Rating:  Summary: A very, very funny movie! Review: When i first saw the trailer for this movie, I thought it was going to be another cool violent alien movie like Independence Day. But this movie is nothing like ID4. This is a comedy, and it is one of the funniest movies ever made! I don't know why, but I always crack up at the part where Edgar (the bad alien) knocks the table with all the bug killer stuff on it over on the street! HAHAHAHA! Tommy Lee Jones is the suave, cool, know-it-all, fast talking, well-experienced special agent "K." It is his new job to train rookie MIB agent "J" (played by the hilarious and very talented Will Smith). It is the MIBs job to "protect the earth from the scum of the universe, and this time, they have to save the entire galaxy from a big bad bug named Edgar (played very creepily by Vincent D'Onofrio). Also starring in this sci-fi, special effects extravaganza are Linda Fiorentino (who plays the sexy and seductive Dr. Laurel Weaver), Rip Torn (who plays the head of the MIB, Zed) and Tony Shalhoub (who has one of the funniest moments in the move after he gets his head blown to bits by K followed by one of the most amazing use of special effects I have ever seen: his head morphs back into place!). A must-see if you're looking for action, comedy, and just plain fun!
Rating:  Summary: Men In Black re-re-release Review: Barry Sonnenfeld's Sci Fi comedy blockbuster starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones is one of the most purely entertaining films of the 90s. The premise, taken from the DC comics is simple, yet an excellent choice considering the talent behind the project and the possibility (now reality) of a new and exciting franchise. With the superb comic duo of Smith and Jones (As agents K and J respectively) and an inventive take on Sci Fi cliches, added with well-played wit and charm, it's effortless coolness is just right. Jones' dry persona in the film, combined with Smith's jibes, is one of the best buddy parings since Newman and Redford. The supporting cast including Rip Torn as head honcho "Z" and Linda Florentino are great, and extra kudos for Vincet D'Onfrio as the bug in the "edgar suit". Danny Elfman's Batman-esche score adds a nice layer of comic adventure. And extra kudos for FX maestro Rick Baker's award-winning alien creations. All of the seamless combinations of ILM and practical effects are literally out-of-this-world. The audacious concept that aliens are living among us (disguised as humans) provides for some humerous moments, including an alien observer screen that shows that MIB-producer Steven Spielberg and Sylvester Stallone (among others) are extra-terrestrials. Ok, so it's somewhat of a re-tread of GHOSTBUSTERS in some caveats, and it dosn't even pretend to have depth. But hey, the universal question pervades: Who cares? With comedy this good, it's minor flaws can be ignored. Building on it's endless comic potential to a satisfying showdown, MIB will no doubt linger long in anyone's memory, regardless of if you've been nuetralised.But for cryin' out loud! Yet another re-re-release of the MEN IN BLACK DVD. However for all the jaded people who, knowledged by the usual re-release pattern so common in many DVDs (MATRIX, LORD OF THE RINGS et all) decided to wait for a better edition of MIB, then here's the best one to get. With enough extras to satisfy fans, this "Deluxe Edition" has it all. A 2 Disc set, the extras include a Commentary by director Barry Sonnenfeld, Rick Baker and the team at ILM, a featurette and trailer from Men In Black 2 a scene editing workshop, Creatures: Concept to Creation, Music video, Storyboard comparisons, Conceptual art gallery, Multi-angle scene deconstructions, Original featurette, Character animation studies, Extended and alternate scenes and trailers (Phew!). The picture and sound quality are top-notch too. Very impressive stuff, and one of the many reasons you junked your VHS collection yonks ago. And altogether, a 5-star DVD. But then, in a couple of months, a DVD 2 Pack of MIB and MIB 2 might pop up...
Rating:  Summary: Much More Than Just a "Good Compromise" Review: I must come clean right from the start and admit that I'm considering buying the "Superbit Collection" version of "MIB". Then I could generously give disc one of my "Deluxe Edition" to a friend. Okay, I'm rationalizing. On to the DVD in question. (Although I should mention that there's yet another version, the "Collector's Series" disc with DTS audio encoding.) The first "MIB" was one of those rare summer releases that actually lived up to expectations: It was wonderfully cast, and the effects never got in the way of the story. The only problem is that it could have been a bit longer--how often do you say that about a movie? Okay, the "Deluxe Edition" DVD doesn't have DTS; it does have Dolby Digital 5.1 which should be sufficient for the vast majority of us. Video quality is good: On a scale of 1-5 I'd give it a slightly generous 4. The pairing of Barry Sonnenfeld and Tommy Lee Jones to do the voice-over commentary is inspired: They come at the film from totally different viewpoints. Disc 2 makes up a bit for the brevity of the film by including extended and alternate scenes. Granted, Disc 2 has lost some of its appeal - it feels somewhat dated, which it is - since it contains a "teaser trailer" and a "sneak peak" at "MIB II", along with other filler like storyboards and production notes. And if you're pining for those days when MTV was playing Will Smith's titular video on the hour, it's there, too. All things considered, "MIB Deluxe Edition" is a worthwhile addition to your library. I pull it out every few months and pop it in the player--it's short enough so that it won't consume the entire evening unless I start digging into the extras. Come to think of it, I don't really need the "Superbit" version....
Rating:  Summary: Good entertainment. Review: 'Men in Black' is good entertainment. Will Smith is the Main Man once again as he brings humor and great fun to the screen.
