Rating:  Summary: Childhood Laughs Review: I am so glad that my childhood friends and I are not the only watchers of Midnight Madness which is the best movie we saw as kids. We even put on our own Midnight Madness games (during the day, we weren't allowed to run around at night..bogus!)I was hoping college would be the same when I went..<sigh>...alas no one had ever heard of the movie which is the king of cheese. If you like this one also watch T.A.G The Assassination Game with Linda Hamilton. Great lines!!
Rating:  Summary: Made for TV Camp at its BEST Review: This is possibly the greatest schlock second-rate film of all time. Starring Soon-to-be known actors like Michael Fox (sans J.), David Naughton, Eddie Deezen, and Stephen Furst.Join 5 socially stereotyped teams as they participate in Brainchild Leon's "Great Allnighter" scavenger-clue game. The winner gets a medal and the right to "prove that their team is the best one." The movie is hilarious as the teams face trouble, tribulation and the Pabst Blue Ribbon Brewery, wreaking havoc wherever they turn up! Look for Pee Wee Herman in a cameo as a video game parlor manager! This is a great party flick! Highly recommended!!!! -Hellboy
Rating:  Summary: I've got a taste for livin.... Review: I am not a serious critic when it comes to film. If a movie manages to entertain me, I'll give it a good rating and say why. That's why I fully embrace the "Cult Film" genre, because there are certain films that are classics in their own right but whose appeal truly lies only in the eye of the beholder. "Midnight Madness" is a kitsch film that captures the full disco feel of the late 70's era, but in a lighthearted, inconseqeuential way that doesn't give it the depth of other teen period classics like "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" or "Say Anything". I found the Amazon review of "Midnight Madness" interesting because it plays up (correctly) the relative innocence of the film. However, in today's PC-saturated culture, I wonder if "Midnight Madness" would be made in the first place. The true humor of the film is how it plays strictly off of high school stereotypes for laughs, where unisex-clad nerds travel on scooters and the football jocks travel in a convertible with the words "Meat Machine" painted on the side. The transcendent (as it were) plot twist of Midnight Madness is that it takes a number of teen stereotypes from across the spectrum and places them in a competetive setting - a scavenger hunt. What follows is complete cornball, where each group has their moment in the sun. The nerds might be able to get the clues at the observatory quickly, but only the jocks know that a certain jingle is the theme for "Pabst Blue Ribbon" beer. It's that type of movie - where everyone acts as you would expect and everyone gets what they deserve. It's done well, though, and that innocence discussed before goes a long way to making it work. It's a well-paced, well-executed piece in the spirit of all those Kurt Russell and Jodie Foster '70's Disney vehicles, but it has just enough of a mature edge that I recommend it for any cult film entusiast, especially fans of films that capture the essence of an era. Oh, and if you're a David Naughton fan, you'll know what drink to have while enjoying the film ;-)
Rating:  Summary: E...Easter Bunny Review: This movie is a riot. Especially almost 20 years after the first time i saw it. My sister and I would watch it all the time when we were younger and then recite all the lines. I don't remember them now, but will never forget the 2 morons in the van. I think their names were Barth and Milio. Fagabeefee! brilliant script writing for cheesy humor. eugene and his crew were also great. The thought of Pabst blue ribbon still brings a tear to my eye. Of course I have tried it since seeing the movie as a kid. Maybe it wasn't just the song. Who knows. Wish HBO would play it again.
Rating:  Summary: "Get away! We don't want any of your humble literature!" Review: I became hooked on this movie when I was a kid in the early '80s. We had one of those huge satellite dishes and could catch the same movie on twice as much as someone with regular cable since we had both East & West coast HBO, not to mention every other movie channel out there. Subsequently, my brother and I used to watch this movie practically every time it aired. We knew it by heart as kids, and it was fun seeing it again as an adult and realizing that I still remembered all the lines, even the words to that hokie, yet endearing theme song. "Duuuh....Fagabeefee?" has been a running joke within our family for years. The movie is basically a disco scavenger hunt featuring the nightlife, the boogie, the roller skates, and of course the Pabst Blue Ribbon. There's even romance. Be sure to look for those hot glances between the shy Adam and the wanton Laura. (I'm being facetious, of course. But I do find those scenes - unintentionally - funny.) Also worth mentioning and indicative of the time it was made are the Devo-esque nerds on the mopeds. This is a must see for '80s children and anyone else who enjoys cornball comedies.
Rating:  Summary: the BONAVENTURE! Review: My sister and I probably watched this movie a million times - back in the days when you didn't use a clicker to change cable channels - you used a foot long box with about 15 buttons and a dial (and HBO was 3 buttons in, with the dial turned to the middle). I can still hum the Pabst jingle - and will root for the yellow team to win every time I put this film on!
Rating:  Summary: Let's go see the magnetic...exhibit... Review: I monitored the progress of the re-release with much anticipation and bought multiple copies the day it came out! These reviews have said it all (and were so much fun to read!). My brother and I saw it about 200 times as kids and have been reciting the lines to each other at oppportune moments ever since. But I wasn't sure how funny it would seem to friends that had never seen it before, and now would have to enjoy it for the first time as adults. Turns out, everybody loves it! This movie is too funny - even funnier than you remember. We're now back to watching this movie on a regular basis, and as many have hinted - it's even better late at night in a somewhat altered state of mind. My contribution to the favorite quotes list: "Dad, let's go see the magnetic...exhibit" -- kid in the planetarium after "hey Einstein, isn't that Venus over there?!"
Rating:  Summary: I'VE NEVER SEEN THE ENDING... Review: until now (that is when i get it in the mail!). see, we somehow had midnight madness recorded on tape, but the tape ran out, so the farthest i ever got on it was that scene (near the end?) with paul reubens (peewee herman) giving out the clue to the yellow team (the good team)out of a pistol play gun, or somthing like that, in a restaurant. it's been friggin like 13 years since i saw this thing! i remember me and my cousins would always watch it incessantly cause we thought it was the funniest movie, and everytime always hoping that for some miracle, the movie would finish through, then it would cut right there and the vcr would rewind the tape as me and my cousins would give disappointing sighs. so the ending has always been a mystery to us. i'm sure it's the yellow team that won, but i've just never known. and never knowing what happened to michael j. fox's character (what was he 12 years old in this movie??!!!). i bet it was only another 10 more minutes until the ending, but it sure has been the most missed and deprived 10 minutes in my childhood, completely unresolved and unsatisfied. this movie is a classic. my cousins and i would mastermind our own midnight madness games at each other's houses, always trying to outdue each other's clues. classic. totally classic childhood memories man. i've never been able to find the movie at any blockbuster or videostore. and so now, through the power of this crazy internet technology, i finally got to order it today. man, it's like a time vault that will finally get to be opened! it'll be like being reunited with your best friend, or you're favorite toy, when you were 10. it's almost wrong to even see the ending, like revealing a magician's tricks. it's one of those movies that not everybody knows about, but it's a treasure. they sure don't make 'em like this anymore. this movie enbodies that wonderful '80s warm and fuzzy feeling- cheesey, goofy, and NERDIEST at it's best. =) man i didn't know i'd write such a long review, but midnight madness just has a special place in my heart. and holds so many fond memories for this 23 year old.... LOOK BETWEEN THE 2 GIANT MELONS, BABY!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Eddie Deezen= God! Review: I think my title really speaks for itself here.