Rating:  Summary: It's not just about Lucia Review: (...) This is one of the best foreign films I have ever seen. The name is a misnomer. It's not just about sex or relationships- but also about ourselves. There is the light side to each of us that is irresistable, and a darker side that is equally compelling but somewhat sad. The erotic and circumstantial suspense deepens as the movie develops. There is deja vu and foreshadowing. It lacks nothing. Though I loved it from the get-go, my wife found it strange. I was mystified by her response because I was so excited. After some time to reflect, she, too, became a fan.
Rating:  Summary: Beautifully Written Review: Sex and Lucia is one of the best films I've seen in the last year. It kept me a bit confused during the first half, but then the clues came together beautifully to wrap up into an ending that kept me thinking all night. Lorenzo is a novelist who unexpectedly comes across Lucia, a fan who has been following him around, and proclaims her love for him on their first encounter. Right away they become boyfriend/girlfriend, enjoying wild sex (and a hilarious strip tease)and becoming quite attached. Several subplots are introduced, and become woven into Lucia and Lorenzo's affair. Most of the film is Lucia's flashback, and it is exciting to see how it all comes together. Excellent acting, marvelous script, directed with obvious passion and artistic indulgence, Sex and Lucia is a must see for all "art-house" film lovers, and a must for all writers as well.
Rating:  Summary: WOW~~~Beautiful erotica! Review: Visually beautiful, this film is absolutely wonderful. You will want to watch it again and again. The plot twists and turns, making it interesting as well..We loved it.
Rating:  Summary: I was amazed first, understood later Review: I first saw this movie on Cinemax. I was confused (my Spanish isn't great) but I knew there was something amazing there. I bought the DVD, watched the "making of", watched it in English and then in Spanish a couple more times. It has a great story, the location (on the island) and filming is superb and each time you watch it you pick up more. It is refreshing to see a movie like this where everything (including the sex) is natural rather than edited to get the right US rating. Bottom line: if you like predictable US-made movies or think you can watch a movie as an escape, this is not for you. On the other hand, if you want to see a work of art, get this sucker.
Rating:  Summary: Hot Stuff Review: This is a superhot date movie that inspires passion and lust. I recommend it highly if you are trying to get someone in the mood, and it works great as a lead-up to the "New Sex Now" video experience. Go for it!
Rating:  Summary: Mind-Boggling Review: The movie started fittingly with Lucia. Her relationship with her mentally depressed writer boyfriend, Lorenzo wasn't going well. Upon returning to their apartment, she got a phone call from the police to say that the boyfriend was involved in an accident. She hang up the phone, clouting herself from the possibility that Lorenzo might be dead. Off she went to Lorenzo's island, the island that mystified or haunted Lorenzo all this while. As she was there, we were brought to the past, to the beginning when it all started between Lucia & Lorenzo. Slowly, Lorenzo's mental block for his new novel started to be uplifted & we were introduced to the daughter, Luna that Lorenzo had with a woman on that island (a one night stand affair). As the movie progressed, we were also introduced to the au-pair or baby sitter that looked after Luna. The baby sitter confided to Lorenzo about her lust for her mum's live-in partner. It also happened that the baby sitter's mum was a porn movie star. Deep in his subconsciousness, Lorenzo had lust for the babysitter. How would all those characters relate to each other, and where does this movie lead us, you might ask. At times, I got myself confused as the movie shifted aimlessly between fact & fiction; past, present, & future. Somehow or rather, it all came together in the end, a very satisfying end, I might add. In some instances, when we watch an art movie, we might come across some endings that would have us exclaim, Huh? However, for this instance, all loose ends were tied up. It also affirmed to me about the point people having seven degrees of separation. Everybody knows everybody, & everybody is interrelated with everybody. Perhaps, it could be long winded at times but it could be me having to juggle through the English subtitles. Highly recommended. By the way, this movie is definitely R-rated with many flashy sex scenes.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad at all Review: I have tried, but have found most "erotic" films to be quite boring. Usually barely having a plot past most episodes of "Red Shoe Diaries", I find that much focus on sex without privacy and unzipped trousers, to be just plain dull. Now, having fully embarrassed myself with that, let it be said that "Sex and Lucia" is not one of those types of erotic films. The story is that Lucia's lover has apparently committed suicide. She runs off to an island that apparently they used to talk about, and that he had anonymous sex on years ago with a different woman and he unknowingly fathered a child there. As the film spools out it's time-twisting narrative, we see more and more of the reasoning behind everyone's actions, and start to piece together the mysteries presented within. Ok, I know that was a very vague synopsis, but I wouldn't want to take any of the fun away for anyone. The film goes back and forth in time so much that you start to wonder if some of the characters are merely imaginary in the writer's (Lucia's boyfriend's) head. The sex scenes are highly erotically charged and well filmed to make you laugh as well as picture you and your own lover doing some of these crazy fun things. The story plays out well, and although it definitely drags in some parts, the oddness of the back and forth through time storytelling will keep your interest, as you have to pay close attention to be sure when something is taking place in the narrative. The ending is satisfying, although some characters seem to have been just dropped, as the director seemed to have run out of things to say about them. Overall, a really good date movie.
