Rating:  Summary: Get ready to SCREAM!!! Review: This is one of the best horror movies ever. If you haven't been scared watching a movie...You haven't seen this one.
Rating:  Summary: Scream, ahhh. Review: If seeing a guy running around in a cheap coustome that he got from party city killing teens and every one's craking jokes all the ile entertains you, there's nothing wrong with that. If seeing all that scares you, well, you better get some help. Scream is a movie that tries hard to scare you but fails. I don't know if it was that cheap costume, the jokes, or the fact that it's amazingly not scary, Scream is a falire. If you want to be scared, go see Halloween. Speaking of Halloween, I was hoping that Michael Myers would come and beat up the killer in this film by the end.
Rating:  Summary: Scream, ahhh. Review: If seeing a guy running around in a cheap coustome that he got from party city killing teens and every one's craking jokes all the wile entertains you, there's nothing wrong with that. If seeing all that scares you, well, you better get some help. Scream is a movie that tries hard to scare you but fails. I don't know if it was that cheap costume, the jokes, or the fact that it's amazingly not scary, Scream is a falire. If you want to be scared, go see Halloween. Speaking of Halloween, I was hoping that Michael Myers would come and beat up the killer in this film by the end.
Rating:  Summary: Do u like scary movies? Review: When I first saw the movie I was totally in love with it. But that was in like what? 1997. Anyways, I still think its a really good movie, but not scary at all. The first time I saw it i did think it was, but after that I was like " and why did I think this was scary?" But the plot in the movie is really good and original. I also like how they make fun of other horror movies. This is one of the best teen/slasher flicks though. The Sequals are pretty good. I read someone else's review and I totally agree with them on how the third one probably wasnt the way Kevin wanted it to be. I would have like to see what he came up with as the last installment. But whatever, the guy who wrote it still came up with a good idea.
Rating:  Summary: Killers' identity kills any horror this film created. Review: Wes Craven's "Scream" is basically a rip-off of the much scarier and much more credible movies called "When A Stranger Calls" and "Black Christmas". Neve Campbell stars as Sidney in "Scream" and while she does a competent job acting as the victim, the rest of the acting is pretty average at best and in some instances downright awful, especially the killers.
The movie starts out very well with a murder of what seems like a central character in the movie...well done horrorfying scene with plenty of blood. The killer seems pretty original with the costume and the terrifying phone calls with references to horror movies is a truly great idea.
Basically, the movie unfolds with the killer killing a bunch of teens one by one until there is a showdown between the killers and Sidney. The fatal flaw this movie sustains occurs when the killers' identities are revealed...these two guys are a couple of panzies that simply fail to strike any fear whatsoever into any sensible and sophisticated horror movie viewer.
The killers are comical and stupid and that's why this movie doesn't get 3 stars because when you consider who is actually doing the killing, the movie becomes ridiculous...these guys are a couple of wimps!! I apologize if I am giving too much of the movie away, but at least, you will know what you are getting into if you decide to rent or dare I say buy this weak horror flick.
These two little boys are simply not credible murderers given the extensive and gruesome nature of these crimes, and it becomes painfully apparent that they just need a good spanking!!! I mean could you see these guys taking on Michael Myers?? These two wimps would soil their underwear if they met up with a real killer like Michael Myers or Freddy Krueger.
In conclusion, what could have been a good horror movie becomes a joke by the end of the movie because the killers are completely unconvincing thereby spoiling what could have been a good movie. All in all, this movie is worth a rent, but I would not recommend buying it.
Rating:  Summary: terrifying and more Review: see this movie
rented it on vhs numerous times
saw it at friend's houses about the same
got it on dvd a year ago
this tale of terror and some humor at times will be just as horrifying some years ago when it came out and will still be scary 90 years from now. there is just something spooky about the killer(s) in this movie. that ghost mask adds to the terror too because the ghost face mask has a sick twisted frown in the mouth part and that's just creepy
Rating:  Summary: id give it 4 1/2 but i cant Review: the 2nd one is better, but yet the beginning to this is pretty sick when the phone calls start and stuff.although the 2nd is better they didnt have matt lillard for their comedian act as stu, i was mad he was the killer and dies because hes a aweswome actor and funny as hell but still this is one of teh best movies i ever seen
Rating:  Summary: One of the first decent horrors. Review: this movie is not Scary at all . but i like because it tells you the rules on how to survive a horror movie
#1 NEVER have sex
#2 Dont do drinks and drugs
and #3 Never say i'll be right back cuase you wont
Rating:  Summary: " What's your favorite scary movie ? " Review: Ahhh...what can I say about ' scream ' that hasn't already been said ? This is the movie that refreshed a horror gerne and introduced a gerenation to " the rules " of surviving horror movies. The movie starts with an infamous opening that all started with a phone. But the story really focuses on a young teenager named Sidney Prescott ( who lost who mom one year before to a tragic rape/murder ) who gets thearenting phone calls. There are her horror-movie loving friends who are considered suspects. There is Tatum, Sidney's bold/sassy best friend. Randy Meeks, the friend who has a love for horror movies. Billy Loomis, Sidney's paitent but troubled boyfriend. Gale Weathers, the noisy reporter. Stu, Tatum's boyfriend. And Dewy Riley, Tatum's brother and officer in the police force. And in the end, we get a great ending, with surpising twist and motive.
I think I would probably conder this Wes Craven's second best (behind a nightmare on elm street of course ! ). It has everything a slasher flick needs . It has gore, suspense, mystery, and above all.....self-assuranced teens who think they know horror movies rules but don't know what to do when they realize they are in one. This movies starrs Neve Campbell, Jamie Kennedy, Rose McGown, Skeet Ulrich, Drew Barrymore, and Matthew Lillard.
This is a great slasher flick for a dark friday night. The extras on the DVD include trailer, audio commentry with director and screenwriter, and also interviews with the cast and crew. I would recommend to ANYONE who enjoys slashers!
Rating:  Summary: favorite horror movie Review: The casting department did a great job of picking the right people for the right parts. A combination of Kevin Williamson's clever script and Wes Cravens masterful direction made this into a great movie. The opening scence with Drew Barrymore is similar to the opening scene with Carol Kane in "When A Stanger Calls".