Rating:  Summary: Most underrated film of 1998 Review: This movie is MINE once the price goes down. One of the few romantic comedies not drowning in sugar or sentiment, unlike, well, anything with Meg Ryan. Low-key but believable & sympathetic characters, marvelous soundtrack, and the assembly-line date scenes are both hilarious & unsettlingly true-to-life (anyone who ever suffered a bad or blind date will agree!)
Rating:  Summary: A Realistic View of Dating in the Nineties Review: This movie is not humorous due to the usual jokes/mishaps associated with finding the right person. Instead, it is funny when you see how closely you can relate to Davis' character as she screens dating possibilities. The people in the movie are real, and not necessarily glamorous, which makes it more believable as well as enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: the best of the indie flicks! Review: This movie is set in Boston, where a young woman named Erin arrives home to find her political activist boyfriend in the process of moving out. He tells her that the reasons he is leaving her can be viewed on the handy home video that he gives her.Erin's mom won't hear of her daughter being on her own without a man, even if Erin herself is fine with it. She places a personal ad in the paper for her, and Erin is barraged with phone calls and dates with guys she doesn't really care for, including Alan's brother. In a parallel storyline, Alan is a plumber studying to be a marine biologist and volunteering at the aquarium. He and Erin seem destined for each other -- except, like "Sleepless in Seattle", they keep missing meeting each other. Unlike that flick, the relatively unknown actors and quiet work-a-day setting make this movie far more romantic and make you believe it can happen to you too.
Rating:  Summary: I have watched this movie so many times!! Review: This movie is watched more than any in my collection. Funny thing is, I don't even know why. I read some of the other user comments, and it seems as if this film has cast the same spell on some of them as well. I think it was mostly a combination of everything! First of all, Hope Davis is great, in anything. She is this beautiful woman and great actress who is so real and not sugar sweet. I loved the soundtrack that goes with this movie... the bossa nova south american music was really original and added to it. I also enjoyed all of the personal ad dating scenes. Even though some of the men were a little bit stereotypical, maybe some of them are really like that... Im sure there are a lot of creepy men out there that put in personal ads, especially the ones who put "walking on the beach" as a favorite thing to do.. I think i remember this from another movie, but some character said, "if everyone likes to walk on the beach, how come you never see any of them out there?" basically, people can be so fake and pretend they are someone else, so this movie captures that whole feeling. The main character, Erin was my favorite because she was very independent and didn't feel that she was only complete if she had a man. I don't find a lot of women that are like that in real life, so I really admired that her character for that. It's a cool movie, with such a funny cameo by Philip Seymour Hoffman in the beginning (also a great actor---watch everything he has done, especially happiness!) I totally recommend this movie to anyone who is a bit jaded by love and the idea of soulmates, but who is also dangerously romantic---bad combo!!>
Rating:  Summary: outstanding in its field Review: This movie truly left its mark on me. It shows the tedium and courage it takes to sort through the frogs to get to the prince, and how important it is to be at peace with yourself in order to be able to be with someone else. Hope Davis and Alan Gelfant do such a wonderful job at showing how being alone does not necessarily mean being lonely. Roger Rees plays a small role but shines, as always. When you are feeling lonely and hopeless about love, this movie will renew your faith.
Rating:  Summary: This movie saved my life. Review: Well, not really. But I did see it in the middle of a broken heart, and it made me laugh, cry, and believe in love again more than any film I've ever seen. Not only is it refreshingly original; it's the kind of flick you really can see over and over again and catch something new every time. (Example--it took me four viewings to figure out the parallels between how Erin's parents meet, and the scene at the end with the Brazilian guy on the plane.) And the music! Oh, the music! Buy the video (once it's cheaper, obviously), get the soundtrack NOW, and get totally swept away. Someone told me once that she didn't like it 'cause the so-called "independent" heroine still had to be with someone to be happy. But what's great about Hope Davis is that you (or at least I) truly believe that even if her character hadn't found a significant other, she still would've been content with her life--a lesson a lot of us should learn.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you for releasing this on DVD... Review: What a wonderful story and a wonderful cast of characters! Hope Davis plays Erin, a nurse living in Boston (near the MTA Wonderland stop) who has been dumped for political reasons by her boyfriend (Philip Seymour Hoffman). Erin's mother urges her to find someone new, and to help things along plants a "singles advertisement" on her behalf in the local newspaper. The resulting original storyline follows the twists and turns that result from this maternal interference. There are a few sight gags, but most of the humor is derived from the wonderful, witty dialogue. You will remember some of the lines for a long time, and may be humming the music from the sound track for a while.
Rating:  Summary: I rented it because I grew up 5 mins from Wonderland Review: What I got was a delightful, independent romantic comedy with an absolutely outstanding soundtrack! The movie was so good that I forgot my bias for renting it in the first place. Smart performances by a group of relative unknowns, good plot, real life like stories.
Rent your copy today.
Rating:  Summary: Lobsters and wonderland Review: when i was living in portland maine, i was involved with a woman, who told me about this film. i am so glad i finally got to see it, because it really moved me. I liked this film not merely because Hope Davis' character is named Erin( though it didn't hurt! ) or that she liked poetry( that scored another brownie point ! ) i liked this film, because it showed the story of woman who was finiding herself socially and yet longing for the true love that so many of us seek. some reviewers have trashed this film because it shows men as dogs. well, sorry guys, i do know men who are like the characters in that film. and have done some of the dirt they've done, before i wised up. dating in real life isn't not about hearts and flowers. more often than not, you kiss enough frogs only to end up with the best looking frog.hope's character especially touched me, cos she was a person who kept to herself like me, who loved being independent. hard to do in a society, that seems to stress that you have to be with someone in order to have a happy life. people like hope and myself are usually called antisocial or difficult or even worse, "psycho." i loved the love story that happened between erin and alan. ( alan gelfant ) alan was good guy who was making something out of himself,he didn't need erin ,but realized she was what he was looking for . i used to hang out in boston when i had free time, and it is a cool city. i loved the way the film show it as if it was a supporting character. and the bossa nova flavored soundtrack is definately sexy. watch this with your signifigant other or someone you want to be your signifigant other , and cook some lobsters too...
Rating:  Summary: Romantic, entertaining and humorous... Review: without ever losing it's sparkling pace and balance; it never becomes sappy or maudlin. Fully rounded and believable characters, all actors who "deliver the goods". The Brazilian soundtrack is the icing on the cake. I loved this; I had to buy it because it's ALWAYS out on loan at my local video stores.