Rating:  Summary: My wife and I LOVED it! Review: What a delightful and hilarious movie... We loved the humor and the love and affection and we loved that it was not filled with fake downturns and reversals that often mar "funny" films. The cast was outstanding,and it was a delight to see gems like 60's singer Gale Garnett (We'll Sing In The Sunshine), Michael Constantine and Lanie Kazan. But the unknowns were perfect too. And, Gia put her real husband in the film as the friend of her "movie husband." We are so glad this got made and wish there were more like it.
Rating:  Summary: My Big Fat Greek Wedding Review: Wow! a movie with a great story, charaters I can relate to and no vulgarity or computer animation. Very very funny. Anyone who grew up in a place with true ethnic neighborhoods can appreciate this. It is like a visit to your friend's grandmother's house or maybe your own parents if they are first generation American. It is respectful never cynical or snide. I'll buy it and I don't buy many videos.
Rating:  Summary: The Sleeper Hit of the Summer! Review: Nia Vardalos and John Corbett star in this heartwarming comedy about love, marriage, and. . .family! Nia Vardalos stars in a role she wrote for herself while working at SecondCity - as Tula, a thirty-something Greek woman who has no life and desperately wants one. Her parents, meanwhile, want her to marry a nice Greek boy, have nice Greek children and cook until the day she dies, although she has different ideas. One day while working at her parent's restaurant, frumpy and miserable, she catches sight of Ian Miller, an English teacher, and instantly sees something in him. After the encounter, she wheedles her way into working at her aunt's travel agency, starts taking classes and gradually develops a social life and gets a (much needed) makeover. Shortly thereafter, Ian and Tula meet again, fall in love, he proposes, and there's only one more obstacle in the way of true love - her Big, Fat, Greek family! Needless to say, they have some objections to her marrying a non-Greek (although the father eventually even finds a way of making Miller greek!) and trouble ensues. The antics of her family are often laugh-out-loud funny, plus there are absorbing characters and some great one-liners to boot. Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks decided to produce the film (Rita Wilson is herself Greek) and they obviously saw what everyone else is now seeing - a great family comedy that will almost wish you were Greek (if you aren't already!)
Rating:  Summary: This movie is amazing! Review: Out of curiosity I decided to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding and I can tell you that I immensely enjoyed it! But what surprised me about this movie is that it was released on April 19, 2002 and is still in the top 10 box office after 19 weeks! This movie went through a summer that saw Spider-Man blow away the box office with [$$$] million in its opening weekend; Star Wars open with [$$$] million; MIB2 open with [$$$] million; Scooby-Doo with [$$$] million; and Austin Powers in Goldmember with [$$$] million. And yet, My Big Fat Greek Wedding was able to withstand all of them, proof that this movie is "the little engine that could"!BTW, as of 8/31/2002 the movie has made approximately [$$$] million so far (on a [$$$] million budget). Might not sound like a lot, but that's only because it was released in up to a third of all movie theaters (and more theaters are continuously added because of the word-of-mouth popularity of this movie)
Rating:  Summary: Non-Stop Laughter Review: I went and saw this movie in my movie theatre on opening night in Regina, Saskatchewan Canada. I knew absoultly nothing about it, it just looked interesting. This movie was not over publicized it was sort of kept quiet. I dragged my Best friend with me to see it. From the very FIRST scene all the way to the END we never stopped laughing. Now, I thought this movie was great so the next day at work (Cineplex Odeon, where we saw the movie), I was taking tickets at the door. I had an woman come up to me and ask if I thought that SIGNS would be a good movie for a 83 year old woman who lives alone to go and see. Well I thought that because I jumped in that movie, this might give an old lady a heart attack. I told her to go and see My Big Fat Greek Wedding. The lady asked me if I thought it would be an appropriate show for her family. Meaning were there lots of course language or Sex scenes. Well really there isn't much in this movie. And I said that I was going to take my grandparents and My mom and her boyfriend to go see it on Friday. She decided to take her 83 year old mother and her 12 year old daughter to see this movie I was bragging about. On the way out of the movie she stopped and told me that I was right it is the best movie she has seen in a long time. Now everytime somebody comes up to me and asks "how is this movie", I always say it is the best movie you will see in a long time. I have now dragged 3 of my friends and My WHOLE family to see this movie and they all loved it. And My friends are Bringing their other friends to it. Three things you will notice when you watch this film: 1. Barely any SEX Scences 2. No Course language 3. Nobody is smoking And that is very rare these days.