Rating:  Summary: A thoroughly enjoyable ride Review: Loosely based from a 1990 comic book series, this 1997 blockbuster combined eye popping special effects, classic sci-fi fare, and off the wall comedy and featured Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones as Agent's J and K respectively. Both of whom are members of the MIB: a government organized secret group who keep the knowledge of extra terrestrial life under wraps while keeping the planet at peace. Director Barry Sonnenfeld handles the film very well and keeps it at a crowd pleasing speedy pace throughout most of it's running time. While it does start to lose steam towards it's climax, where Men in Black shines is with the casting: featuring Linda Fiorentino, Rip Torn, Tony Shaloub, and Vincent D'Onofrio in lively roles, with D'Onofrio being his usual scene stealing self. This Deluxe Edition of the film seems like the umpteenth time MIB has been released on DVD; but out of all the previous editions this seems to offer the most bang for your buck.
Rating:  Summary: "Men in Black" Review: Men in Black (PG-13) 5/5 Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Linda Fiorentino, Vincent D'Onofrio, Rip Torn. Directed by: Barry Sonnenfeld. Synopsis: Members of an elite government agency battle aliens who threaten the galaxy. Special Features: 2-Disc Set: Widescreen and Fullscreen Versions of the Film, Trailers, Sneak Peak at MIIB, Extended and Alternate Scenes, Music Video, Storyboard Comparisons, MIB Documentary, Production Notes, Scene Editing Workshop, Conceptual Art Gallery. Review: In one of the most original concepts to hit sci-fi in a long time. K (Tommy Lee Jones) plays a veteran MiB. They are men in black suits with no names, only letters, who police aliens on earth. K begins training of a new partner J (Will Smith) just in time to deal with a nasty bug alien bent on stealing a galaxy. The catch is another group of aliens will destroy earth if he gets close to succeeding. This rollicking sci-fi comedy is brilliantly thought out. It all rides on credible performances by Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith. They not only succeed, but have absolutely terrific chemistry together elevating the humor. The special effects are top notch, and Sonnenfeld's comic genius of a direction job is a sight to behold. As for the DVD? You couldn't ask for more!
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining 90's Blockbuster Review: A hip black guy and a square white guy save the world. Sound familiar? A surprisingly successful blend of stereotypes, comedy, sci-fi, late 90's hipness, action, and CGI. Plenty of profanity, explosions, gross outs, sexual innuendo, and one liners for the whole family. (...) The film equivalent of junkfood.
Rating:  Summary: A Futuristic Blockbuster Review: Men in Black surprised me. Coming from a comic without an iconic hero like Superman or Batman, instead it had two men in suits. When I saw the movie I was amazed at the funny chemistry between Will Smith and Tommy Lee. It was almost like Alien Exterminator Odd Couple. The Alien effects were very real but very cartoon-cool at the same time (come on Rick Baker worked on this film what do you expect.) The movie was very funny, very thrilling, and very good. I highly reccomend this film for anyone who loves action and sci fi.
Rating:  Summary: The ultimate in summer entertainment... Review: Men In Black is one of those rare summer films that doesn't insult it's audience's intelligence. It won't exactly make you ponder the existence of life, but it's great fun and doesn't sacrifice it's story for mounds of CGI and hokey action sequences. Smith and Jones have great screen chemistry and Vincent D'onofrio is a hoot as the villain. What I like most about the film is it's originality. A secret government agency assigned to protect the earth from aliens who threaten it's existence. What's not to like? To me, it harks back to the Spielberg/Zemeckis golden age of the 80's. Great popcorn films that just leave you wanting more. Unfortunately, that "more" turned out to be a less-than-average sequel. Sequels be damned; I think MIB is the cream of the late 90's summer crop. The Deluxe DVD is excellent and blows the other thirty four billion DVD editions of it right out of the water. If you haven't seen it yet, I'd suggest calling a rescue squad to remove the rock you've been hiding under for the past few years. Then, treat yourself to this movie. Best of all, excluding a few naughty words, it's good for the whole family. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: pathetic Review: This was a pathetic movie. It had absolutely no substance, wit, or comedy. The comedy attempts in this movie were worse than 007. This is basically the "plot"- Wow we are part of a secret organization to kill bad aliens that are threatening our way of life. In order to do this we must have super cool guns, black suits, and a little stick that flashes to make us lose our memory. A cool car would also be nice. How original! This movie comes recommended for the maybe 10 year old girl who would most likely have the following conversation with a friend about the movie: "omg luvs that movie was soooo cute! And omg like that Will Smith is like ToO hOt! those lil aliens were cute to. Will Smith is like SoOoOo dreamy! C U l8r alligator! hehe! :)" here, we have the 10 year old girl who likes the movie because they think Will Smith is hot and the little aleins are cute. The other group I would recommend this movie would be to the maybe 13 year old boy: "wow dude those guns were like so cool. The aliens were so hardcore and I liked watching things being blown up with the guns! That was almost as good as the Fast and the Furious! Nice car! The rap music in it was so cool too because rap is awesome!" Obviously, the fast and furious crowd who enjoys rap music and watching things being blown up with fake guns would also enjoy this movie. Woah, cool dude! If you are not one of these types of people, dont watch the movie. It is extremely cheesy, boring, and bad. I cant believe I watched it.