Rating:  Summary: the Force that Arnold once was... Review: Its really amazing seeing Pumping Iron again after so many years and seeing again why Arnold was my idol when I was a teen and getting into weight lifting. I used to anxiously await the arrival of the next issue of Joe Weider's Muscle magazine in the local health food store so I could be inspired by the awesome force that was Arnold Schwarzenegger. Then Pumping Iron came out, and I couldn't believe it! Actually seeing him on the screen...this dude was awesome...immense,beautiful, sculpted, so much charisma he didn't even seem human and even better, the confidence, the master of mind games, and also he said whatever he felt like, and he was so much better than anyone else.And now, with this 25th anniversary release, we get the original, showing the Force of Nature That Was Arnold...unbelievable, really, he was strength and beauty and charisma and you can't take your eyes off the 28 year old Arnold...to compare to the recent specially- filmed material, which represents: Number one, A lot of Arnold, since he does own this film now... Number two, Arnold the future politician, seemingly doing damage control,and despite soon to be the governernor of California, speaks as a politician does, equivocating and explaining things away. The young Arnold didn't care, he spoke his mind, you had to take him as he was, and he didn't care what people thought. I don't know, I'm surprised that this guy, who had sooo much charisma, is now a movie star /politician who chooses his words carefully (watch the Iron Insights portion of the additional material)and has got an agenda, just half his previous charisma (which is still a lot), but dyed hair and a botoxed forehead and waxy skin, and you compare him to that young Force of Nature that he was... I kind of wish he kept being himself, and didn't change, didn't get plastic surgery, or go into politics where you're forced to speak politically and have to choose carefully your words...instead kept saying whatever he wanted because he was ARNOLD...I kind of wish that guy were still around, older, but realer, gray hairs, wrinkles (didn't Mike Katz and Luo Ferrigno and others look great, and older and REAL?) Watch the original movie on the dvd, then the additional material, and reflect...Arnold did incredibly in his life, becoming wealthy and famous and powerful...but that 28 year old kid had something that the 55 year old Arnold has given up. THATS why I love the original movie, for the cameraqderie, the just-breaking out of this weird 'sport' of bodybuilding and the god who made it all possible.
Rating:  Summary: DID ANYBODY SEE MY TEE SHIRT? Review: Great look at the world of bodybuilding from the 70's.I really enjoyed the training scenes where these guys pushed themselves to the point of exhaustion.Ferrigno doing curls with 100lb dumbells while he screams in agony.Ed Corney doing a set of heavy squats and then he collapses afterwards while Schwartzenegger helps him up!! Poor Mike Katz getting his shirt stolen and losing to Ken Waller because he can't seem to live without his tee shirt.(not really,you'll find out the real story in one of the bonus features). Great dvd!
Rating:  Summary: Understanding the MIND behind the BODY... Review: This is great reality TV - I bought this for my hubby who loves Arnold for his body-buidling greatness, but he dislikes him for his Republican loyalities. I myself LOVE all aspects of Arnold, and I wanted to learn more about the man, WITHOUT having to subject myself to watching the TERMINATOR series of movies. (NOT my kind of movies...) I just wanted to have some insight on this beautiful, magnificent man, who seems to have made all the right decisions when it comes to major life events. He came from nowhere and he had nothing. But he moved to the right place, America, because he made the right friends....Joe Weider to begin with. He married the right woman from a famous Democratic Family. He lives in California and now has the TOP JOB in the state. If you want a little peice of reality of what is going on in the mind of Governor Arnie, well ---- look no further. Here it is....it's funny --- it's intelligent. It's super shrewd marketing of a super-human being. I loved the DVD and I drool over his body big time!
