Rating:  Summary: Boy tells it like it is... Review: In order to enjoy this performance, you have to like this kind of comedy. I'm not talking about "watered-down-Fresh-Prince-of-Bel-Air-hip-hop-for-the-masses-care-of-Will-Smith" comedy, either. I'm talking about Richard Pryor and Bernie Mac, tellin it like it is. Yes, there's a lot of profanity. Yes, he talks about sex, body parts, and pregnancy in graphic detail. Yes, there are stories involving drug use and getting arrested by cops. Yes, he pushes the boundaries of what's considered acceptable in a comedy routine. Prudes definitely need not apply. But the real test is: would I consider his vulgarity tasteless and excessive? No. Does it fit into the routine? ... Does it match his style? ... Is it done justice by his delivery? Yes. Speaking of his delivery, this is one of Martin's strengths. He delivers a commanding performance, showing off his acting and storytelling ability. He has great presence, prowling the stage, defiant that he's the one that's going to tell it like it is and the media can just kiss his a... Those of you who are skeptical of this performance from the negative reviews citing a "low-brow, boring, vulgar performance" should probably not watch this. You wouldn't "get it" anyways. But those of you who have a little flava and don't mind a brutha who's got game laying down the laughs the way he wants to and doesn't care about not offending anyone in the process need to watch this performance. There are some slow parts, but at least half of this thing is drop dead hillarious.
Rating:  Summary: wheels fall off? Review: it's a good thing I rented this DVD and didn't buy it. It does have some hilarious parts early I will admit. But as an over all show, it was a bit of a downer. He kept on urging the audience to "ride this mother till the wheels fall off" and how he kept giving his true holywood story which was kind of a contradiction because his wheels almost did fall off. I dig Martin L. and I am glad he is alive and I hope he continues to make us laugh. But after 20 minutes of this show I really wasn't laughing. But I will continue to buy and stay interested in Martin.
Rating:  Summary: Meh Review: Marin Lawrence covers all the bases (sex, drugs & alcohol, family problems) of a typical stand-up comedy. It's average, but it's kinda funnier at some parts than others. If you're a fan of stand-up comedy, or a fan of Martin Lawrence, you won't be dissapointed, but you shouldn't get your hopes up too high. My advice is to rent it first.
Rating:  Summary: Meh Review: Marin Lawrence covers all the bases (sex, drugs & alcohol, family problems) of a typical stand-up comedy. It's average, but it's kinda funnier at some parts than others. If you're a fan of stand-up comedy, or a fan of Martin Lawrence, you won't be dissapointed, but you shouldn't get your hopes up too high. My advice is to rent it first.
Rating:  Summary: He's a comedian. Let's here more jokes. Review: Martin Lawrence is a guy who is very likeable at times, and shows a lot of talent at times. The problem is, I wish he could show more talent with quality material. He's released a bunch of movies that seem to be commercially viable enough to keep his career going for awhile, but from what I've seen of them, once again I wish there was a lot more quality material, and not just the dependence on his star power. This is the same problem I have with this concert film. There are enough good things to give it a viewing, but I wish it could have been a lot, lot more. I will first address the "Adult Language" issue. This movie looked like, on purpose, every effort was made to put as much swearing as possible in as a marketing move. I'm not offended by this, and there are moments which do use it successfully. It's that after awhile it becomes tiring, adds little to the humor, and brands him as well, a boor at times. I need to tell Mr. Lawrence that my six-year old was coloring at the other end of the room while this was on. He wasn't really listening to it, but picked up his head and asked why there were so many bad words in the movie. I replied that he thinks they are funny. My six-year-old, who doesn't swear, shrugged and went back to his coloring. Since his grammar, by this example shows that it doesn't shock anybody anymore, I think he'd be a better comedian by trying to add some big words to his vocabulary. OK, so how was the performance otherwise? We get some parallels with other comedians here. He describes his misfortunes the way Richard Pryor used to do it. But he doesn't do it as well as Richard Pryor did. He also has his insights on life, and offers advice, like paying attention to your children. But Chris Rock, who swears almost as much, is much funnier and more insightful than Lawrence. But to show I'm not a prude when it comes to sex or language, there were a few good moments in this area. He does have a hysterical point in the show where he encourages people contemplating marriage to check out their prospective partners "packages". He goes into delightfully obscene detail, especially when playing the part of the female, in doing a much more thorough inspection job than, well, the weapons inspectors in Iraq. That was the highlight of the film for me, and it's what the film needed a lot more of. The movie is worth a look, but right now he's just minor-league material in my eyes when compared to other comedians.
