Rating:  Summary: MISSING THE BEST PARTS Review: The version here, is missing the three "good" episodes -- the ones that aren't the same old clips we've seen for 40 years. "The Men Who Killed Kennedy, the Final Chapter" is the one you want. If a version doesn't have; . The Love Affair . The Guilty Men . The Smoking Gun -- Then don't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Review: The very best part of this video is the last 20 minutes or so - absolutely brilliant. It makes perfect sense! Wow!!
Rating:  Summary: Not a hysterical piece... Serious material... Review: This 1988 British documentary is loaded with important "real person" interviews that cannot be viewed and just dismissed lightly as "conspiracy hogwash"... Yes, there are flaws, naturally: Beverly Oliver may not be the essence of credibility, and the Corsican hitmen theory smelled a bit over-ripe even if the 2 surviving "hitmen" hadn't allegedly threatened to sue (and successfully had their names removed from the piece, although that's still a controversy in itself)... And much of the data (though not all) is circumstantial and mixed all around, it cant really be ignored upon viewing.And the 1995 "sequel" chapter ("The Truth Shall Make You Free"), though also worthwhile and very disturbing, seems in places to be infected with some of that latter-day media mindset of 'well-if-we-have-to-admit-that-maybe-there-was-a-conspiracy-then-let's-make-the-Kennedy-brothers-seem-like-they-essentially-brought-it-on-themsleves', which I don't appreciate. The recent "Final Chapter" was pulled from distribution and is not available for purchase because it implicates LBJ as complicit--- which caused an uproar and, in the mood of 2004, even very old information that would never raise the eyebrows of "students" of this subject, can get suppressed all too easily. (Until it's ever released, a seance with Madeliene Brown will have to suffice). Nevertheless, despite what you may have heard "TMWKK" is a very serious, chilling documentary, if an imperfect one.
Rating:  Summary: A JFK MUST HAVE Review: This 2 disc/5 hour DVD set is a wealth of information to anyone even remotely interested in the JFK assassination. If you've recently watched Oliver Stone's JFK, MPI's Image Of An Assassination and/or read Robert J. Groden's The Killing Of A President, Probe Magazine's The Assassinations, or O'Leary & Lee's The Death Of The Cold War Kings then you'll want to move on to this 6 part documentary. This History Channel special is broken down into The Coup d'Etat, The Forces Of Darkness, The Cover-Up, The Patsy, The Witnesses, and The Truth Shall Set You Free. A definite must have.
Rating:  Summary: More progaganda than fact. Review: This documentary reminds me of the fictional film JFK which was described by Walter Cronkite as "a tissue of lies". Events that contradict this dosumentary,like a filmed interview with the Governors wife who states that the shots all came from behind,are ommitted. In fact any attempt at a balanced version of history is ignored as it interferes with this films progaganda. Ignore this film as it is just like tabloid journalism.,out and out propaganda.
Rating:  Summary: Detailed Review Review: This DVD is a good overview of the assassination of Kennedy. True, it does focus on the conspiracy theories and it is not an unbiased look at the evidence; however, the interviews with people who have a lot to say are engrossing and the "evidence" produced is thought provoking. There is no doubt that evidence exists to dispute the findings of the Warren Commission report on the assassination of President Kennedy. This DVD presents a lot of that evidence in a organized fashion. It is good to actually see the people interviewed who say the shots were coming from the grassy knoll. I liked looking at the photographic evidence that critics claim show a person (badge man) shooting from the knoll (I don't see anything). The DVD at least allows you to see the people and the evidence and make a lot of judgments for yourself. A lot of the witnesses are not convincing to me, and a lot of the so called evidence just looks like junk. I have a natural tendency to distrust testimony from strippers (or former strippers) and I don't see what others say is clearly present in certain photographs. I am a lawyer (not a trial lawyer) so I suppose I look at evidence a little differently than most and probably take a more skeptical view, but I still like to see it myself and not let someone else tell me what something shows or who to believe. I think the DVD does raise significant questions about the killing of the President as presented by the Warren Report on the assassination. I have read portions of the Warren Report and I have read a few books on this subject authored by both the critics and those who support the Commission's conclusions. While I would say this DVD does contain some speculation that is impossible for the viewer to make an independent decision on, and it contains a lot of language that is less than clinical, it does present a lot of solid evidence. Actual interviews with the Dallas police officers who were there and who talked with Oswald and Ruby are just invaluable. So are a lot of the other interviews. Just a list of those who have been sent to an early grave that had facts to support a shot being fired from the grassy knoll is unnerving. To see some of those same people on screen telling their story near in time to the killing of the President is compelling. If you believe what they have to say a lot of the Warren Commission's findings are not accurate. If you are not interested in mysteries this isn't for you. In the end there are a lot of theories that can be supported depending on which set of facts you find to be most important. The assassination of President Kennedy is a mystery because so much is left unexplained. For example, there is no doubt the evidence in the National Archives has been corrupted. The brain is missing and at least some other evidence has disappeared. Once evidence has been tampered with a person is allowed to believe it is all under suspicion. The evidence is the foundation of analysis, and when that is gone mystery remains. So