Rating:  Summary: Just Can't Stop Laughing! Review: Attention all ladies! This has got to be the funnest movie that I have ever seen. I mean ever. I went with 4 other ladies, all in our early 40's and we laughed through the whole movie. It was about our lives in one way or another. It's a go with your friends type of movie. Ladies, DO NOT MISS THIS ONE! Gentlemen, go and have some clean fun with your lady.
Rating:  Summary: Unexpectedly Funny! Review: I have not laughed so hard since "Mickey Blue Eyes". This movie had tears of laughter rolling down my face! So many parts will hit home and you can relate it to your own life! I can't wait to buy the movie and see it again.
Rating:  Summary: Greek family fun Review: Nia Vardalos turned her stand-up comedy routine about her own Greek wedding into a fun, family movie. You don't have to be Greek to recognize the eccentric relatives in her family; her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins all insist she marry one of her own kind and make babies. However, she falls for a non-Greek (John Corbett) and they make it work. The story follows her engagement, the wedding preparations, his religious conversion, and the wedding. She starts the movie looking like an ugly duckling, but love makes her beautiful, as well as happy. Everyone has at least one relative like Nia's and you can laugh and cry with her. The humor is all clean and it's two hours of solid laughs. Surprisingly enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: Too believeable to be from Hollywood Review: It is a rare gem of a movie when people can poke fun at themselves and yet not mind that everybody else is laughing as well. this movie truley does have something for everybody. if you are Greek, you will love the familiarity of this movie and will find yourself comparing the people in the film to your own family. You will also find yourself laughing at a few areas in the movie and see nothing but bewildered stares from the non-greeks in the theater. If you are not Greek you will simultaneously wish you were and be glad you are not when you see the closeness, love, overbearing nature and complete lack of any privacy poor Tula goes through in this film. The movie starts with Tula, a 30 year old Greek girl who is looked at as somewhat of a failure by the family because she has not done what she is supposed to do, Marry a Greek man, Have Greek Children, and cook for everybody until the day she dies. but at least (As said by her aunt) she will be there to take care of her parents when they are old. As tula slowly starts to find her own way, thinking about goind to collage, switching jobs from the family resterant, ect.. enter Ian Miller, from a conservative, WASPy family, and somebody unlike everybody else in Tula's life. This movie could have so easily de-generated into the typical Hollywood pap, i.e. become preachy about Tula's right to do what she wants, or done the Three's company plot of "She tells a fib about her life, he finds out, gets angry, they make up at the end" or lastly and most commonly, made out the WASP family to be bigoted and unaccepting characitures who finally come around after basking in the glow emitted by the Greek family. This movie did none of that, instead you follow Tula and Ian as they realize they are falling in love, and then get to sit through the hilarious real life trouble they have dealing with their differences, most especially Tulas relatives dissbelieve that she would date somebody non-Greek. I gurantee you will NOT have a more enjoyable experience at the movies this year whether you are 12 or 92. The main plot is wonderful, but the little side notes, such as Ians mother bringing a bundt Cake to tulas family and nonbody knowing what it is, or Tulas father believing that windex can cure almost anything, add just another layer to this movie until comedy perfection is achieved. If your young daughters are refusing to go point out to them that a member of N'sync is in the cast then you can listen to them discuss whether or not he gained weight on the ride home. The combination of comedy, real looking people, not large headed starved, botoxed former modles and the real sense of affection with which this writer tells the story are too few and far between. There is a reason this movie is making more money each week than the week before even though it was realeased months ago. You will not be dissappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent entertainment for the entire family. Review: We really enjoyed My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It was so much fun we recommended it to our son. He called the next day, as he left the theatre, thanking us for the recommendation.