Rating:  Summary: A must see for bodybuilding lovers Review: A MUST SEE for bodybuilding lovers. i just can't understand how someone can give less than 5 stars on this movie. I watched 10 years ago! A pirate copy that a friend brought me from USA. Its not the movie by itself, its the message it gaves, how it was built (there is the making of now!), and WHO was involved on the project. i loved the Extra Features, i got emotional and happy to see all that caractheres 25 years later, what they did, and what they are doing now. The movie is historical! I believe only bodybuilders, workout lovers, gym lovers. people who had their own history, built by years and years in a gym, with old friends, or making new ones by the time goes on, getting fun, can really understand the historical and emotional impact of Pumping Iron. I am 200% satisfied, i did my pre-order 3 months ago and i hope to congratulate some of the carachteres personally one day, it well worth it, it well deserve the DVD 25ยบ aniversary Congratulations and thanks! thanks a lot!! really! Stealth
Rating:  Summary: The DVD has it all plus more! Review: The DVD edition has everything shown on the 25th Anniversary Cinemax documentary, including "Raw Iron" and "Iron and Beyond." It is not edited (as another review suggested) for content and the original Pumping Iron is completely in tact. The best feature is a 15 minute interview with Arnold as a sort of FAQ about the film. He answers questions like "Was that a real joint you were smoking," "Did you take steroids," and "Did you really miss your own father's funeral". He answers with the great candor and confidence that he is famous for. The DVD is worth it for this piece alone! Now STOP READING THIS AND HIT THE GYM!!!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing for the bodybuilding nut or anyone else! Review: Great film. It shows the world of bodybuilding before it became the steroid-fueled, freak-show it is today. Despite the fact that the bodybuilders used steroids back then (which were legal and Arnold admits to in the special features), they had not gone down the road of no return that has created the bloated 5'2", 300 pounders we have today that look like crap. Buy this DVD for the great training sequences, the mind-games of Arnold, and the underground training of Lou Ferrigno. The special features (including a Cinemax documentary on the making of the film, an interview with Arnold, and a retrospective on the participants) are fantastic, as well. All in all, a great DVD. Especially at the low list price.
Rating:  Summary: Not for girly men Review: Extras on the DVD version of "Pumping Iron" mostly play like promos for the film and its star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, but there is an odd and compelling new element. In "Iron Insights," Gov. Schwarzenegger sits alone for the camera, reeling off a 13-minute monologue about what he did and didn't do during the making of the hit 1977 "docudrama" about a body-building competition. "Now it is important for people to know what is real" in the film, Schwarzenegger intones, not elaborating on the urgency. "Certain things were not true." Schwarzenegger smoothly revisits the film's hot spots, notably marijuana use, his psychological pummeling of guileless rival Lou Ferrigno, and the scene in which he casually blows off his father's funeral in favor of training for the Mr. Olympia competition. Then there's that messy bit comparing orgasms and pumping iron. "Pumping Iron: The 25th Anniversary Special Edition" mostly reprises the film-and-featurettes package that ran on Cinemax a few years back. Video (4:3) and audio (5.1 or stereo) were remastered at the time, with decent results considering the source materials. The movie doesn't retain the shock value it did back in the mid-'70s, when body sculpting was just an odd subculture. But it's still an interesting time capsule. And Arnold's love affair with the camera gives a good indication of what's ahead. (Sorry, no groping.) In the extras, Live Schreiber gives terse, NFL films-style narration to a 15-minute intro and a making-of docu, both strengthened by outtakes plucked from the 100 or so hours shot by director George Butler ("The Endurance"). The featured bodybuilders reunite and talk about what the film meant to them, both good and bad. Ferrigno, in particular, struggled to come to terms with his image in the film: "I felt like a freak." PS -- This DVD is no quickie -- it was planned well before Schwarzenegger's guberatorial campaign.
Rating:  Summary: A great video Review: I have been an avid weightlifter for 20 years and a big Arnold fan, but I have never seen Pumping Iron. I always knew about it, but just never saw it for whatever reason. When it became available on DVD I signed up to get a copy right away. I was not disappointed. It is an interesting look into Arnolds psyche. He is truly a focused individual and it was interesting to see him get into Lou Ferigno's head. It was an amazing feat for anyone to win that many Mr Universe's, steroids or no steroids.
Rating:  Summary: Arnold and "Louis" are quite the on screen rivals Review: This has quickly become one of my all time favorite movies. The give and take (Arnold gives, Lou takes) between Schwarzenegger and Ferigno is simply classic. The making of the movie portion of the dvd is even more interesting than the movie. A definite must have for anyone who claims to be a fan of Arnold and/or bodybuilding.
Rating:  Summary: This is the ultimate comedy classic! Review: I am not a fan of bodybuilding or documentaries that ramble about how devastatingly hard it is to stay fit (I remember when the old video was $9.99). But hey, this film has Schwarzenegger, and in the extras you can hear him use all sorts of foul language! Some scenes in this film made me laugh so hard I nearly teared up (Arnold discussing his "wrong advices" and Lou's slow but poignant attempt to keep up with the competition), but at times it is a serious valedictory of people who devote their lives and time to getting their bodies looking the best that they can appear. One feels sorry for Lou at times (he's a heck of a bodybuilder but you just feel he needs a good friend) and Arnold is just so GOOD at running other people down by believing he has a grasp on everyone! No wonder he defeated the Predator and T-1000! He bulls****ed them to death! Watching folks build their bodies is almost like sitting through a rock concert or a family reunion, but don't think that this movie is not an enjoyable and interesting experience.