Rating:  Summary: Chilling Review: A documentary style movie, based on true stories, sends chills up your spine. The BigFoot/Sasquatch is barely seen (and that's good because of the poor special effects release) but that's enough to scare you. The DVD is not great quality but anyway enjoyable.A good cryptozoology movie.
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT MOVIE... REALLY HOPE DVD WILL BE WIDESCREEN! Review: After hunting this movie down in one of my local video stores, it has become a favourite, one that I pop in every now and again. This is one that really lets you use your imagination, all to great effect. It is told in a documentary style, with interviews from local people who claim to have seen the monster, re-enactments of monster attacks, etc. Because it is rated G, the whole family can watch it. I don't think there is any blood in the entire movie! This one doesn't rely on blood and gory effects to creep people out... it taunts your imagination, making you wonder if such a thing does exist... or if it is lurking in the woods behind your house...Now, a word about the video presentation. I know this movie hasn't been released yet on DVD, but I really hope that it will be presented in its original 2.35:1 widescreen format. The video tape I have manages to keep all of the image by "stretching" the image (much like anamorphic DVD's... only much more so), which makes everyone look REALLY REALLY skinny. So, I know that all of the image does exist in some form, because the video tape does not resort to pan and scan. But, a decent letterboxed presentation would be really awesome. I know the movie was made on a small budget, so I am not expecting a totally pristine transfer, but the letterboxing (if it's meant to be) would be more than enough for me to rush out and get this as soon as it comes out!! This is a movie for everyone... it is rated G, but don't let that fool you. No buckets of blood and gore, but it will keep you thinking long after you watch it, and that is what makes it so powerful. If you love a good scare, then you will want to own this. But, I think for now, I will wait and see whether the DVD will be letterboxed before I decide to pick it up! Ever since I first saw it, I have been hoping it would come out in a nice widescreen DVD... so here's hoping!
Rating:  Summary: more true than you think Review: Although this movie is clearly low budget,it isnt meant to be
a horror film as a lot of people think. Its a documentary with
re-inactments . All of the storys are true to eye witness accounts.I myself did a lot of research into the fouke monster. Also what most people don't know is that the recorded howls in parts of the film are REAL!. They were taken by Pierce and witnesses though out the years before. Yes the hairy suit and acting are a little goofy but Pierce didnt have much to work with either. All of the storys can be found in text,but watching the movie is still creepy ,and good nostalgia too.
Rating:  Summary: mildly entertaining Review: Boggy Creek is so bad it's funny. I don't know if it was supposed to be serious or not, but if it makes you afraid to go into the woods, there's something wrong with you. Nobody should be afraid to go into the woods--especially because of this movie. If you like to make fun of bad movies, you'll like this one. I heard it even made it onto Mystery Science Theater.
Rating:  Summary: The Legend of Baggy Reek Review: Firstly, let me say that I agree wholeheartedly with the reviewer below that wanted to give this movie zero stars. Oh dear God. Was this supposed to be a horror movie? Because, aside from the fact that the cast resembled background characters from the H.P. Lovecraft story, "The Lurking Fear", this movie has about as much in common with a horror movie as Every Which Way But Loose. Oh please God make it stop. Ever seen the Ed Wood movie Glen or Glenda? Remember that monotone narrator? Now, picture the same narration as it involves Bigfoot. Ostensibly the narrator is the kid at the beginning looking back on a series of completely desultory incidents involving a hairy three-toed guy that just sort of hangs out around the local creek. Horrific incidents include the following: 1. A hunter sees a hairy guy in the woods. 2. A hunter sees a hairy guy in the woods. 3. Two women see a hairy guy outside the window. 4. A bunch of hunters take out dogs to track down the hairy guy, and one of them sees the hairy guy. 5. Two women in a house have the hairy guy stick its hand through their window. 6. A guy on the john has the hairy guy stick his hand through the window. 7. Three guys go outside and wrestle with the hairy guy. Total Death Count= 0 These terrible events are true events, I promise. You can believe it whether you want to or not. But, somewhere in the woods near your house there may be a hairy guy. He might sneak up and knock over your trash can. Or he might open your mailbox. You have been warned.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous Bigfoot Viewing! Review: From the unbelieveable theme song in this film, to the suspenseful atmosphere, to some of the character's lines, 'The Legend of Boggy Creek' is sure to send a chill down your spine and across your funny-bone! This is a film about a Bigfoot-like apeman who haunts a small borough in Arkansas, and while we do not see much of the beast, the suspense gets more and more intense as the story develops. But beyond the uncanny story, what makes this film so great is the 'whole package'- from the soundtrack, to the acting, to the mystique which surrounds this creature of Boggy Creek. Here are some lines directly from the films' soundtrack: 'Boggy Creek, so they say ain't no place for children to play...' That song is really wild! And here is a line from the narrator in the beginning. He is talking about why he chooses to live amidst the beautiful hills of Arkansas... "This is Gods' country, and I live here because I am prejudiced..." (for a beautiful environment, presumably). The 'Legend of Boggy Creek' makes for striking fiction and harrowing non-fiction. I still can't figure out if the Boggy Creek creature really existed or not, that's how convincing this film is! "Boggy Creek, so they say, ain't no place for children to play..." But this film IS suitable for children, because it builds its spookiness on suspense rather than gore or anything like that. It is shown on TV once or twice a year- at least it was in the 70's. Get it?