Rating:  Summary: Well done, artistic, and fun Review: Please don't freak out about the "unrated" part. All it means is the movie is the way the director wanted it to be. Sex and Lucia is an interesting story told very frankly, and in a fun way. Good music score; it is worth your money, and you will watch it more than once.
Rating:  Summary: Allow yourself time for seduction Review: I have two recommendations regarding this movie (aside from seeing it, of course): watch the unrated version, and watch it alone. The story is complicated and the manner in which it is revealed requires concentration by the viewer for full appreciation. True, the sex is explicit - but if you're an adult with any sexual experience you should be able to accept it as nothing short of compellingly authentic. If you were to watch this movie for the first time with someone else, you may not be able to get past the visual shock of seeing an erection (or the embarassment of getting one yourself!). The story is stylistically original and profoundly touching, the cinematography is stunning (thanks to the Sony HD camera), and the actors (and acting) are beautiful. You will be seduced in every regard! I was so moved by this film that I have decided to take up Spanish again, which I've barely touched since high school, except this time it will be European as opposed to Mexican Spanish. Also, I'm now planning to include a trip to Spain as part of a previously arranged trip to the U.K.!
Rating:  Summary: What a hypnotic movie experience. A must see for adults. Review: Although there is a lot of sex in this story and there is a woman named Lucia, the title and marketing campaign are somewhat misleading as it's less about sex of sexual liberation than it is about life, possibilities, dreams, and almost any topic under the sun. In a nutshell, I simply loved everything about this movie and it is one of the best movies that I've ever seen. I won't give much away as I hate it when reviewers/previews tell you what you should be seeing first-hand. I can say that the movie unfolds beautifully like a great fairy-tale/dream sequence/life experience and that the specifics of the plot and circumstance are less important than every single character in the movie. The performances are stellar, the direction is as good as I've seen, the music is beautiful, the cinematography is innovative and better than I've ever seen, and (unlike almost every single movie) I had no idea where the movie was heading. The movie opens with one of the most romantic and beautiful scenes in movie history and it does not let you go until the final frame. I won't spoil some of the poetic images that you'll encounter, but trust me you'll want to see this movie again just to experience it visually. This is without a doubt a movie for adults and not solely because of the explicitness of the sex but because the themes are for mature audiences. As I watched this movie, I kept asking myself how Hollywood would have botched up this movie as there are very few movies for adults and even fewer that are this compelling with out being pretentious. I've recently began watching more Spanish speaking movies and I am surprised by the how movies from Spain and recently Mexico and Argentina are kicking Hollywood's butt, not only due to content but in looking like a million bucks without spending them. I just saw this movie and I can't wait to see it again. Keep in mind that the sex is very explicit and although I said it's an adult movie, I'd recommend seeing it with people from your own generation. In other words, I would not see this movie with my parents, although I would highly recommend it to them.