Rating:  Summary: BROWN FACES FOR ALL RACES Review: American Latino movies are typically about one of three things: gangs, the barrio, or la familia. While some of these movies are great, most are pretty awful. Go to the video store and you'll see dozens of them sitting on the shelves collecting dust because Latino audiences are tired of seeing themselves portrayed through the same stereotypes over and over again. People wonder why hollywood is nervous about making modern "Latino" movies, it's because they've all been made already! Suckers is the first movie by Latinos I've seen that is about people who happen to be brown, but could just as easily be any other color. There are no references to Latino culture, family, or gangs, and I find it refreshing. And a comedy? How many Latino comedies are there? You can probably count them on one hand. While its vulgar slapstick humor isn't exactly my style, it still managed to squeeze a few laughs out of me. Suckers stands alone in a movie niche that's wide open.
Rating:  Summary: Right on the money!! Review: Been in the biz 6 months. So far it is 100% right on!! You will laugh ...if you have ever been or are now in the car business. "What do I have to do to get you to buy this movie TODAY"!!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: Being a former car salesman. I can honestly say that this movie hits it on the head. A must see for anyone who has ever bought a car or anyone who has worked in the car business. Wow, this movie brought back alot of memories. Great job Mr. Nygard.
Rating:  Summary: True to form Review: being in the car business for the last six years, and being around it for my entire life, i've seen just about every type of car salesman. This movie has nailed every one of them. From the aggressive sales manager, to the sympathetic one, the green pea, to the old car dog. This movie shows the darker side of car sales, it takes the darker side to the extreme. I would strongly recommend this movie to anyone who is, or has been, in car sales.
Rating:  Summary: Right on the money Review: EVERYTHING in that movie, including the sale of dope, I have seen in the dealership. Scumbags? Seen em. Former hit squad member trying to make money to bring relatives out of a third world country? Worked with one. Customers in way over their head in buyers remorse? Seen it. Sex with a customer? Done it. I have lived this life, and the only thing missing is the portrayal of the absolute mental grind that people with a conscience experience on a daily basis. It is the very reason that good people don't stay in the business.Except for It the last 10 minutes, this movie is everyday occurences in dealerships all across America. It is funny. Real. And very powerful. Watching the family who can't afford the car they bought is something that I have seen dozens of times over a few years. This is a must-see for people who want to know what the car business can really be like.
Rating:  Summary: Decent movie until it degrades into a low-rent caper flick Review: Good writing, pacing, and direction. Suckers made me laugh out loud several times, and was a good movie on its own merit until the direction takes a left turn into Quentin Tarrantinoville. The movie would have been a lot better had they stuck to the salesman theme.
Rating:  Summary: Almost Perfect to Form! Car Biz Laugh your butt off!!!! Review: I am a third generation in the car business. All true! Buy couple dozen copies. I did. It is amazing how true to form this movie is. I'd recommend this and "Cars and People, pissing at 60 miles an hour (book by Anthony Ziegler)to everyone in the car business.
Rating:  Summary: Unfortunatley; a very realistic window into car sales. Review: I have been in automobile sales for 15 years in Atlanta and this movie hits it right on the head. The sales meetings, the banter, etc. all are exactly correct, right up to the sayings and cliches. The movie got out of hand at the end with the shootings but up to that point was 100% realistic. This flick is a true window into the psyche of car salesmen. The ruthlessness, the attitude, the quick comebacks and the anything goes for your commission mindset is all accurate. This movie obviously had a lot of input from someone who had been there and done that. It also shows, if you watch closely, just why it is that car salespeople are masters at character study, recognizing impulse buying and why we are some of the greatest entepreneurs in the world!!!
Rating:  Summary: Reality of the business..... Review: I too am in Atlanta and have been in the car business for the last 7 years. Damn I love this movie.....!!! When I first saw it I thought I had gone back to work..!!!! Unfortunately it is true...and all the things that happened in the movie are true to form for the business. I wish I could say it wasn't but it is. I think by looking at this I also see how the outside world looks at us.....and i truly feel by watching this that we bring it on ourselves...!!! Happy watching.....
Rating:  Summary: Laugh or be Horrified Review: If you are or have been in the car business this movie will make you laugh and motivate you - everyone else that is not in the above 2 catagories will be horrified and never ever want to set foot on a car lot again much less purchase from a car dealer. This movie depicts the way the car business used to be - ( I know I am in the car business for 6 years now) The car business has been totally transformed in the last 15 years - this move is fantastic and it is hard to belive that this was a low budget film because it is 100% quality...