Spielberg's best film ever. This is going to become a classic. Liam Neeson is in toip form in this great film which won Best Pictuere and Best director!
Rating:  Summary: Schindler's List Review: Sobering account of an opportunistic German businesssman (Liam Neeson) out to make his fortune by exploiting Jewish labor in occupied Poland but the increasing barbarism of Nazi racial policies and the sadistic perversions of the local commandant (Ralph Fiennes) cause him to risk his life trying to save the Jews in his employ. Director Steven Spielberg restages this Holocaust story on an epic scale that gives horrifying dimension to one man's attempt to save some innocent lives, though providing little insight in the German's moral transformation or the individual lives of his Jewish workers. Realistically graphic treatment of an infamous historical period and its crimes against humanity
Rating:  Summary: An Epiphany for a Man; a Powerful Movie Review: Liam Neeson portrays Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who starts off as a war profiteer, a womanizer, and a Nazi ally, and who gradually awakens to the horror of the Holocaust. With the help of a Jewish accountant, played with his usual perfection by Ben Kingsley, Schindler finds a way to help himself and save Jews and other Nazi-oppressed groups from the concentration camp. Viewers get to watch the remarkable transformation of Schindler, as he goes from using the Jews as cheap labor to sacrificing his fortune, his safety, and his status with the Nazis to save over one thousand people.This movie shows the cruelty, depravity, and inhumanity of the Nazis, personified in Ralph Fienne's concentration camp director, with a harshness and a clarity that is not for the squeamish but is unequalled. By the end of the movie, Liam Neeson's Schindler shows us the opposite of that inhumanity. The ending, which actually is two endings, is incredibly powerful. However, as powerful a statement against the Nazis and the Holocaust as this movie is, its true story is that of Schindler's transformation. From beginning to end, we see the man awaken and redefine himself. He needs help doing it, but he gets the help and responds to it. This movie is one of the most powerful pieces of cinematic art ever created. Stephen Spielberg directed it and, while many of his other movies have earned him much more money, this is his shining accomplishment.
Rating:  Summary: schindlers list Review: Schindlers list is the master at his best. its a pity that his next war movie saving private ryan was not a patch on this one. this movie, unlike SPR has the human element in it. The movies is an outstanding truelife story of one man's realisation of the horrors of war. i wish the world leaders of today, who are eager to pull the trigger to avenge the injustice done to them, will take time off and watch this long but touching movie. spielberg uses excellent cinematic techniques to showcase the horrors of war. though the movie is quite often disturbing, that is the intention. the use of black and white throughout the movie is even more striking, especially in contrast with the only colour used in two scenes. Schindlers list is a powerful war movie and is rather long, but it is well worth a patient watch, there will be no dry eyes at the end of this classic movie. The gas chambers were especially disturbing with actors like Brett Weston being extremely hard to look at. probably spielberg's best and one of the alltime greatest movies
Rating:  Summary: Something curious happened to me Review: When I heard "Jews Town" without even knowing about the existence of "The Schindler's List", I got terribly sad, totally disarmed. The music by it self transmitted to me the exact feeling that the movie did later, when I finally watched it. This film tell us a very sad story, that unfortunately is part of the human History. But it tells the horror in a very delicate manner. This film is poetry and history at the same time. If you are ready to cry with dignity, don't miss this master piece.
Rating:  Summary: 5 star is insulting to the power of this movie Review: This movie without a doubt should be in the top 100 movies of all time. This movie shows Oskar Schindler. A profitter (I know by spelling is bad) of slave labor, a womanizer, and a member of the Nazi Party during the holocaust. But this story always shows how this man along with Itzak Stern, (played by Ben Kingsley) saved the lives of over 1,100 jews. Liam Neeson gives one of his best acting roles playing schindler and the movie shows the tragedys of one of the darkest chapters in history. This movie deserves 10 stars at least.
Rating:  Summary: A Reminder Review: I can understand the complaints of people who feel that the movie loses importance because certain events depicted in it were fictionalized. But I don't argee with them. Now, some of what's in there IS untrue, that's for sure. Oskar Schindler was a greedy man to the end, according to his wife. He didn't weep when he had to flee the factory at the end. But still, the picture is one of the most powerful I have ever seen. Unflinching in it's portrayal of the inhuman crimes committed by the Nazis, it's also quite uplifting, giving us the messange that human decency can still prevail in the most awful of situations. And the last scene, in which the real-life people who were effected by the events shown in the movie pay tribute to Schindler's memory, is the most appropriate anyone could possibly have used. It reminds us once and for all that what we've been watching for the past 3 hours was not pure fiction. Or a partly true-life story exploited simply for it's moral message. It actually HAPPENED. Those are real people we've been watching on the screen, not just "movie characters". Even if a few events were changed to suit the film, it remains a moving memorial to the 6 million victims of the Holocaust. Some of the other reviews posted here I find to be rather baffling. I'm referring in particular to one that should appear about four below this one, entitled "What's wrong with Spielberg?". The reviewer asks something like, "Why did Spielberg make this movie?" Well, why shouldn't Spielberg have made this movie!? Given the enormous scope Holocaust, there should be MORE movies made on the subject. More films like this one -- movies that explore how such an awful situation could possibly have come about, movies that tell the true stories of people who suffered unjustly under Hilter's regime. So it's an important historical document, no matter how you look at it. I don't think that the movie is unfair to the Germans, because the atrocities that are shown in it are all true. And fascism is not, I repeat NOT, "long obsolete". It still exists in the world today in Iran, Afghanistan etc. So the movie is also a warning, in the form of a reminder. (Also, in the Omaha Beach sequence of Saving Private Ryan, the Germans who were being "wasted" were not defending "their" land. They were defending their position in France -- land they STOLE. So I think it's fair that the movie takes the side of the Americans.) As I have already said, the movie is an important historical document, and it's a movie that everyone should see at least once.
Rating:  Summary: review removed by author Review: review removed by author
Rating:  Summary: Timeless. Review: First, I would like to dedicate this review to all those who have suffered from the recent horrendous attacks in New York, The Pentagon and elsewhere. Why? Because a movie like "Schindler's List" reminds us that in the presence of unspeakable horror, we can still move on and conquer the evil that wishes to take us down. The Holocaust is undeniably the most horrific crime against humanity to date and Spielberg brings to vivid life here in a masterpiece that is timeless and important. The world must never forget because if one forgets history, it will surely repeat itself. We must never forget and never let our children forget of what we as humans, can sometimes be horribly capable of. But at the end of the film, brilliantly filmed in black and white which makes for beautiful images, we realize that good does triumph over evil and that one person can make a difference. In a time like this, when it seems like evil has won the battle, we must always remember that it takes an effort and risk to win. "Schindler's List" takes place in a time when evil men sought to rule the world but those with courage and hope did not give up. I am still reeling from the shock of the attacks in New York, tears have been shed and blood has been spilled. Let us pray for the victims and their families, but we must also not lose hope and a film like this is there to remind us that good men who strive for what's right, regardless of what must be sacrificed, can change things.