Rating:  Summary: It could have been sooo good Review: Depressive homicide detectivce (Christopher Lambert) is after a serial killer who removes young male's limbs to rebuild (literally) the body of christ. Mulcahy's and Lambert's attempt at a dark and distressing psychological thriller; in the tradition of SE7EN, is, of course intelligent and great to look at but consistantly changes its pitch from a thriller to a horror which results in garbled logic and cliched motives (and not to mention a hopeless finale). A waste of a perfectly good idea. Cult favourite David Cronenberg appears briefly as a priest. The DVD, however, isn't much better. Choice between widescreen or fullscreen with a hazy and ordinary transfer, an overloud Dolby 5.1 track, a standard Dolby 2.0 in English and Spanish, the theatrical trailer and a TV spot, cast and crew biographies and an annoyingly dull and uninformative commentary by director Mulcahy. Don't let this clever title or artwork fool you, but if expectations are at a fat 0, you may fide this fun.
Rating:  Summary: S6X Review: Despite the title of this review, this movie isn't just another se7en rip off. It's a good movie in it's own right. Yes, it has a sick serial killer and two cops. Name a serial killer movie that doesn't.Now, as for it's being sacrilegious because of the killer's belief that he's doing God's will. I'd like to remind everyone that the one of the most prolific killers of all time worked under the delusion that he was carrying out God's wishes. That man was Torquemada, leader of the Spanish Inquistion. He killed more people, and in more terrible ways than the killer in Resurrection could even begin to dream up. Using God as an excuse is a fairly common trait in killers, and I really don't think it's sacrilegious to use it as the subject of a movie. Now, on to the movie itself. Christopher Lambert (Highlander), plays Detective John Prudhomme, who along with his partner Andrew Hollingsworth (Se7en, ironically enough), is trying to solve a series of killings in which the victims each have just one extremity removed. Arms, legs, head, and torso (which isn't really an extremity, I guess), hence the s6x of my title. Prudhomme has suffered a lapse of faith due to his small son's death a year before. He no longer has any belief in God. The killer leaves deliberate clues behind for the police to find. Here is where I have to give tons of credit to this movie. It actually takes some work for Prudhomme to to figure out the clues. He doesn't just stumble on the connection out of nowhere. Once they figure out WHY the killer is killing, they know when he's going to strike again, which will be the last murder needed to finish his morbid tableau. They even figure out who the next victim will be (due to the last clue left), but arrive to late to save him. Disheartened because they know the killer could simply vanish, since he's accomplished his goal, they return to the police station where by great coincidence (but a believable one in this case) they find out where the killer has been hiding. You can't help but feel Prudhomme's sense of irony that his biggest case ever is directly tied in with the God he has forsaken. Lambert does a good job with his portrayal of the disillusioned detective and Orser is wonderful as his partner. The identity of the killer is a stroke of genius, something I've never seen done before in this type of movie. Yes, this movie is bloody, and disturbing. However, a murder is never shown being committed, just the aftermath. There are a number of scenes of mutilated bodies throughout, but I think that as in se7en, they're there to show how disturbing this killer really is. Even before they discover the motive, the police are aware that all these murders have been methodically and carefully planned out well in advance. In one case, an earlier murder victim is placed (well ahead of time) so that it will be discovered in the proper sequence. If you liked se7en, and can watch another serial killer movie without making comparisons, then give this one a try. I think you'll find that it stands on its own rather well.
Rating:  Summary: If Seven was Se7en then Resurrection is Resurrect10n Review: Great thriller with Lambert on the role of a detective trying to find a serial killer that dismembers his victims to build the body of Jesus before easter,it will leave you at the edge of your seat for the whole movie.Good story,so so acting.Lambert is really a good actor when he wants to,he stole the show in HG:Endgame and Nirvana
Rating:  Summary: AN OK THRILLER IN THE "SEVEN" VEIN Review: I believe that Resurrection was originally a made for cable movie or perhaps a direct to video release. It's actually quite a bit better than most such movies.
it certainly takes a page or two from the far more noted "Seven" but still stands up well on its own merits. Chris Lambert plays detective John Prudhome, who is hot on the trail of of a serial killer whose determined to rebuild and resurrect Jesus Christ with victims body parts in time for Easter, and thus leaving some very gory crime scenes.
The people behind this movie certainly know what they're doing. The production values are crisp, the visuals fitting and disturbing, and the cast feels right.
