Rating:  Summary: I would have given it no stars if I were allowed Review: This movie would have been more aptly titled, "How Ron Howard Stole My Three Dollars, Gave Me a Massive Headache, and Wasted Ninety Minutes of My Time Which Would Have Been Better Spent Staring at a Blank Wall." Okay, so I'm not a kid. Maybe kids enjoyed it. Kids also enjoy eating boogers and farting. When this movie ended, I went to my tool box and beat myself in the head with a hammer for half an hour because it felt so much better than watching this celluloid atrocity. Did they do a good job of making Jim Carrey look like the Grinch? Yes. That's about the only positive thing you can say about the movie. Never before has the term "wretched excess" been more appropriately applied. This movie is by far the noisiest, most grotesque excercise in stupidity imaginable. Why couldn't they keep it simple like the beloved book? Why fill every frame with garish, pointless clutter? The horrible mole-faced people of Whoville are the stuff of nightmares. The sets are eyesores. Heck, the dog isn't even cute! Adults, be warned: if you are coerced by a well-meaning child into watching this ridiculous mess, you will welcome the urge to vomit afterwards, in the vain hope that doing so will purge the experience from your memory. Hide all sharp objects--or heck, even blunt ones--before viewing. It's worse than "Showgirls." Cripes, it's even worse than "Glitter"!!!
Rating:  Summary: Who Holiday Happiness Review: When Ron Howard was directing this film, I bet he had no idea that it would become a masterpiece worthy of Dr. Seuss' timeless classic. Everything in this movie is impeccable, the acting, the plot, the sets. Definetely not something you would want to pass up. Whoville is probably the best place to be around for Christmas. Christmas Avarice that is. All anyone thinks about around the cheerful holiday time is getting presents. The Grinch is angry about this, and a couple other things. He is always left out of Whoville, and is in a little bit of denial. To ease his pain, he play's mindless tricks on the unsuspecting residence of Whoville. Little Cindy Lou is having some doubts about Christmas too. As Christmas inches closer, maybe she can save Christmas, and have the Grinch be a part of it also. Jim Carry is a genius. No one else could've been a better Grinch at all. The girl who played Cindy Lou was just wonderful. She made you sympathize and understand what Whoville (and the world) is coming too. If only this could've happened in our world instead of Whoville. An instant family classic for the whole familia to watch and just plain laugh.
Rating:  Summary: The Moose Hole - How Howard Saved Christmas Review: "The more the Grinch thought, "I must stop this whole thing! Why, for fifty-three years I've put up with it now! I MUST stop this Christmas from coming! ... But HOW?" Every child, if they were brought up properly that is, has grown up with the short stories created by Dr. Seuss. Stories ranging from The Cat in the Hat to Yertle the Turtle to The Lorax with their delightful creatures and clever situations have captured the imaginations of not only the younger generation but the baby boomers as well. So is it any wonder that Universal Pictures, the studio that gained the rights to the classic tales, rushed two of the famous author's most famous works into production, The Cat in the Hat and How the Grinch Stole Christmas? The Cat is an easy sell since the concept has never been put on film but The Grinch is a bigger challenge. The challenge the live action feature faces is the 1966 television cartoon classic, which has become a staple of the Christmas holiday in the United States, and therefore comparisons between the two would be highly criticized among fans. Will the teaming of rising director Ron Howard and famous comedian Jim Carrey change all perspectives on the holiday treat? Only one thing can truly be said: Universal executives clearly have guts for at least attempting this. The story focuses on the magical city of Whoville and the hermit-like citizen who plans to ruin the holiday rituals they care so much about. Everyone in the city of Whoville loved celebrating the holidays but one they loved the most was Christmas. All the houses are covered with lights, the streets are lined with decorations, and the stores are flooded with Whos wanting gifts for their loved ones. It seems everyone is filled with the Christmas spirit except for The Grinch. Living up on Mount Crumpit, The Grinch has despised the citizens of Whoville and their "Whobilation" and decides upon a plan to steal Christmas. Disguised as Old Saint Nick, he will go down into the city, take away all the gifts and decorations, and dump them on Mount Crumpit. But there is one little girl who believes The Grinch does have a good heart and hopes to change his ways before it is too late. The story for The Grinch works out amazingly despite the lack of material from the book from which the film is based. Considering the short story doesn't go into the details of The Grinch or any other characters presented, it was quite ingenious for Howard and company to develop the back story that they did. If they hadn't, the feature would have been a lot shorter then it was and wouldn't have been worth presenting on screen. The cast for this take on a classic Seuss tale is relatively small, which is to be expected, but those that do have significant roles do a wonderful job at presenting amusing characters that may or may not have been seen in the Christmas legend. Though Jim Carrey may not have been the most obvious choice to play the title character, it has to be said that Ron Howard made an excellent decision after what has been seen on screen. Carrey, who had fallen from his comedic status thanks in part to the disaster known as The Cable Guy, has brought himself back to the mainstream audience with delightful and disguising character. Everything he does comes off with such comedic timing that one forgets about anybody else who could have filled the role. Taylor Momsen is absolutely adorable as Little Cindy Lou-Who and fits the character captured the story perfectly. At times she does seem a little too cute for her own good but that is a slight squabble compared to the rest of her performance. Her reactions come off perfectly with Carrey's exuberant performance. And Anthony Hopkins gives a stirring performance narrating portions of the film. At times, he slips into his Hannibal Lecter-like creepy voice but only in the appropriate areas. Obviously the younger audience will not get the slight reference to the thriller but adults will get a rise out of it. Overall, Howard's version of The Grinch exceeds even the cartoon classic in its entertainment value but will it be an enduring classic? Not entirely. This film could have been an absolute disaster if Carrey had not been cast as The Grinch and Howard had not helming the project but luckily everything worked out for the project. As entertaining as the feature is, not everything works for it. The song sung by Taylor Momsen near the beginning could have been easily cut since it had really no reason to be placed in the film in the first place. Another problem was the kind of humor that was used. Sure, a butt joke here and there would be entertaining and funny but at times the film goes a little too far and some of the gross-out-humor gets annoying and just plain disgusting for the age group that this film is aimed at. A younger audience shouldn't be prevented from watching this but parents should take some caution for some scenes that the younger children will probably question about. Outside of those small problems, How the Grinch Stole Christmas proves to be an enduring holiday tale once again that doesn't fail to catch the imagination of the public, no matter what age they are.
