Rating:  Summary: Ouch. Review: As much as I have enjoyed John's work in the past, I was sorely disappointed with this movie. Having read other reviewer's opinions, I know that it was made on a very small budget. I realize that John wrote, directed, produced and starred in the movie. Let's face it. The man had a lot going on. Unfortunately, I think that the writing for this movie got away from John. I really really wanted to enjoy this movie, and was hoping that I had found a hidden treasure. Unfortunately, in hindsight, I don't feel like this was the case. The character Vince Vaugh plays is polar opposite from the character he played in swingers. It's the same guy, but instead of being hip and sheek, he's geeky ... John's character just never really develops. I am looking forward to his next effort, and will buy whatever he makes, but I do feel a little bit let down by this effort.
Rating:  Summary: As far as I can tell, Review: the only reason many people couldn't stand this movie was because it was a darker, crueler comedy; not as "cute" or as easily digestable as "Swingers". That was the whole point for Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn, to do something different while playing off of audiences' expectations of their characters. The character of Ricky is basically Trent five years down the road from "Swingers". Anyway, the writing in "Made" is razor-sharp, the leads are stellar, and the supporting cast members are all pitch-perfect. Even with P. Diddy Puff Daddy Puff Puffy Puffaluffagus Puffmaster 2000 in a supporting role, I'm saying they were pitch perfect. I liked this movie more than "Swingers" overall.
Rating:  Summary: Favreau has MADE an offer we can refuse. Review: Look. I'm not going to get wordy about this film. Instead, I'm going to use an economy of prose appropriate to the dearth of interest this film holds. The only thing this flick has going for it is the production quality (which is disproportionate to the movie as a whole) and Peter Falk's performance which is a talent wasted in this poor excuse for a "mob" movie. The incongruities in this film are so absurd as to belie any attempt to chalk them up to mere "creative license." It's obvious that Falvreau is clueless about the real Mafia and real wiseguys. So he simply populates this movie with some faux tough-guys that apparently satisfy his hollywoodized notion of a "gangster." The result is a toothpick-chewing black rapper "gangsta" and his plump sidekick hanging out at a joint in New York City's Little Italy...unlikely. Also implausible is the choice of the name "Max" for Falk's connected-guy character. Vinny, Vito, Tony, Johnny or Carmine perhaps...but Max??...I don't think so. And that's just scratching the surface. Add to that the plodding non-story line, the incessant bickering of the protagonist would-be mobsters (obviously meant to be amusing but actually grating), and the mind-numbingly boring dialogue and you can appreciate my opinion of this movie. Give me Pacino,Deniro and Pesci. You can keep Falveau and Vaughn. "Made" is what you get when non-Italians attempt to make a mob movie. In a word...FUGEDDABOUTIT!!
Rating:  Summary: Tried to like it, and failed... Review: I tried very hard to like this movie because I enjoyed Swingers so much. Regrettably, I just couldn't sit through it. Even though the production value of the film looks surprisingly high for it's budget, the plot moves at a slow pace and the hand-held camera work is jittery and disorienting. As bad as the above mentioned factors are, the true reason for this film's failure is the constant annoyance of Vince Vaughn's character. In fact, this character is so grating that it reminded me of "Jar Jar Binks" from "Star Wars Episode 1": Hapless, dim-witted, and the cause of a lot of trouble for his loyal friends. By the middle of the movie, I was so irritated by this character that I just couldn't stomach the film anymore. In the end, I would characterize this movie as a true disappointment for any Favreau fan.
Rating:  Summary: Don't bother with this movie Review: An alleged comedy with 2 characters you quickly hate so bad the only reason to keep watching is you hope to see them die a painful death. The plot (was there one?) is slow moving. The dialog consists of the f???ing word 92000 times with a few nouns thrown in. Peter Faulk has an okay performance.
Rating:  Summary: I couldn't finish it... Review: I loved Swingers (and still do), so I was anticipating Made with great expectations. I thought if anything my expectations would lessen my enjoyment of Made. Swingers is hard to live up to, and I didn't want to set my standards too high. Within minutes, my expectations weren't even a factor. Vince Vaughan was certainly supposed to be annoying, but it was so over-played within the movie that it made me want to fast-forward past Vaughan every time I saw him on screen. Some may say that proves how well Vaughan played the character, but I couldn't even admire the excess of his performance. It was simply an annoyance inside of a movie that was going nowhere fast. Hopefully, Favreau will do better next time around.
Rating:  Summary: Made is the money yo! Review: MADE is the MAD BUCKS...if U don't get it U don't got it G!
Rating:  Summary: made a bad movie Review: Although I liked swingers, and favreau and vaughn have great chemistry, this movie just did not come together at all. This suprised me though, because I really enjoyed swingers and expected great things from this flick. The plot also had great potential, but it just never did develop at all. Vaughn was hilarious in swingers, despite his relentless "force feeding" of his style.In made, he just came across as a pointless, obnoxious, never has been and never will be kind of character.I own over 200 dvd's and I only buy great movies.I forgive him and favreau though, because I liked swingers so much, and Im sure they will produce some good materieal in the future, but please take my word for it, this movie was a bomb.
Rating:  Summary: Jon Favreau MADE garbage Review: Wow, in my life I have never been so wrong about a movie. After seeing Swingers I couldn't imagine that Favreau would bomb so badly in a movie. I figured the movie would at least be decent. The characters have no character, the plot has no plot. Just two hours of annoying, pointless conversations. And then at the end they hit us with a big politically correct ending, it turns out the tension between the two main characters is resolved when they established a suspiciously homosexual-like relationship. I now own a worthless DVD that I will never ever watch again. Save your money, folks.
Rating:  Summary: almost 3 stars... Review: I've gone through a rough patch recently. A few films that I'd had really high hopes for were either far below average(Waking Life) or suprisingly average(Gosford Park). I rented Made a while back and was pleasently suprised, I had no hopes for it but it had a number of solid laughs,a soundtrack peppered with good tunes and some tight performances (Favreau and Faulk are good and P.Diddy is not as bad as I thought he'd be). As well,the extra's were pretty good and my copy was not cursed with unwanted Spanish subtitles. It did,however,come with Vince Vaughn's underdeveloped and irationally annoying character intact. As pleasant a suprise as Made was, this character almost singlehandedly killed this film. If he had started out as dense,obnoxious and loutish and grown it'd be different-but after the big finale he's still the same blockheaded jerk at the end of the picture. At a few points he does things that are SO stupid that it comes close to compromising the story. As is, some things look sort of familiar here but there is a certain "charm" (maybe the wrong word) that the rest of the film has that made it watchable and pretty fun(I didn't care for Swinger's-for what it's worth). This was a film that could easily have risen above the level of average. The wheel was not reinvented here but that wasn't the point. It's a slight but mostly enjoyable crime/buddy flick that is seriously hampered by the Vince Vaughn character(or maybe it's the way he played it...). You may want to rent it first and test your tolerance to Vaughn's character .Like I said...ALMOST 3 stars.