Rating:  Summary: Disapointing Review: Only a few funny moments...other than that...terrible. Does anyone really like Jack Black??? The star is for Gwyneth. :)
Rating:  Summary: A must-see and a keeper. Review: So much has been said about this movie so I just wanted to add something real quick. "Shallow Hal" really stands out in its genre for the last few years, you don't want to miss it. Also, I honestly and sincerely hope that you already watched "Roxanne" (1987) and "The Tao of Steve" (2000), but if you haven't, you better go back and check them out. They all dealt with the same concept, in different and equally good ways
Rating:  Summary: Jack Black and Farrelly fans will be disappointed. Review: This movie turns out to be just another romantic comedy with constant fat jokes. I thought Jack Black was hilarious in his other movies, especially High Fidelity, but he has nothing to work with here. The Farrelly Bros. have gone from doing great gross out humor to a sappy romantic plot here with virtually no laughs.
Rating:  Summary: Not The Worst Review: Ok, let me say from the beginning that I am not a huge fan of straight comedy movies. But this is a movie with a message. The message of seeing the inner beauty, and the movies success at getting it across, is the only reason that this flick gets an 3 star rating. As a comedy, if falls, middle of the road, With a few funny moments but overall predictable. The message of this movie is the highlight. It is not whats on the outside but whats on the inside that counts. And this movie follows the path of Hal as he discovers this. A very important message wrapped in a silly film. But any movie that warrents the star power of Gwen Paltrow (in her slim figure and in a fat suit) can ot be totally dismissed. This is a movie that will most appeal to teens or teens at heart, dealing with the peer pressure problem. So, in the long and short of it, don't blow if off to quickly, you may enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly good! Review: I had low expectations for this film, primarily because of the literally shallow title. I thought it was going to be a moronic film, but I was amazed at the fact that it was a good story, had good acting, and most of all, it was soo funny. The DVD contains some good special features, like a behind the scenes description of how the movie was made, and how Gwyneth Paltrow was transformed into a fat woman. It won't win an Oscar, but Shallow Hal is great entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: A SURPRISE WINNER PICKED BY MY 12 YEAR-OLD GRANDSON Review: I really didn't think that I would like this movie because my 12 year-old grandson picked it out at the video rental store. His previous "just gotta see" selection was "DUDE, WHERE'S MY CAR?" and I figured this would be just as much of a loser as that one was. So I sulked in the other room, reading a book while the family was watching the movie, and only came out to join them when it was about a third over. I was immediately interested, enchanted with the premise, and sympathetic! What a wonderfully funny love story with a twist! I stayed up to watch the first part that I had missed and ended up watching the whole movie all over again! Very clean, funny, family entertainment with a clear message about beauty being only skin deep. It was great! Don't miss it! Now it is on my wish list and I hope to purchase (or receive it as a gift) soon! A KEEPER!
Rating:  Summary: Worth the rent but maybe not the buy Review: Don't get me wrong, this was a good movie. It just wasn't an outstanding movie. It does qualify as a romantic comedy but the comedy end is perhaps a little weak if you're looking for a roll-on-the-floor laugh-fest. The movie is moderately funny, due in large part to Jason Alexander who I do not remember being billed in the previews. At any rate, I enjoyed this film and do recommend it for viewing. However, I think this is a one-time-view movie that is worth the rent, but perhaps not worthy of putting in the personal collection.
Rating:  Summary: Sometimes offensive and other times gut bustingly funny Review: First of all, let me state this: I am myself overweight - not obese, but overweight. One of my best friends is morbidly overweight. I found the film, hilarious on several occasions and so did she. I will admit, that she also found it flat for the most part. I won't say it was completely flat, but the film could have been funnier - though when it was funny, I thought I would pass out. Is it offensive to overweight people? Let's look at this in the light it is presented... Jack Black and Jason Alexander's characters are the narrators (so to speak) of the story. Neither one of these guys is in shape and that is key to the story. They are losers who are both trying to prove to the other that they are studs with the ladies, when in truth neither of them can get a date. In a casting coup, Tony Robbins, the self help guru, sort of brainwashes Jack into only seeing women for who they are inside instead of on the outside. This is something that we should all do, but very very few of actually do. From there forward, Jack only sees women for the beauty within them. The fact that most of the beautiful women he sees are in fact physically unattractive in one way or another, is a point that is actually rather delicately handled. It is a telling point of the filmmakers that one woman that he sees as an old crone, is in reality a gorgeous woman. So what's the point of this? I think the filmmakers actually wanted to show that just because a person is beautiful on the outside, they can be ugly on the inside. Conversely, an unattractive person on the outside can be equally or moreso unattractive on the inside (this is a point that could have been brought out but was not). Does the film pander to the idea that fat people are jolly, etc.? Yeah. Does it presume that unattractive people are more beautiful on the inside? Yeah. Is the film politically correct? Who cares! We have all become so overly sensitive that we're a nation of big cry babies. I hope that I am evolved enough that if I countenance something that I don't like I can ignore it and move on. Who's the fool if I let something get under my skin? It's me. My folks taught me to "consider the source" when I was offended by something or someone. So, if you think you will be offended by this film - then don't watch it. No one is holding a gun to your head. But if you do watch it and get offended - then get a thicker skin - I can promise you there are going to be many more offensive things in life than this film. In short - grow up and get over it! It's a funny film - watch it.
Rating:  Summary: Hall' s crazy! Review: Shallow Hal is a very funny movie. It's a about a guy named Hal and all he see's is the inner beauty. When I saw this movie it really made me and my friends laugh a lot.If you like comedy you should see this movie.I would really recommend this movie.It was also well produced.
Rating:  Summary: Leading Man Jack Isn't Review: I have highly enjoyed Farrelly Bros. movies in the past and thought I would give this one a try. Jack Black is the main character here and given the title of this review, you can gather I was not all that happy with his overall performance. Although his character is supposed to be an undesirable individual, so is most of his acting. Towards the end he is doing a better job because he is not trying to be funny, but taking his situation seriously. I liked the over all movie and Paltrow does a great job as both the thin woman Hal saw her as and the over weight woman she is in reality. My only complaint about this movie is that Black is the main actor. I have enjoyed him mostly as a supporting actor and belief that he should leave the leading roles to people with real talent.