Rating:  Summary: Yes, sex sells; but the content is much deeper Review: Am immensely enjoyable film that stays in the mind and effectively accomplishes what most movies hardly even aspire to: a story that stirs the intellect as well as passion!This movie weaves an intriguing, highly symbolic story that has many layers which prove a joy to figure out. The physical scenery is delightful as are the quality performances. The viewer is captivated by deep psychological forays as well as light-hearted, frivolous ones. A nice combination - like life itself. A rare surprise in the world of contemporary film.
Rating:  Summary: Sex and Honesty... Review: If for no other reason than this film's celebration of the pure physical joy of good sex, presented with unflinching honesty, I would have found it a refreshing antidote to the often depressingly unerotic soft porn that passes for sexual exploration in so many films. This film is as vibrant and unselfconsciously erotically charged as its central character, Lucia, in telling its story of relationships, desire, love and loss. It is casual in showing both male and female nudity with a directness and honesty we aren't used to. A story of the relationship between a writer, the uninhibited and free-spirited waitress who loves him, and the people and events, both past and present that surround and intrude and disrupt that relationship is presented in a convoluted style that shifts back and forth in time. The story is told elliptically and, at some points, somewhat confusingly, but ultimately resolves itself with the various strands of story joining together with its characters in the sharp clarity of an idyllic sun-drenched isle. Sex in this film is both real and metaphor for those needs and desires that bind us, drive us apart, harm and heal us. Lushly and beautifully filmed, it is yet another example that Spanish cinema is staking out its own claims on our attention, with films of great beauty and startling and unique candor.
Rating:  Summary: further proof that "sex sells" Review: One thing that separates cinema from literature and the theater is verisimilitude. True, with the advent of computer-generated animation, there is little one cannot do in the movies, but its greatest virtue remains its incredible ability to show us "life as such." Drama on the silver screen HAS to be believable. When films are full of incredible circumstances, they tend to be comical (e.g., Todd Solondz's work.) Sci-fi and fantasy are also genres in which wild happenstance is easily accepted, because we suspend disbelief from the get-go. It is extremely difficult to construct dramas that work this way, however, without giving them that melodramatic, daytime-TV feel. "Sex and Lucía" looks and feels like an art film. It has an eye-catching title and an even more eye-catching photo on the cover. The problems begin when the titles finish. An unnamed couple has an idyllic one-night stand on a tropical island. Later, the male tryster meets Lucía in a bar. He is a novelist and Lucía, in reading his recent book, has become obsessed with him, following him around Madrid. She professes her love for Lorenzo and tells him that she is moving in with him. Stunned, he accepts. Only later does he discover the great secret from his past... a secret that sets off a chain of events which threatens to drive Lucía away and Lorenzo to disaster. Throughout the next hour and a half... all of the players in the drama (most of who have nothing to do with each other) meet by random chance. There is simmering sexual tension. Sound a little corny? You betcha. There have been some fantastic Spanish directors down the years: Buñuel, Almodóvar, Berlanga, etc. Of those active, Berlanga is past his prime, Saura and Amenábar make commercial films of questionable value and Aranda... while occasionally impressive... has nothing new to say. Victor Erice is incredibly talented but has only made four films over the last 30 years. This leaves us with "indie" directors, like Laura Mañá and "Sex and Lucía" director Julio Medem, who use sensationalism to sell tickets. And, after all, what is more sensational (so to speak) than sex? The biggest problem with "Sex and Lucía", though, is that it simply isn't sexy. Or, rather: If you find naughty nannies who masturbate to films of their porn star mothers sexy, this is the film for you. [N.B.: There are even hints at bestiality in the movie on which the astute viewer will pick up.] And what's more... there are very few scenes of Lucía actually having sex... and they're BORING! The only plausible reason behind the film's title is that it looks good on marquees, a Blockbuster rack, etc. Thankfully, director Medem gives "advantages" (?), such as an escape tunnel at the end of the film... something similar to what one might find in a "Donnie Darko" or "The Sacrifice." Honestly, this is the kind of film that won't age well, in the same sense that "A Man and a Woman" no longer seems like this incredible romance movie that it once was believed to be. In the end, the greatest "advantage" this film has to offer is that you don't have to buy it. You can save your money for the next Almodóvar flick.
