Rating:  Summary: A screwed up movie that is totally funny! Review: I did enjoy the movie screwed but even I have to admit that the plot is pretty screwed up. First off all we have a chauffer, Willard Filmore (Norm Mcdonald) who works his butt off for his tyranical boss, a wealthy old woman Miss Crock (Elaine Stritch), and gets very little out of doing this and gets no respect. But When Willard finally goes nuts when all she gives him for christmas is a pie. A PIE???? she is rich, she owns a pie company, and all she gives him is a pie after all he has done for her. He does everything for her. I mean literally, he does EVERYTHING for her. And for going nuts, she decides she is going to fire him. After, Willard goes to his friend, Rusty (Dave Chappelle) and they decide to get back at Miss Crock by kidnapping or should I say dognapping her dog. Things were going okay except the dog was barking. Will puts hand on the dogs mouth but the dog starts biting his hand and getting blood all over the walls. They managed to get the dog off the hand and write a ransom note for $1 million. But things weren't going as well as they seemed. Behind their backs, the dog escapes and returns home seeming like the whole thing never happened. When Miss sees the damage, all she was shocked about at first was that her paining got messed up because of the blood, not worrying about the blood on the wall or the damage. Now that is a screwed up scene. Anyway, when the boys see the morning paper it SAYS THAT WILLARD IS KIDNAPPED! Everbody thought the note was meant for willard. And the whole story gets over town quikly. Now Willard cannot show his face in public. They are totally screwed. At first they trie to use this buy raising the ransom, sending a video of willard being "locked up", causing the public to have Miss Crocks company to go down and forcing her to pay. But at the sametime, detective (Dan Benzali) is getting close to figue out this case. So they decide to go to a morgue worker (Danny Devito)to make people think Willard is dead. Now doesn't this movie sound screwed up??? Anyway, there are funny scenes in this movie. There was a scene where willard was trying to clean windows but he fell off the ladder and then the ladder falls on him! And there are also times where Rusty keeps hitting people with desklamps because he is scared. Mcdonald and Chappelle made a good duo in this movie. They will make you laugh because of the stuff they do and say. Although the plot is screwed up, it is still funny and worth buying.
Rating:  Summary: Not Side-Splitting Humor, But Amusing Nonetheless.... Review: I found this movie to be quite humorous, but I was not rolling on the floor laughing. This movie is a classic example of what can happen when even the best laid plans go wrong (despite how crazy these plans are to the rational thinking person!) and the consequences that one must face afterwards. The reason I watch movies is to escape reality for a little while...movies often take the normal & turn it into a fabricated, distorted, even warped version of reality and I believe that's what makes movies fun. This movie will be no fun if the viewer nit-picks and criticizes how unrealistic the plot is. The plot of this film does teeter on the verge of crazy & unrealistic, but that is why it is a movie and that is why Hollywood is so successful.
Rating:  Summary: Off the Hook Review: I hadn't even heard of this movie until I stopped by the video store to take a chance on a flick and did I ever hit it big. This movie had the most in-depth plot I've ever seen in a comedy. It involves kidnapping, fried chicken, stolen police cars and tons of laughs. If you even remotely liked Dirty Work, you'll love this film because it brings back the element of REVENGE. Norm MacDonald's humor makes him the cream of the crop, I don't know what those haters at SNL were doing giving him the pink slip. Anyways, a lot of movies are coming out now days that don't have any element of the silliness or craziness that I miss from the Chris Farley days so it's refreshing for a film to go back to the roots of comedy.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie Review: I saw this movie and laughed till i cried theres nothing else i can say!
Rating:  Summary: Funny Review: I thought certain parts of this film were funny. It was kind of bland at points, but when it got to be funny, it was completely hilarious. I recomend this movie for a rainy, depressing night. I am going to be sure to pick up my copy right away!
Rating:  Summary: greatest movie ever made Review: I was one of the very few people lucky enough to see screwed in the theatre before it was prematurly yanked. It is the funniest movie ever made. Norm Macdonald is a genious. Give him a ten movie deal. thank you, that is all.
Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as I thought Review: I worked at a movie theater the time this came out and heard about how nobody liked it plus all the reviews for it where horrible. Then I got a free video rental cupon and decided to judge for myself. Although it doesn't break any new ground and isn't for every one. this movie is really not at all bad. It starts out slow but after the first ten minutes I found a smile on my face for the rest of the movie. It takes surprising twists and is really entertaining to watch how they get out of this mess. A very funny movie, check it out.
Rating:  Summary: What is this schlock? Review: My first and last impression of this movies was that they fired the editors, it was patched together cliche humor with totally unrealistic scenarios that leave you thinking just what the hell the producers were thinking when they green lighted this terd. Stay away from this movie, you want something this painful just shoot yourself in the foot.
Rating:  Summary: Not as funny as I thought it was going to be. Review: Norm Macdonald is funny on SNL, but watching an hour and a half of him is not. David Chappelle is pretty damn funny! Danny DeVito is the best actor in this movie. His character is outstanding. Some more good actors in this movie are: Elaine Stritch, Sherman Hemsley, and Daniel Benzali. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't rent it.
Rating:  Summary: Norm, what the hell happened? Review: Norm Macdonald, Danny DeVito, and Dave Cheppele star in one of the stupidest movies of the year. All 3 of these actors are farely succesful, Norm of course with his fame on SNL, and Dave Cheppele just stared in the hilarious Half Baked, and DeVito has a countless number of awesome films. I thought hey, the trailers looked funny, I love all 3 actors, there could only be one problem, it was too good to be true. As Norm plays Willard Filmore a butler who is over abused by his boss Miss Crock (Elaine Stritch), Norm hears he's going to be fired so he seeks revenge by stealing Miss Crock's favorite dog Muffin, and hold the dog for a ransom, he gets help from his best friend Rusty (dave cheppele) who works at a Fried Chicken Restaurant. When things go wrong Muffin escapes and gets back to Miss Crock, and then Miss Crock thinks WILLARD is up for the ransom, they try to fake Willard's death and move to Bali, the body is being supplied by a creepy mortician Grover Clever (DeVito). Everything is really screwed in this movie. That's the summary of what would seem to be a funny movie, but the title says it all. ~jamesbad~