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Rating:  Summary: The Legacy of a True Believer Review: William Alexander Oribello has passed on in the years since this DVD was recorded, but he has left a lasting legacy of spiritual help and healing behind him. This particular lecture was delivered at a seminar in his native Philadelphia in 1985, and though it is nearly twenty-years-old, it nevertheless still conjures a sense of metaphysical immediacy that is rarely found, even in works of this kind. Perhaps some of the most fascinating moments of Oribello's talk come when he tells his stories of his upbringing and his initiation at an early age into the occult mysteries. Beginning at age three, Oribello began to have visions, some of which were very frightening. Then at age eight, there began a series of visits from spiritual teachers, usually strangers who had somehow befriended one of his parents. These acquaintances of his parents gave him books to study on subjects like the hidden meanings of the Bible and instruction in Hindu spirituality. Once they had given him their warnings about his own destiny as a teacher and a healer, they seemed to disappear from his life as quickly as they had come. One snowy morning in Philadelphia, a man elegantly dressed in black knocked on the door of Oribello's family home, asking to be let in and given a cup of tea and something to eat. In a trancelike state, Oribello's parents obliged the stranger, something very out of character for them. As the mysterious visitor sat drinking tea and breaking toast without dropping any crumbs (which is the kind of odd little detail that is often remembered in stories of this kind), the visitor explained that someone was about to die in a house a couple of streets over, and that he had come to help smooth out the path to the next plane for this person, who had been of great service as a light-worker for the Ascended Masters. When the stranger finished his meal and departed, he left no footprints in the snow on the Oribello family's front porch, and young Bill never saw him again. Along with these basically pleasant experiences intended to jolt him further along in his spiritual growth, there also came encounters with darker spirits who would try to sow doubt in his mind, even to tempt him to step off the path permanently. Oribello recalls many experiences with people who appeared totally human but radiated a sinister kind of energy and told him to stop wasting his time with his metaphysical pursuits. How lucky we are that he didn't listen to them, because this wonderful DVD is one of the fruits of his decision to stick with the subject. Oribello teaches his small audience many of the rituals and prayers designed to bring a healing light into our lives, and to be aware now of the coming New Age that will transform the world into a relative paradise. During the lecture, Oribello even serves as a channel for Count Saint Germain, one of the holy Ascended Masters working hand-in-hand with Jesus Christ to prepare the Chosen Ones for the sudden and dramatic changes ahead. The message from Count Saint Germain is surprisingly Biblical and apocalyptic, which should reassure those who feel such occult practices as channeling are evil. The message warns of the necessity for a "cleansing of the Earth," to free it from the grip of the unrighteous, before the dawning of the Aquarian Age of mass contentment and genuine world peace can come to pass. It differs little from the Book of Revelation and other Biblical prophecies in its timetable, and one is reminded of Oribello's strong Christian background. The DVD closes with Oribello blessing his audience one by one, bearing witness to how the healing rays of Count Saint Germain's energy will make for positive changes in their everyday struggles to be spiritually pure and materially happy. When the New Age finally does dawn on this troubled planet, you can be sure William Oribello will be standing amongst the Chosen, ready to reap his just reward.
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