Which I'm surprised to say because I'm not a big Lambert fan. Possibly because he just keeps slipping into B-movie obscurity, likes some actors do. Sometimes, I have to remind myself, after seeing a bad movie with him in it, that he was in Highlander, and that was a good movie.
The story line may freak a lot of people out but if you have a taste for crime thrillers and you have a strong stomach, then this movie is the one for you. But be warned there are a lot of gruesome scenes in this movie which I won't go into detail about. You may want to look away from some scenes.
Rating:  Summary: If Seven is "Se7en" then this should be "resurrecti0n"... Review: I first heard of this pitiful flick when I saw a teaser for in another video. "A 'Se7en' ripoff... how nice!" - I thought, because I'd been waiting for a decent thriller inspired by (read - "copying from") David Fincher's film for a while, and "Resurrection" seemed like it. What a mistake! To call it a Se7en ripoff would be gratifying it. The "creators" of this trite trash attempted to rip off a lot from "Se7en", indeed, but only one thing of all they lifted more or less works: the weather (although even that is not really good - the rain in "Se7en" did look realistic, while some of the "raindrops" in "Resurrection" scream: "Hello, we've just come out of water hoses - see the pattern in which we're falling?"). The rest does not work at all and is in fact simply idiotic. The movie is not only boring, but deeply imbecilic, with blatant pseudo-ideas, plot holes bigger than the Black Hole of Calcutta, and a ludicrous conclusion. The cheap cartoon cutout of a villain is glued together from bad cliches - much as he himself combines body parts (in a ripoff of "Hands" and "Relentless") - and stands on two crooked legs, Moronic & Writing. The even cheaper and more hackneyed cop is a Generic Tough Detective With Inner Problems, the dialogue is dull and meaningless, the whole "plot" could be written down on half a matchbox, and the acting is either hammy or wooden (Lambert, in his typical "direct-to-Z-grade-video-stardom" fashion, covers both variants). Trying to watch this flick without forwarding it is almost as pleasant as having teeth pulled with no anesthetic. Laughably and pathetically enough, its makers even tried to copy Seven's idea for the title - "Seven" spells itself as "Se7en", so here they inserted a cross instead of "t" in, to "cleverly" present the flick as "RESURREC+ION". Actually, however, it should have been titled "resurrecti0n" - for "0" plot, zero originality and just as much entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Was a Pleasant Surprise Review: I hadn't heard of Resurrection until I stumbled across it at the local video store, stuck in between two other horror flicks. I wouldn't call this a horror film, though it does get a bit creepy and it is very graphic. As this is a murder-mystery style thriller I don't want to get into the plot at all, because that's one spot where I feel this movie truly shines. The acting is great though, and the idea behind the movie, although rather disturbing, kept me glued to the screen. The violent scenes are generally filmed in dark areas which makes the make-up effects look much more realistic. Some of the more extreme scenes will likely have you squirming in your seat. The only thing I thought this film could have done better was hide who the killer was a bit more. I had it guessed correctly far before I was supposed to find out. But even with this one minor flaw, nothing should take away from your enjoyment of this picture. Edge of your seat entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Was a Pleasant Surprise Review: I hadn't heard of Resurrection until I stumbled across it at the local video store, stuck in between two other horror flicks. I wouldn't call this a horror film, though it does get a bit creepy and it is very graphic. As this is a murder-mystery style thriller I don't want to get into the plot at all, because that's one spot where I feel this movie truly shines. The acting is great though, and the idea behind the movie, although rather disturbing, kept me glued to the screen. The violent scenes are generally filmed in dark areas which makes the make-up effects look much more realistic. Some of the more extreme scenes will likely have you squirming in your seat. The only thing I thought this film could have done better was hide who the killer was a bit more. I had it guessed correctly far before I was supposed to find out. But even with this one minor flaw, nothing should take away from your enjoyment of this picture. Edge of your seat entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: should be classified as horror movie Review: It is so moronic as a police drama/mystery that it has to be considered a horror movie.
Rating:  Summary: Send this thrilla to Manila Review: Lifeless direction mars this Seven-like cops-vs.-serial killer thriller, but somehow it manages to keep you glued.
Rating:  Summary: If you liked "Seven" you will love this! Review: Movie was very thrilling, and kept you in suspense util the very end