Rating:  Summary: Not good at all Review: After seeing Friday, I eagerly awaited the sequel. This movie is one of the biggest disappointments ever. Where Friday found humor in ordinary life in the hood, this movie takes Ice Cube (who is now an avid weed smoker) out to the burbs to live with his rich uncle and attempts to use the formula as in Friday. It doens't work. Most of the humor seems forced. I mean come on. A gang of Mexican thugs living next door? Please. His cousin, who plays the same sort of role Chris Tucker played in the first one, also doesn't help matters any. Where Chris Tucker was in your face in Friday, this guy's a whiny loser who can't control his life. I could go on, but there are too many things wrong with this movie. Steer clear.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible movie Review: This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It's juvenile, ignorant and not even funny. The original was ignorant and juvenile, but at least it was funny.Don't waste your time or money. If you like these types of movies, check out The Players Club.
Rating:  Summary: SOOOOO FUNNY!! Review: I'm probably one of the 3 lone people on the planet who thought that "Friday" had no funny parts whatsoever. It was tasteless and bland. "Next Friday," however, was cry-out-loud funny. From Day-Day's "glitter" scene, to Craig and Pinky in the record store, this movie was HILLARIOUS. It's got those great lines that you have to just quote "...but as soon as I got my check I WAS GONE!!!" and sing..."Yeah, yeah, put some...hot sauce on my burrito ba-bay..." over and over again. Honestly, I laughed at that obnoxious African dude in Pinky's store more times than I care to share with the viewers in Amazon-land. And then there's the mace...on and on and on this movie delivered. "Sugar" and "Uncle Elroy" had better chemistry and were MUCH funnier than Craig's mom and dad in the first, and although Deebo is not as funny as he was in the first movie the other characters more than make up for it. This movie was silly and funny and obnoxious, and something that I can watch over and over and over again...unlike the first "Friday" (Smokey going to the bathroom outside was FUNNY? Big Worm ripping off little kids was FUNNY? Craig in the bathroom when his father was on the toilet was FUNNY? I think not!) "Next Friday" delivers more. I wasn't dissappointed AT ALL.
Rating:  Summary: Good Fun Review: Most people like the first friday better but i happen to like this one the best. Its littered with loads of great characters and although its probably isnt as funny as the first one its alot more entertaining. Its full of jokes and Craigs cousin Day-Day is a very funny character. I bought the DVD and have watched it about 10 times without getting tired of it.
Rating:  Summary: HILARIOUS Review: This hilarious comedy about a hood rat sent by his father to the suburbs to live with his uncle. He chills with his cousin and a white friend named Roach, meets a girl named Carla, and tangles up in a gang. In the end the gang gets arrested, along with the two people from the hood after him andhe is safe. Buy this movie as soon as you can! It is hilarious. Ice Cube is an incredible actor. Also buy Friday. That movie was hilarious too.
Rating:  Summary: terrible in every way possible Review: the original friday was an exquisitely fun movie to watch, when i heard about next friday i was quite happy, then i found out chris tucker wouldn't be in it...okay...then no dj pooh (the writer of the first). i ended up watching this vile monstrosity this week. i laughed maybe 3 times throughout the film, the characters are so paper-thin and undeveloped (not to mention uncomforatbly sterotypical) the key plot point (ha ha) is a retread of the first, but with no emotional attachment to wether the characters succeed or not. minor plot points are never resolved, and likeable characters from the first film are completely wasted here. craig's father a man genuinely concerned for his sons well being, is reduced to nothing more than a one man fart joke. deebo (okay so he wasn't likeable) a great villan from the first film, who menaced craig, smokey and redd with such deadpan accuracy is given no screen time and when he does get some never gets the chance to act. (btw this was supposed to be the major plot point, but it gets relegated very quickly to sub-plot) craig himself, the likeable, somewhat insecure non-pot smoker from the first has turned in to just another "cool guy" picking up guns, fighting, smoking dope just like a good rapper should. what made craig such a great character in the first one was he was real, he wasn't the super cool rapper guy. the first movie was a nice refreshing/lite look at life in the ghetto, as ice cube says on that dvd "life in the hood isn't all bad", it was about strong friends, strong familiy and strong community. next friday was a complete disapointment
Rating:  Summary: Likable silly comedy. Review: I never saw the first Friday, yet i rented this film and am surprise this is an pretty good comedy. The Plot:Slacker/Stoner(Ice Cube) is having new problems with an escape convict getting his revenge and his uncle, who`s win a million dollars has moving in the `burbs and once he get there, again getting himself into new problems of his own. DVD`s has good widescreen transer(1.85:1) and an fine Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Soundtrack. Extras like:Bloopers, alternate ending and an running commentary track by Cube and the film`s director.
Rating:  Summary: Next Friday Review: Next Friday is a movie about Craig(ice Cube), he has stayed out of trouble since he whooped the neighborhood bully Debo.But his worries aren't overwith yet, Lucky for him Debo is getting out of the pen in a few days.Craig's Pops knows how dangerous Debo is and that he's out for revenge, since his son humiliated him in front of the whole neighborhood.So in his sons's best interest he sends him on over to his"rich" brother in Rancho Cucamonca, so his son will stay out of trouble in the suburbs but who knew that the suburbs could make the hood look good.There everyone in the household has problems, Day-Day, his cousin is in trouble because supposedly his ex is pregnant and wants him back or child support.Baby-D his ex's sister is making his life miserable they're wrecking his new BMW.His uncle is having trouble with the IRS they're going to take his mansion if he doesn't come up with the money quick.Then Day-Day looses his job at Pinky's record store because he's caught smoking weed with Craig and his little white friend"Roach".Then while they're outside chillin they notice the "Jokers" the vatos locos next door sneaking in a chromed container wich is packed with money so they sneak in at night and after many hilarious conflicts even getting the police involved they manage to take th emoney and save the house. The DVD is great with alternate endings it's one of the best comedy's in a long time. Every scene has a good laugh in it.I recommend this movie to anyone with a sense of humor.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: This movie was awesome...it was hillarious all around, and it deserves five stars at the least...I recommend that people watch this, if they have a sense of humor, it could be a lot of fun, Ice Cube is an excellent actor, as well as rapper. If you didn't like this, I wonder what your taste is.
Rating:  Summary: "A Pleasent Surprise" Review: Forget anything bad that anyone has ever said about this movie. This movie was fun to watch and funny, very funny. I like to see credit go to were credit is due. Many people said "Oh! Chris Tucker is not going to be in the sequel, there's no way this movie will succeed". After making millions of $ at the box office and similar success on video "Next Friday" has secured its own spot as a comedy classic. Next Friday did not need smokey (Chris Tucker)and went on to be twice as successful than the original "Friday" at the box office. Ice Cube's (craig) performance is great but Mike Epps (day-day) really gets your attention with his off beat and very funny humor. When you add Don "D.C." Curry (uncle Elroy) & John Witherspoon (craig's father)in the mix,you got some serious comedy going on. Check out this movie on DVD, there's all types of special features and fun stuff packed onto the disc. There's always going to be those who want to bring down this movie because the first one was so good. In many ways I believe "Next Friday" was better than the original "Friday". One reason in particular, is the fact that in Next Friday you get to see more movement with the scenes. The characters are not stuck on a front porch all day and night long like the original Friday. The first Friday indeed was a classic but Next Friday definately holds its own as a sequel. Before you try to bash a film before watching, just watch it first. I did and I was pleasently surprised by how good and funny Next Friday was. I hope they continue with the success of this film and make another Friday or two.