Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable Popcorn Film Offers Nothing Special (But a Dog) Review: As everybody expected, "Men in Black" came back. Welcome back, I would like to say, but Colimbia pictures surely think that they came back with a wrong timing, right between "Episode 2" and before "Stuart Little 2." This may not be an impressive entry in our mind. But wait, "Men in Black 2" starts in a very impressive way, with Peter Graves as himself on TV, introducing a knowingly cheezy and cony episode about activities of MIB, which no one but Tim Burton would take seriously. Then you witness an oval spaceship far from this galaxy destroying the planets of the solar system one after another, and a big, nasty bug eating the subway of NYC away. The real story begins when sexy Lara Flynn Boyle appears as Serieene, whose real identity soon is revealed. Yeah, she is another emeny to humans, taking over the headquarter of MIB, seeking for something on earth. Agents are all captured except Agents J and K, but the latter's memory, which is a key of the secret the alien needs, has been erased as you saw in the original. So, what should they do? That is a story of this long-awaited sequel, but the script is, I must say, very weak. You will find that "MIB 2" treads too predictable way with less humor, and its short running time of less than 90 minutes is a wise and inevitable decision for moviemakers. I admit that as the sequel must follow the original settings, its director's hands are rather tied, preserving the original characters with original cast. Considering this fact, "MIB 2" is doing a good job, but there is little surprise waiting for us, which was in the work 5 years ago. As Agents K and J, Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith again appear. Though there is no problem with their acting, I thought there are fewer moments of hilarious chemistry between them, which made "MIB" a real treat. This is, I think, because the original relations between super-cool, all knowing Jones and hot-shot Smith is reversed here. Sometimes Agent J's attitude looks slightly arrogant while it takes too much time for us to see Agent K back in good old shape. Consequently, director Sonnenfeld's usual dead-pan humor, though it is certainly funny to watch some of them (especailly a locker scene at station), often seems to slow down the process of re-uniting them, and Smith's love-story with Rosario Dawson ("Josie and the Pussycats") is too unconvincing, and only drags too long. Perhaps faster pace would have made the film more effective in drawing out attentions into the film's world. The special effects are first-rate, as usual, and Rick Baker (himself briefly appearing, try to spot him) did a fabulous job with alien creature designs. But you all agree with me when I say that among the big-budget movies with special-effects (like very recent "Episode 2") you may find yourself less impressed with the CGI images of "MIB 2." So you probably find the many cameo appearances most interesting. Check out Agent "M" played by none other than Mi----- Ja----- (check it for yourself). And the family looking at TV when Agents K and J collect weapons are director Barry Sonnenfeld himself (middle), associate producer Stephany Kemp, and Tommy Lee Jones's daughter Victoria. Let me say lastly that as I saw this one in Japan, there may be slight differences between the ones released in other countries. I hope there are, because I really wish they had more to offer with "MIB 2."
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic sequel to Men in Black. Review: Our family went today to see Men in Black2 today and really enjoyed the movie. All the original characters were in the movie and few new delightful characters were introduced. The movie begins with a new female villian who is after the jewel of light that was left on the planet for 25 years and everybody had thought that that jewel had been returned, but was really the daughter of the queen. The turn of events leads AgentJ to find the retired AgentK because only he knew what had really happened the lost jewel. I will not go into any other details of the movie. This movie will be a dvd keeper when it comes out thats how much we all really enjoyed this movie. It had humor and some sadness and enough action to keep the whole audience riveted. See this movie you will be glad that you did.