Rating:  Summary: Finally ... a great childhood memory on DVD! Review: I agree whole heartly with Mesmerizing Classic...24 March, Old Time Horror...6 May, & Finally to be Immortilized...22 May. These reviews couldn't have said it better! "The Legend of Boggy Creek" is one of those films that seen at the right time with a theatre full of other teens, complete with screams and flying popcorn, make up my one of my fondest movie-going memories. "Boggy" played several times over the first 2 years after it's 1972 release to a packed house, double-showing Saturday night audience on Charleston Air Force Base. I didn't miss one of those showings, I was hooked after the first time! Told through the adult voice of a boy remembering the first time he heard it scream ... "it scared me then and it's scares me now!" ... "Boggy Creek" is good campy fun with a several scares, a catchy ode written to "The Creature", & a tour of Fouke, Arkansas complete with its charming inhabitants ... human and otherwise. So wait no longer for before ordering this DVD treasure ... pop the jiffy pop, grab a soda, your favoirte candy, turn out the lights and gather everyone 'round the glow of the television and relive, share with a new generation, or experience for the first time "The Legend of Boggy Creek". A B-Movie cult classic for everyone! -BASED ON THEATRICAL PRESENTATION
Rating:  Summary: old time horrors Review: I agree! This movie has always scared ...me. i recall seeing it as a kid and it has always stick with me, so i am especially excitied to see it FINALLY on DVD....BEWARE the 'bathroom' scene! Have fun!!
Rating:  Summary: Fouke Monster Review: I am actually from Fouke, Arkansas. I have seen this movie a thousand times growing up. Our school would show it to us all the time. I never got tired of it though. I have lived here all my life and I know there is no monster. I also know how it kinda of got started. You would not believe the people that will not come to Fouke at night just because of this movie. I have never been afraid to go outside in the dark. I believe people let their imaginations run a little to wild or just wanted our little town of Fouke to have some kind of Fame. So I wouldn't come searching for the monster anytime soon. It is not really a documentary. Its just a film about an urban legend. It is pretty funny though. I garuntee you will get a good laugh at this movie, I always have. Some of it is a litte creepy because of how tense some of the characters seem to be. This film is worth watching even just once.
Rating:  Summary: MESMERIZING CLASSIC HORROR FILM, DON'T WATCH IT ALONE Review: I am outraged with excitment for "The Legend of Boggy Creek" to finally be on dvd. This film is very creepy. There isn't any innapropriate content in this particular motion picture but at times it is INTENSELY SCARY. This film is a true story about people down in Texarkana doing reanactments of their experiances with a monster that hides out in the backwoods. This film is a horror/documentary that is good to watch at night with a friend BUT NEVER ALONE! You could also watch it with your kids if you have kids but as a warning don't watch it with your kid's if they scare easy. Now buy and watch this (with a friend,at a party,or with kids)and get your self soooooooooooooooooooooooooo scared you can't sleep. I STRONGLY RECCOMEND THIS FILM AND ENJOY!