the viewer will not get a solid "we have it all figured out" explanation at the end. No murderer jumps up to confess in the last scene and reveal all. The mystery remains and the uncomfortable feeling that comes with mystery - real mystery - is there. We will probably never figure it out because the list of "oops" or whatever is almost endless. Criminal incompetence on the part of the Secret Service, incompetent medical examiners, missing evidence, incompetent police procedures, consistent failures to follow even the most elemental criminal evidence protection steps, failures to tape or record critical interrogations, failure to follow up important information, investigators ignoring certain aspects of the case (who were the men who displayed Secret Service credentials to the police on the day of the murder), inconsistent statements from important witnesses etc. This is a real mystery. A lot of people are murdered every year without explanation. The real world can be a messy and inhospitable place. We tend to want to think that the murder of the President of the United States would be different. With some of the best police agencies in the world working on the case we could figure it out and close the file and be at least comfortable with the idea that we know what happened. This film will not allow you to think that way. This was a messy event with a lot going wrong - as it usually does - and this DVD lets you know that. No nice world tied up in a nice package with a bow on it. No...this is reality. And a lot of it. A very good DVD and well worth the price.
Rating:  Summary: Detailed Review Review: This DVD is a good overview of the assassination of Kennedy. True, it does focus on the conspiracy theories and it is not an unbiased look at the evidence; however, the interviews with people who have a lot to say are engrossing and the "evidence" produced is thought provoking. There is no doubt that evidence exists to dispute the findings of the Warren Commission report on the assassination of President Kennedy. This DVD presents a lot of that evidence in a organized fashion. It is good to actually see the people interviewed who say the shots were coming from the grassy knoll. I liked looking at the photographic evidence that critics claim show a person (badge man) shooting from the knoll (I don't see anything). The DVD at least allows you to see the people and the evidence and make a lot of judgments for yourself. A lot of the witnesses are not convincing to me, and a lot of the so called evidence just looks like junk. I have a natural tendency to distrust testimony from strippers (or former strippers) and I don't see what others say is clearly present in certain photographs. I am a lawyer (not a trial lawyer) so I suppose I look at evidence a little differently than most and probably take a more skeptical view, but I still like to see it myself and not let someone else tell me what something shows or who to believe. I think the DVD does raise significant questions about the killing of the President as presented by the Warren Report on the assassination. I have read portions of the Warren Report and I have read a few books on this subject authored by both the critics and those who support the Commission's conclusions. While I would say this DVD does contain some speculation that is impossible for the viewer to make an independent decision on, and it contains a lot of language that is less than clinical, it does present a lot of solid evidence. Actual interviews with the Dallas police officers who were there and who talked with Oswald and Ruby are just invaluable. So are a lot of the other interviews. Just a list of those who have been sent to an early grave that had facts to support a shot being fired from the grassy knoll is unnerving. To see some of those same people on screen telling their story near in time to the killing of the President is compelling. If you believe what they have to say a lot of the Warren Commission's findings are not accurate. If you are not interested in mysteries this isn't for you. In the end there are a lot of theories that can be supported depending on which set of facts you find to be most important. The assassination of President Kennedy is a mystery because so much is left unexplained. For example, there is no doubt the evidence in the National Archives has been corrupted. The brain is missing and at least some other evidence has disappeared. Once evidence has been tampered with a person is allowed to believe it is all under suspicion. The evidence is the foundation of analysis, and when that is gone mystery remains. So the viewer will not get a solid "we have it all figured out" explanation at the end. No murderer jumps up to confess in the last scene and reveal all. The mystery remains and the uncomfortable feeling that comes with mystery - real mystery - is there. We will probably never figure it out because the list of "oops" or whatever is almost endless. Criminal incompetence on the part of the Secret Service, incompetent medical examiners, missing evidence, incompetent police procedures, consistent failures to follow even the most elemental criminal evidence protection steps, failures to tape or record critical interrogations, failure to follow up important information, investigators ignoring certain aspects of the case (who were the men who displayed Secret Service credentials to the police on the day of the murder), inconsistent statements from important witnesses etc. This is a real mystery. A lot of people are murdered every year without explanation. The real world can be a messy and inhospitable place. We tend to want to think that the murder of the President of the United States would be different. With some of the best police agencies in the world working on the case we could figure it out and close the file and be at least comfortable with the idea that we know what happened. This film will not allow you to think that way. This was a messy event with a lot going wrong - as it usually does - and this DVD lets you know that. No nice world tied up in a nice package with a bow on it. No...this is reality. And a lot of it. A very good DVD and well worth the price.