Rating:  Summary: Great If You Wanna Hear A Grown Man Whine! Review: Martin Lawrence is highly talented and funny why he did this awful standup and various other floops (ie. Black Knight) will have comedy historians guessing for centuries. Simply put, there was really only one funny part in Runteldat, the part when he was mimicking a drunkard having a onesided conversation with his wife. Other than that, Martin was whining and complaining about the bad press he's been getting. And the media has been singling him out and giving him the shaft but why commit an entire hour to talking about that I mean good grief. Martin's other standup's have been stellar but this one kinda stunk.
Rating:  Summary: Awful Review: Martin Lawrence is my favorite comedian hands down, but man does this 'movie' stink. 'You So Crazy' is 100 times better than this....this....this garbage. Point Blank ...IT'S NOT FUNNY. In all actuality I fell asleep on it. HOW DO YOU FALL ASLEEP DURING STAND UP COMEDY? There were about two parts that I actually laughed at and I don't even remember what they were about. IT truly honestly was a waste of time. I don't even see how dedicated fans could even get a chuckle out of this. IF you want to see some funny Martin Lawrence check out his new movie NATIONAL SECURITY...,now that joint is hilarious, and skip this mess.
Rating:  Summary: The most profanity uttered in any two hours of my life... Review: Martin Lawrence starts off the film dissing the media and papparazi during his "tough times." He then goes on to joke about certain issues like smoking, alcoholism, pregnancy and disciplining children. He caps off the "concert" with his version of what happened during his run-ins with the law and his fateful coma. The jokes weren't always tasteful, and the audience weren't only African-American. I got a few good laughs out of it, but on the whole it was disappointing. I even heard several audience members say "That was stupid." I think Martin Lawrence is a funny guy as well as funny-looking. But I choose to watch him in a movie rather than doing stand-up. This movie is not for kids and teens. It contains a lot of mature topics and is very vulgar. If you didn't know who Martin Lawrence is to begin with, then you probably shouldn't watch this film either. LEAP rating (each out of 5): ============================ L (Language) - 1 (Crude and vulgar language. Jokes about certain social topics and tells his side of the story about his run-ins with the law.) E (Erotica) - 0 (n/a) A (Action) - 0 (n/a) P (Plot) - 0 (n/a)
Rating:  Summary: Dreadful Comedy Review: Martin Lawrence, one of the truly funny men in entertainment today, has lost his lively, fun-loving nature in this deadfully ponderous and un-funny movie. In addition to his manner and mien, which are cold, arrogant, unkind and un-funny, the comedic material is weak and the flow and ramble is awkward and stilted. Something bad has happened to Martin and it shows here, as his easy way with the audience in his stand-up routines has given way to an embarassed, chip-on-my-shoulder attitude that is off-putting at its best. I walked out after 45 minutes.
Rating:  Summary: Supreme Comeback.... Review: Martin without doubt is as artistic as it gets. He had a string of wack material, but this is one of those classic movies that you can never forget. Maybe, I am a little bias because I love Martin Lawrence but the kid is a comedy genius. I think Martin realizes the need of people to see him doing what we all have come to love and the reason he makes "20 million" a movie. Needless to say that the things this kid went through trully somes up his career as a survivor. If you like rough and raw no holds bar comedy this the material you are looking for. It's a classic.