Rating:  Summary: Complex, Sensual, Erotic, Tragic ................... BRAVO Review: Okay so it may seem that lately all I've been renting is Sex Flix..... but that is not so I'm just really into Foreign Films that deal with Sexuality lately. ;^) yea right Sex and Lucia is kind of a Bizarre film. Everything ties in together so you definitely have to WATCH and READ the sub-titles. It actually starts at the end with Lucia talking on the phone to her boyfriend who has been suffering from depression lately, she leaves work to come home and find he is gone, she gets a phone call from the police while she is there regarding her boyfriend seems he was in a Car accident and she is unable to listen to anything else, she hangs up and runs.... just leaves. Her journey takes her to a Island where her boyfriend used to tell her about and there is where the tale gets sort of BIZARRE... or maybe it's just Foreign Flix hmmm I don't know Anyhoo liked the movie had a complex plot very round-a-bout, the ending wasn't very clear either as to what happened to one of the characters. Another thing what was up with the lighting??? It was SUPER DUPER BRIGHT at times blinding, the scenes where there were on the Beach is what I'm talking about. Some heavy sex scenes but done tasteful I thought, these 2 were in love and very happy to have found each other. There is an unfortunate accident which takes place that is never clearly explained just kind of left up to your imagination and is the reason for the boyfriends disappearance but it is real important to watch and read EVERYTHING in this movie, or you will be completely loss. Respectfully Reviewed
Rating:  Summary: Thank goodness for the Spanish. Review: I think this is one of the best moves I have seen this year. (I usually wait for the DVD to come out) Casting is great, cinematography is delightful, and the acting is honest. What a nice change from Hollywood. Most importantly I would watch it again.
Rating:  Summary: Thank goodness for the Spanish. Review: I think this is one of the best move of the year. (I usually wait for the DVD's to come out) Casting is great, cinematography is delightful, and the acting is honest. What a nice change from Hollywood. Most importantly I would watch it again.
Rating:  Summary: An erotic puzzle that's solved at the very end Review: "Sex and Lucia" is fantastic. I'll be watching it again for sure. If your type of movie is "Lethal Weapon," you will NOT like "Sex and Lucia." This movie has a fantastic plot that keeps you guessing throughout. You have to think - not every thing is shown to you. You are given bits and pieces of the characters' lives and must piece it together. Despite what some have said, it's not pornographic, but certainly NOT for kids' eyes. Oh, yeah, and there's extraordinary symbollism in the show.
Rating:  Summary: Rather confusing. Review: Poor Lorenzo is caught in one too many passionate entanglements for his frazzled brain to handle and as a result winds up with a serious case of psychosis. For the viewer, there are some pleasing visuals, but these are offset handily by Lorenzo's delusions which certainly flatten any heightened state of interest the viewer may have attained. The plot itself, if that's what you are interested in, is too twisted to follow for very long. ...
Rating:  Summary: Inapproprate Title Review: The title of this film gives the film no justice. It is actually a love story where a woman, Lucia, is mourning the loss of her boyfriend, and finds her self in the process. The film does have some sex scenes, but nothing like the title describes it. The sex scences are done in good taste, nothing kinky.
Rating:  Summary: Nice But Could've Been A Little Better! Review: This film had no coherent plot. Just lots of people having sex and seemingly inventing new fetishes. This may be good for some people (i.e. perverts) but I kinda wanted a plot. I am not terribly disappointed this movie was probably on Cinemax or "Skinemax" more than a few times. The sex scenes are not ranchy, just far too repetitive. But what else was I expecting?