Rating:  Summary: A Whole Lot of Fun Review: Before I begin, let me get one thing straigh: Charlie's Angels is not a good movie, per se. It is not Citizen Kane, it is not Casablanca, it isn't even Gladiator. But because it never aspires to be anything besides a showcase for its three beautiful leads and the hilarious Bill Murray, it succeeds admirably, creating the first really fun movie to watch in a long time.
Rating:  Summary: A sexy comedy that delivers top dollar entertainment: Review: This DVD is full of great features. It has trailers, talent files, making of the movie and more. It also has a good plot. I saw this at the silver moon drive thru with my dad and I loved it. It has some action and comedy and romance. Bill murray, Tim curry and Tom green also star in this great movie. Buy it:
Rating:  Summary: Valen a old fan Review: WOW!!! This DVD is one action funny comedy, entertaining movie ^i^ . . . It is way diffrent from the original.. this movie have the best FX kung fu fighting it does remind me of the Matrix (also an excellent action movie) Charlie's Angels is a must have and must see .. I bought my DVD in store.. and I have seen it twice the first time i got it. . . . do recomend it to all audiance. . you won't regret it ...
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time and money Review: Horrible, mindless flick. Might give it 2 stars if they were naked. Just my humble opinion.
Rating:  Summary: No sequel please! Review: You will love this movie if: 1. You were a major fan of the TV show. 2. You love stop-action fight sequences. 3. You are a fan of Diaz, Liu, or Barrymore.Otherwise, this movie is only average. Good for a rent. Somewhat entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: check your brain at the door Review: Charlie's Angels is an incredibly dumb movie, but at least it's entertaining and has the good sense not to take itself seriously. Everyone involved looked like they had a lot of fun making this movie, which counts for a lot. I just wish they had better material to work with. Charlie's Angels is a decent movie, but not a memorable one. Watch it with some friends, and check your brain at the door. This movie operates at the level of an old episode of the series. It's played to great tongue-in-cheek effect at the beginning, with lots of hair-flipping, egregious smiling, and split-screen effects. Eventually, though, the movie succumbs to the dumbness of the TV show, with characters explaining every last detail to us like we're in kindergarten. Do we need to see Drew Barrymore's Dylan spell out "enemy" in Scrabble, THEN run her finger over it and read it aloud? And the movie's basic "people are not who they seem" twist is so obvious that it feels insulting to have the Angels spell it out (pardon the pun) explicitly; were they afraid we missed its sledgehammer subtlety? One last note on this topic- there's so much slow-motion action in this movie that if you ran it at full speed, it would only be as long as an episode of the series. That said, there's a lot to like. Bill Murray and Tim Curry steal every scene they're in. Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu make the most of their one-dimensional roles (Can someone please give Drew a good role for once? She always feels underused.) Cameron Diaz, though, is the real treat here, proving that it is possible to be a beautiful, sexy, talented female comedian in Hollywood (I dare you to name another). Her bit on "Soul Train" is the highlight of this movie. A couple final comments- first, Tom Green needs to be banished from Hollywood. He's a poor actor, and he's just plain unfunny. Drew, I know you love him, but that's not an excuse to cast him. Second, why why why must Hollywood continue to beat us over the head with the idea that women aren't allowed to be successful in both love and their careers? It's an offensive subtext in this film's "girl power" message.
Rating:  Summary: How could you mess this up? Review: 70's camp should be good for humour at least but the directors ended up with a bad farce. Apart from the occasionally succesful cultural references to Evel Knievel and Iron On T-Shirts - the directors got everything else wrong. Its unbelievable that they could take so many delicious pieces (need i say more) and bake such a flat cake. Surprisingly the only successful parts of the movie were the action scenes with the same kind of "wire-fu" seen in the matrix. If they had lightened up on the uh...comedy and made it more of an action movie it could have really been good..oh well.
Rating:  Summary: awesome movie Review: this is very awesome. its got action , comedy, and hot girls. the beggining fight scene is awesome. its better than the matrix. watch and see.
Rating:  Summary: GOOD OR BAD? Review: The movie is very good. It shows that we can fight with our braun and not with our hand. Drew Barrymore ,one of the stars of the movie is against guns, knifes... So the movie was with only one kind of violence.
Rating:  Summary: this movie was OK Review: ok this movie was kinda good kinda bad first of all it was sooooo funny i mean i thought it was gonna be another 1 of those stupied action movies BUT i laughed the whole time u should get it u will NOT be sorry!