Rating:  Summary: Better than what's playing at the local theater now! Review: I don't really need to explain the plot of this one. If you are here reading the reviews to this film, then you already know all about it. All I can say this is a "fantastic" flick for those heavily interested in Bigfoot/Sasquatch, and for the fans of 1970's low budget drive-in film making. They're not made like this anymore. For the "young un's " spoiled today by computer effects, big budget surround sound and whatever Hollywood feeds you today you all better stay away from this. You will not like it! Since the budget was so low I'm not sure if there ever was a letterboxed version. I'm sure there was deleted footage that could've added as a bonus. That's why I only gave four stars. I must say this is probably going to be the "cleanest" print we will see of this. Watch and enjoy it for what it is!
Rating:  Summary: Kid Stuff Review: I have not seen this movie since I was probably 8 years old. And the photo on the cover of the DVD was the one I cut out of the newspaper and placed on our kitchen wall for months. The movie freaked me out as a kid and each time I see Boggy Creek on a Florida map it reminds of that movie - it also made me wonder if anyone else remembered that movie. I guess they did
Rating:  Summary: a great cult classic Review: I love this movie!! Yes, I realize it has very hokey "monster songs", and has some poor acting, but tha atmosphere is great, there's no blood and little violence, and the overall effect is to creep you out if you think about it while driving down a lonely country road. That poor kitten!
Rating:  Summary: Great Transfer, Now Let's Find the Real Thing! Review: I played the baby in the orange jacket and supplied most of the soundtrack by crying (won't tell you the tricks they played to upset me...) and my father, John Ball, was the art director. Needless to say, I really, really, really would like to see an original anamorphic print, or at least see a transfer to DVD from one (I've combed eBay for 16mm prints with no luck). This was taken from a nice print and I agree - the best transfer available. Thanks for all the great comments and reviews! My father (no longer living) would have gotten a real kick out it - he was proud of the film's "look". Aaron Ball (credited "Baby")
Rating:  Summary: The rest of the story Review: I remember seeing this movie when it first came out and loved it. I recently had the chance to meet Smokey Crabtree and purchase his books - Smokey and the Fouke Monster and Too Close to the Mirror. The book really gave a lot of insite in to what Fouke, Ark endured with the making of the movie and what has become of the small community. I strongly recommend that if you liked the movie, read the books - they will have you laughing. Smokey has a website - it's smokeyandthefoukemonster.com
Rating:  Summary: A great family/kids movie...really! Review: I remember this movie fondly from seeing it at age 9 or 10 in the theater. Scared the crap out of me then; snuck in and slept at the foot of my parent's bed that night!When I saw it in the bargain bin at WalMart I told my wife she had to see it...total classic. Surprise of surprises this has become my 2 (almost 3) yr. old daughter's favorite movie! She's not scared at all and loves the monster. She's loves it when the monster tries the doorknob on houses and can't get in (doesn't have a key). She also thinks the reason he's trying to get in is to use the bathroom (no doubt influenced by the famouse "arm through the window with guy on the john" scene). If you approach this movie with the proper attitude (adults will not be scared but it can be unintentionally funny and thus entertaining) you will enjoy it. It's family entertainment...very participative. Yell "run" during the appropriate scenes; ask the kids if they see the monster yet; say "did you hear that", etc. Elvis makes an appearance (not really but the guy in the white T-shirt with the big sideburns is pretty close). Yell encouragement to Elvis (he's not a great shot and needs all the help he can get). Scream when the women/girls scream...kids love that too and its fun for adults as well. This is the definitive Drive-in/popcorn/family viewing flick. It's not great cinema but it sure is alot of fun. You even to get sing along with the silly monster theme song...very touching.
Rating:  Summary: A cheezy classic Review: I remember this movie from when I was young. It scared me and sperked an interest in the unknown that still burns today. I got this on dvd and watched it immediately - yes it is dated, one camera and not alot of action. The story and it's earnest, documentary style (20+ years b4 Blair Witch) is what wins you over. I am very glad that i will have this dvd when my kids are old enough to watch it (they haven't hatched yet :) - there is nothing gory about it, but it does give you a sense of uneasiness - especially the fact that it could be 'true".
Rating:  Summary: A cult classic! Review: I remember watching this on TV as a kid in the late 70's. At age 7 this movie scared the bejesus out of me! I still remember covering my eyes and hiding my face on my father's shoulder during some scenes. In the 70's the Bigfoot craze was at its peak. And to a 7 year old the idea of an 8 foot tall, hair-covered man-ape walking around the nearby woods was not all together implausible considering that at the time the news media was reporting sightings of Bigfoot all over the country and that there were a bunch of documentaries about allegedly reputable scientists and their on-going search for that mythic beast. "The Legend of Boggy Creek" is a pseudo-documentary about a giant, hair-covered, Bigfoot-like monster that prowled the creek bottoms of the Arkansas back-country. The biggest strength of "The Legend of Boggy Creek" is its earnestness- its creators really took it seriously and that helped it overcome its non-existant budget. And it is indeed a low budget film- check out how many people are listed as playing themselves in the credits! As noted the movie is told in a pseudo-documentary style with interviews with the locals, footage of flora and fauna, and recreations of encounters with the creature. In a way it pre-dates "Jaws" in that the scariest parts are when you don't see the creature, but know its there. And when the creature finally does make an appearance, it's shown only fleetingly. (Of course, the laughable monkey suit for the actor playing the creature probably had more to do with the decision to keep the creature off-screen than any conscious plan by the director.) I last saw "The Legend of Boggy Creek" about six years ago on late night TV. It had not aged well, and I doubt most kids today would be frightened by it. Of course, I found its earnestness and low budget to be much more amusing than I did at age 7, but it did conjure up some fond memories. And I have to agree with another reviewer that the songs, "Hey, Travis Crabtree" and the other one about "This is where the creature goes...," are laughably horrible! It's hard to believe, but Boggy Creek was a big hit which led to two really atrocious sequels. (The official sequel, "Boggy Creek II: The Barbaric Beast of Boggy Creek," was viciously lampooned by MST3K.) However, the original is a genuine cult classic and was a major influence to the makers of very over-rated "The Blair Witch Product." I can't say people will still find it scary, but it does make for nice nostalgia for those of us who once could imagine Bigfoot living in the woods next to the garage.
Rating:  Summary: one of my favorties of all time Review: i saw this movie as a child and have been hoping and praying to see it come out again. this movie, along with 'when a stranger calls' were the scariest movies i can remember ever seeing because they get you where it really counts--your mind. i hope this release does well and hope a new generation will love it also.
Rating:  Summary: Great Fun Review: I saw this movie at the theater when I was a child and it scared me to death then and it can get a little spooky at times now. Great movie to watch in an RV while camping. The ultimate campfire horror story!