Rating:  Summary: Men In Black 2 Review: This film is for the action and comedy fans. The movie is about The Light of Zorach and an alien trying to get it. The alien scum transforms in to a supermodel and works with a two-headed alien. This movie keeps you laughing until the end. The funniest aliens are the worms that love coffee. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones really do great acting in this movie. Agent J (Will Smith) says everything Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones)liked before his memory was deleted he hates. You should watch this great movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: Some Sequels¿ Review: Are actually better and more successful at the box office than the original film. There is no danger of MIB II joining this group. Allowing for the increase in ticket prices this film will not match the opening, or the final box office total of the original 5 years ago. The storyline is the same as the first film, and even the director, Barry Sonnefield, said that if anyone attempts MIB III where the world is threatened by aliens, he would have nothing to do with it. When the main characters are literally, "flushed", there were groans from the audience. The Michael Jackson cameo was thankfully brief, his complexion is now a skim-milk shade of blue, and few professional models wear more makeup. Steven Spielberg who also put, "Minority Report", on the screen this summer produced this film. Whether you like the film or not Minority is not coming close to the success that was predicted for the film. He hedged his bets by taking 25 million dollars in product endorsements from 13 different companies for that film, and MIB II also has a long list of product endorsements as well. Keys to saving the planet now require a Mercedes, Victoria's Secret, Sprint Long Distance, Ebay, and America On Line to name just a few. Science fiction films use to be about entering a world and suspending disbelief, now with some exceptions everyday products snap you back, and you realize you are watching an extended commercial. There really is no plot, and the ending is meaningless. The display of patriotic feeling is so contrived it borders on embarrassing. With the key players taking home 20-25 million dollar paychecks I understand the difficulty in their saying no to a lousy film. Will Smith who is a talented actor had said that, "The Wild Wild West", film embarrassed him and that he let down his fans. This film should replace even that mess.
Rating:  Summary: Even better than the original! Review: MIB 2 is really a great movie- the comedy, action, and plot never slow down so that you're always on the edge of your seat. It was great to see new characters(the evil villan in this movie is great), along with Agents K and J again. I really thought MIB2 had an original plot, and it was different than MIB because it included Laura as one of the key characters. If you go and see Men In Black 2, you won't be disappointed!
Rating:  Summary: Back In Black. Black Suits Comin is right. It is Awesome! Review: Agents K and J are back and couldn`t be blacker! Which means it`s awesome! Especially,agent F (Frank), the funniest guy in the movie.
Rating:  Summary: What an ending! Review: I went to see this with my 10 year old son and we both loved it. Will Smith's agent J tries out several partners (including Frank the Pug!) before going to retrieve an amnesiac agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) to save the world. They still manage to have some big surprises at the end. If you liked MIB, you'll love MIB II.
Rating:  Summary: Funny Review: It's a comedy, it's supposed to be funny, it was. Very funny.
Rating:  Summary: Attempt at balance Review: I have not seen this film, nor do I necessarily expect that it deserves one star (or less). I simply wanted to balance out the five star reviews from people who haven't seen the darn thing. I realize amazon can't keep sorted the people who have seen a movie and who haven't, but they could at least keep reviews from being posted until it is released. It seems just about every movie (esp. the bigger releases) gets reviews posted before it is released, and not just reviews by people who have seen a sneak preview. Think about it...anyone who is interested enough in a not yet released movie to post a review here before even seeing it is invariably going to give it five stars. This skews the rating, which is a disservice to the loyal customers of this site. Amazon, I hope you are listening. I have purchased quite a bit from amazon.com and I used to find the reviews to be very helpful....and those of you posting reviews before seeing it....get a life... My first and probably last review.....
Rating:  Summary: Nowhere near as good as the first Review: There are some great characters in the movie. The plot is the same. Save the world from aliens. There is some good humor and the acting was good. At the end of the day though I didn't find the movie interesting at all. As a matter of fact, for the first time ever, I fell asleep in a 5 p.m showing of the movie. I go to the movies approximately once a week (maybe every 1.5 weeks.) and I see some great movies two to three times on occasion. I rarely go and watch a movie and then say, "I hate/disliked that movie." Movies are designed to take you away from reality and entertain you for a few hours. Men in Black II did not do that for me. I found myself saying "when will it be over." Spend your dollars on something better like The Bourne Identity, Sum of all Fears, even Mr. Deeds (which I didn't think was Sandler's bestwork) but don't spend your hard earned $$$ on this movie.