Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: Firstly, this is totally subjective - I am not saying this is the best movie ever made. In fact, its not even supposed to be a "good" movie, its supposed to be a comedy. With that said, if you complained about the directing or cinematography (or anything like that) of this movie, you sound like the kind of person who probably shouldnt have watched this in the first place. Now, personally, this is the funniest movie I have ever seen. Due to the comedic attempt to comedic success ratio being almost 100% (there are two "meant to be funny parts" that I feel are weak), it already beats out every other comedy I can think of (again, this is very subjective so relax all you Emerson film students). So basically, I think this is a really witty, really quotable and even layered (is that ok to say about a comedy other than a Christopher Guest movie?) that will stay fresh after repeated viewings and always lead you to another nuance that you didnt notice before.
Rating:  Summary: "i see blue...and he looks glorious!" Review: This movie had me laughing non stop throughout the whole thing. It was soo funny and I think that the cast was very well put together..sooo funny! i wish i could have rated it better than 5! watch it
Rating:  Summary: raucous good time Review: hysterical film that combines good writing with enthusiastic actors that really seem to love playing the roles. Their talent with such an amusing script translates to an absolute riot of a film.Lots of laughs in this one. A Mighty Wind and Old School are two of the funniest I've seen in a while! Buy it and make sure to watch all the outtakes.
Rating:  Summary: You're my boy Blue!!............you're my boy Review: First of all, this movie is ridiculously stupid....but that's what makes it so funny. Pulling from movies like Animal House, Revenge of the Nerds, or any movie about college boozefests, this movie gives a hour and some change of nothing but zanyness. Let me say that I love Will Ferrell and he steals the show on every movie he plays in (i.e.- Austin Powers, Ladies Man, etc). Will plays a recovering alcoholic by the name of Frank "The Tank". He decides that Frank "The Tank" needs to be put behind him, so he changes his life and gets married. However, he has a friend name Beanie (Vince Vaughn) that has other ideas. Beanie is a married man who hates marriage......figure that one out. Beanie is hell bent on going back to the days of his youth and he needed a way to do it. Thus, enters Mitch (Luke Wilson) who after finding out his girlfriend is a freak moved to a house that was near the college campus. Frank and Beanie decide to cheer him up by throwing this wild, binge drinking party (Mitchapalooza). That's when the madness begins. Frank The Tank relapsed back to his old ways and soon becomes the life of the party when he joins in on the binge drinking. Add some willing co-eds, banging music, more drunk college students, and Snoop Dogg (better known as Snoop-a-Loop) and you have yourself a legendary party. The three men become instant legends on campus and decide to form a Fraternity that is like none other. They do it to spite the dean who hates their guts because they picked on him when they were teens. That's where it really gets crazy. Mitch becomes known as the Godfather. Frank begins to have marital problems. From streaking to K-Y Jelly wrestling to tranquilizer darts, this movie delivers nothing but good times. Will Ferrell is one of my favorite comedians. His physical comedy is probably one of the best in the business. He doesn't take it as far as Jim Carrey does, which is a good thing. He gives you just enough to keep you in stitches. Vince Vaughn plays the part of a sleazy salesman to the max. Once again, I will say that comedies are supposed to be more funny than real. If you want real life, watch real life stories or a drama based on a true story. Comedies are founded on the premises of making people laugh and this comedy is no exception. If you want to laugh, rent this movie. It's hilarious. If you enjoyed Animal House, Revenge of the Nerds, and any other college boozefest, then you will love this movie. The ending is a bit cliche and the plot is a bit too farcical, but what it is is good slapstick comedy. Oh yeah, there is even a love story thrown into the madness. I give it an A. Enjoy
Rating:  Summary: Old school, no Review: I gave this flick a chance because, hey, Luke Wilson, Will Ferrel, and Vince Vaughn are in it. With talent in this movie, I expected alot better. This movie, and Road Trip before it, are horribly directed and contain few laughs. Ferrel was by far the funniest part of this movie (fiery hoop, streaking, and tranq dart scenes.) The movie is pointless, but is a good popcorn movie. It really lacks on original jokes.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT MOVIE Review: Its been a long time since I've laughed so much during a comedy. The first 1/2 hour was non stop laughter and the laughs continues until the end. I'm a girl, so its not just a "guy" movie. You'll recognize alot of actors, and I think that makes this movie great, the combination of all of their talent make it hilarious. A must see, Will Farrell is great. I'm going to buy the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: FRANK THE TANK RULES!!! Review: I just bought this movie on DVD. My boyfriend and I laughed hysterically during it. Frank the Tank is my favorite character. He's streaking, drinking, singing and his love for BLUE was hysterical. I have watched it a couple of times and still bust out laughing!! A must have for a fun night of either co-ed party or either boys night or girls night!! HYSTERICAL!!
Rating:  Summary: funny Review: A very funny movie that was worth the money.Does anyone remember the good old days when rated R stood for violence,language and most important nudity? It seems now you gotta buy unrated special edition movies to see just a few moments of glorious t @ a.I am not knocking the movie it was great but this is getting very stupid.
Rating:  Summary: Frank The Tank Steals the Show... Review: Without Will Ferrell, Old School would have been as funny as Ishtar. Ferrell plays Frank, a 30 year old regular guy. He likes his suped-up red Firebird, blasting Whitesnake and getting totally liquored-up every chance he gets. But, now that he's recently married his persona has changed a bit. Can you say P-Whipped? Anyway, Frank's best buddy, Mitch is just coming out of a relationship and his friend Bernard (Vaughn) rents him out a house almost directly on campus at Harriman University. Right off the bat the boys throw Mitch-a-palooza, a huge party with Snoop Dogg as the entertainment. Frank starts doing funnels and quickly assumes his old Frank the Tank persona again by streaking through the quad. There are so many funny parts in Old School but they are all directly linked to Ferrell. Luke Wilson plays the voice of reason but it isn't heard too much during Old School. Vince Vaughan is really funny as Bernard who is worth about 3 Million (that the Government knows about) by owning a chain of Speaker City stores. I'm not really sure why this was "Unrated" because there are only one or two nude scenes and one really raunchy scene with Andy Dick. But overall, Old School is a great addition to any self respecting comedy fan's DVD library. Highly Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Just Not Funny Review: I know I am in the minority on this one, but that can't change the fact that I had laughed exactly two times by the time it was over. I certainly expected an evening of "gut-busting" laughter when I sat down to watch it, considering every single person I talked to said it was one of the funniest movies they had ever seen. However, as I continued to watch, I began to wonder if I was seeing the same movie everyone else saw. Now, I do tend to favor a different type of comedy, namely the Christopher Guest movies "A Mighty Wind", "Best in Show" and "Waiting for Guffman", but there have been a decent amount of what one would call low brow comedies that I have enjoyed. I liked the Austin Powers movies and "There's Something About Mary", I even liked "Half Baked" with all its stupidity, but "Old School" was just a dud. The jokes and gags all had a oddly familiar feel to them, like I had seen them already many times over, and they had lost their appeal a long time ago. Even the turn of events in the movie, with the cliched "mean dean of the college" and the against all odds ending didn't come off as funny but rather as tired and overused. There really isn't much more to say about "Old School", I mean, it's not like it warrants an in depth analysis of its "plot". To me, it's just a movie that failed to do what it was supposed to do, namely making me laugh.