Rating:  Summary: Why was this film ever thought of? Review: I don't understand why these sort of films have to be made, and made so differently! First of all, we see the classic. It's a story that kids and adults can watch and enjoy. It's clean and overall pretty decent short story. The point of the story is that Christmas doesn't mean getting all the presents. It means being with the family. What do we see in the movie? Jim Carrey is crude, gross, and a total turn off. It's NOT a program for kids. And to that person who says it's great for kids to get into Dr Suess's films, I say NO! It's the WRONG approach BY FAR. The original Grinch, or Dr. Suess's work is far better, and is of course, the true Suess. This new version is just gross and deserves to be in the trash. And why a long movie? Why mess up the story? The story is that the who's don't care for presents, but in the movie, that's all that matters to them. Jim Carrey is not funny, and this film is NOT for kids. Wouldn't you rather have your kids grow up with better shows or movies? I love the classics and at age 21. I love Honeymooners, Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore, the old Target with Gene Hackman, Ben Hur (1956), so on and so forth. This movie is just GARBAGE!
Rating:  Summary: Carrey in overdrive (apparently the only gear he has) Review: Being no fan of post-In Living Color Jim Carrey, I expected to thoroughly detest this movie, and I didn't. It was watchable - a mite hypocritical, perhaps, being a (somewhat) buried morality tale about the crass commerciality of Christmas Present (if you'll excuse the pun), but all the same aimed to cash in on the Christmas cinema market. Jim Carrey is, despite three inches of latex, fur and green spray paint, distressingly recognisable as Jim Carrey, and hardly recognisable as Dr Suess' Grinch: as hilarious as Jim Carrey usually is - if you like Jim Carrey - but not quite as irritating as Jim Carrey can be - if you don't - since the green prosthetics severly inhibit his annoying tendency to gurn. Other than that, it's a fairly jaunty Christmas Tale, saved from utter unctuousness by a welcome vein of sardonism, but otherwise it should be left at that.
Rating:  Summary: WHY????? Review: How may damn times are they going to release this movie? I mean, in 2001, it came out on dvd and video. In 2002, It came out on video (with a new pictue) and on a special edition 2 disc dvd (with a new picture.) In 2003, they released the 2001 edition with the 2002 picture on the cover. You know, I like the movie and all but come on released on dvd and video 3 times???? They're overdoing it.
Rating:  Summary: Worst piece of crap ever,0 stars Review: This movie is one of the worst movies ever ,with Jim Carrey messing up this crap as The Grinch that needs to ruin Christmas and then has bad thoughts what he done to the Christmas.This is no kids movie this movie is dark,mean-spirited,crude,and stupid who thought to put Jim Carrey in a kids movie.this movie had potential when it was popular then Jim Carrey messed up his role as the grinch then the plot ruined this movie.hope Cat in the Hat does better than this crap.
Rating:  Summary: not bad for a live action version Review: I wasn't sure what to think of this when I first saw it but I can say that the live action version of HTGSC made a decent effort as far as holding up to the original. Jim Carrey definately steals the show for the most part (no pun intended). The other characters however did not hold up well enough in my opinion to make this a superb movie. Kids will certainly enjoy this to the fullest but adults may only be amused by Jim Carrey's performance and not much else. Don't get me wrong, this movie is good for family get-togethers over the holidays. The special features on the DVD are a definate plus which is why I'm giving HTGSC a 4th star. As I said before, Jim Carrey fans will be pleased with this and I don't think anyone else could have pulled off the Grinch the way he did.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Always Listen to the Critics Review: I must admit, when I first saw "Grinch," I didn't know what to expect. The critics completely apalled it, but most of those who had seen it said it was very good. All I can say is: The critics, as they often are, were wrong. Jim Carrey is his usual self in a role that no one else could have played as well. This part was the perfect match to his acting. His verbal and physical humour will have you howling. And kudos to the set designer and the make-up artists. Both are slendid, and make this movie a holiday treat for the entire family. Ron Howard did a magnificent job bringing this beloved tale to the big screen. Be sure to buy it, especially if you have kids. It will become a holiday tradition to watch... and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: VVVVVVVeeeeeryyyyyy Goooooooood!!!!! Review: I think the How the Grinch Stole X-mas was an exceptionally good movie.I think alot of it is histarical and I laugh alot during it. Except there is one part(which I really don't care to mention I think brings it down one star),but if you just FF it it's really a very funny and great movie!!!!!