Rating:  Summary: Eye Opening Review: This is probably the most complete documentary available on the assasination of J.F.K.. This video leaves no doubt that there was a definate conspiracy to kill J.F.K. in Dallas. It also proves that Oswald was merely a patsy and had nothing to do at all with the shooting. It brings forward several new witnesses as well as proving a complete cover-up by the Dallas Police Department and the F.B.I.. A must have for anyone interested in the events of November 22,1963. Well worth the price, as it clocks in at a little over 6 hours! It takes a long look at all the evidence and features a ton of information. A MUST HAVE!
Rating:  Summary: Most Plausible Theory Yet Review: This is the best video series ever on the JFK assassination. I can't understand how anyone could believe the Warren Commission Report after seeing this series. The Zapruder film clearly shows a large chunk of Kennedy's head being blown backwards. How could one shot fired from the rear do this? Any fool can see he had to be shot from the front. The doctors who treated Kennedy at Parkland Hospital said that he was shot in the right temple area. People who handled the body said that Kennedy had a large hole in the back of his head. Are they all lying? Peter Jennings conveniently left these questions out of his whitewashed account, "Beyond Conspiracy," and his documentary didn't even show the end of the Zapruder film until the end of the program; and then they didn't bother to comment on the shot from the front. I'm not a conspiracy nut; I just want the truth. On jury duty you're asked to decide what is true or not true based on the evidence and your experiences in life. Those of us old enough to remember the Kennedy assassination will probably never learn the absolute truth, but this video series offers the most plausible theory yet on what probably happened.
Rating:  Summary: provocative viewing Review: This series was excellent. It is well worth the time and money. As a registered nurse, I once worked at Parkland. I found the revelations about falsified documents and autopsy records, altered post mortem photographs, illegal removal of the body from Parkland for an autopsy at Bethesda, missing forensic evidence, and information from the funeral home and Bethesda autopsy personnel very disturbing. Dr. Wecht is more than justified in calling for a 21st century forensic investigation of whatever evidence remains. The lack of Secret Service protection of the president is appalling. The lack of documentation or "lost logs" is egregious at best. Why hasn't the Secret Service been held accountable? The only plausible explanation is that a conspiracy existed in which the organization was duplicitous on some level. If you are not familiar with the assassination or this series, buy it! I have viewed it several times. Each time I become more outraged that something of this magnitude could have occurred. The medical and Secret Service information was enough for me to conclude a conspiracy existed. The newest tapes "The Final Chapter" were equally amazing. Information from Judy Baker regarding her affair with Oswald was very interesting. Her knowledge of New Orleans, cancer research, and Jackson State Hospital appeared credible. The information about alleged human subject cancer tests performed on Angola inmates at Jackson State Hos[ital was sickening. I have never seen this information presented anywhere other than this series. Information about LBJ wasn't that shocking to me. As a native of Louisiana, I can remember discussions that occurred at the time of the assassination and Shaw trial regarding LBJ. He wasn't perceived as an "honest broker", and many thought that he was involved on a deep level. Great tapes!! If you are a history buff don't miss them.