Rating:  Summary: Hilarious! Review: I thought before I saw this movie that it may just be another washed out romantic comedy. But I found that while it still was a raomance film first I couldn't stop laughing. The characters are all so believable and crazy. Even his family is very funny. With very few known actors in this film the performances were great. I liked the independant feel to it. This is not your typical Sandra Bullock cheesy romantic comedy but a true sensitive story with some rock hard laughs all around.
Rating:  Summary: It is romantic with out being lame! Review: I usually try and avoid chick flicks, but I promised my girlfriend that I would go see this with her and it was well worth it. Nia Vardalos avoid all the usual [stuff] that seem to be the norm in these movies. Two people get together they have some conflict, don't deal with it, split up, realize they love each other and get back together without ever having dealt with the problem. She wrote a story that most people in a relationship can relate to. ... And the stuff about Windex was great!
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Romantic Comedy deserves your time Review: Look up the word "sleeper" in the dictionary and you should see a reference to "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". I love films like this. They just sort of creep up on you. I had heard that it was a good film when it first came out, but being a guy, I thought I'd wait until it came to DVD. Then, I started hearing that it was staying in the theaters, in fact it was starting to be shown on more and more screens. What kind of a movie gets wide release that way? And better yet, I was hearing that this was no "Blair Witch Project." This film was actually good. It had style, substance, and legs! I decided to go check it out for myself. The film had been showing for six months when I finally made it to the cinema. Let me tell you, there wasn't an empty seat in the house - and it was a typically poor film viewing time - it should have been a ghost town!Enough of the hype - how about the substance? Dynamite! Nia Vardalos is spot on perfect. I don't know if she has any stellar prospects beyond this film, but if that is true - what a one hit wonder she will have been! Guys - you may think this is a chick flick - but it isn't! It is a really great, funny romp through the trials and tribulations of getting to know your girlfriend's/fiance's/whatever's family before getting married. I've heard there are Greeks who've taken offense to this film. They say it makes fun of them. Grow up and get over yourself. That's what humor is! It's poking fun at yourself. Since Vardalos is Greek, she is fully capable of making these observations. I'm German-English, so I can make jokes about the same. Besides, people have become entirely too sensitive in these insensitive times. So what's it about? What do you think? Greek ugly duckling finds Mr. Right, Mr. Right isn't Greek, Greek family scrutinizes him. That's it. But oh, so much more!! Rent, or buy this thing immediately!!
Rating:  Summary: This is a fantastic movie Review: If you are part of a close-knit immigrant community, (especially an Orthodox Christian one) or have close ties with one (such as Greek, Egyptian, Armenian, etc.), this movie will strike a chord. I loved it. It was hilarious, honest, perhaps a bit stereotypical, but that was part of the fun. Take the stereotypes with a grain of salt (there is plenty of truth in them) and be prepared to laugh. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: My Big, Fat Great Movie! Review: This movie is absolutely WONDERFUL! Being Swiss, I can honestly say I have very little experience with Greek Culture, and found myself wanting to hop the first boat to Athens by the end of watching it. Vardolos has written a film that deftly celebrates love, family, and heritage. It's difficult to throw these elements into a comedy without crossing the dangerous borderline of parody, and she does this beautifully. You find yourself appreciating the nuances of this film's portayal of a culture you may not be familliar with because you see your own family in hers, no matter what the nationality. And John Corrbett should just plan on a career as a romantic lead. His Ian is the perfect man you would want for yourself, best friend, daughter, etc. Corbett brings a 'dreamboat' presence that resonates with romantic honesty and charm, and he also manages to be 'everyguy.' His character works because he never seems 'out of your league' perfect. Michael Constantine is brilliant at Tula's father. His Greek ethinicy is brilliantly conveyed in ecentricities that are actually more particular to fatherhood than Greek culture. This is a wonderful little film that will make you long to fall in love if you haven't already, and make you appreciate who you love if you are in love. You cannot miss with this film, and the DVD is a must own because you will just watch it too many times to justify rerental fees.
Rating:  Summary: Are we this starved for decent stories? Review: Ok - this move was barely 'OK' to me. A few original funny moments (groom's mother's name is written 'Harry' mistakingly in the wedding invitation instead of 'Harriet') and lots of way overblown and over the top ethnic cliches. Haven't we all seen enough of family's that love to hate each other and argue and scream only to say how 'magical' everything really is down deep inside? Oh brother... The only way I can explain the cult-like phenomenon that arose over this movie is that WE are so worn out with the overabundance of action movies whose engine is a spectacular car-chase that we are starved for anything that smacks of just a decent story. To be quite honest with you I think Hollywood and the whole movie industry is in deep doo-doo if this was somehow worthy of all the hype.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: This movie is flat-out great. Verdalos is lovable, her family all at once believabale and fantastic, and lovable themselves. I pride myself on honesty in reviews, so in that interest, the directing does leave a bit to be desired, but wwhat do you expect? The guy spent his life directing Full House and Boy Meets World. All thatt ime around Marry-Kate, Ashily, and a Savage brother'll warp your mind, but the performances and the amazing script carry this charmer, and besides, it's going to be a CBS sit-com anyway, directed chiefly by Zwick, so maybe in the end they made the right choice choosing him. Maybe he'll be better equpped than a new find at keeping the chemistry together on the small screen.
Rating:  Summary: A review from a Greek guy! Review: I was born and raised in Greece but now live in the U.S. The movie was funny as hell. Dont believe other reviews that say that Greeks did not like the movie. On the contrary. The movie was an even bigger hit in Greece and everybody loved it. True, the stereotypes are overstretched and not completely accurate: Greeks dont use WINDEX as a general purpose medicine -I dont know where that came from - and also Greeks strive for their childrens education (male or female). For example in Greece college students almost never support themselves but are rather fed by their parents until they finish their studies and find a job (in contrast to the U.S. college students that are mostly independent). But all these exaggerations dint bother me at all. The movie actually helped me realise that things and gestures that Greeks use to do , actualy seem very strange to people of different culture: Take for example the spitting in the head that is supposed to spell away the evil. Thats 100% a Greek gesture that only after seeing the movie I rationalized the fact of how "crazy" it looks. Or the consumption of all parts of a lamb -brain,tongue,eyes,intestines,testicles- that may look completely gross to Americans, are actually considered delicatessen in Greece. So overall a very very funny movie that Greeks actually enjoy and dont care about the stereotyping. Hey, when was the last time that Greeks have even been mentioned in a Holywood film ?
Rating:  Summary: Ooopah ! Review: Simple story about a woman who comes into her own at age 30 and finds true and real love for the first time. She is like the sleeper who has awakened and there's nothing to hold her back ! Except her father who does not approve of a non-Greek marrying his daughter or the fact that she wants to go to college...that is the stereotypical macho way of thinking in some cultures that may steam some people, but it does exist and cannot be denied ...Overall, this is a pretty good film with subtle humor that will still make you chuckle...It has to, otherwise please check for a pulse ! Yes, many of the jokes and witty banter for the most part were racially stereotypical; But not in a bigoted or negative manner. Anyone, from a Greek, Latin, or Italian background could somehow relate (and yes, I have Greek, I myself am Hispanic, and have Italian friends). We could all relate to many of the familial situations and very much saw the humor...I can also see where some reviewers did NOT get the humor if they are on the "outside"...That said...Yes, I am defending My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It was an enjoyable family film without having to go over the top with race jokes or take on a strong sexual nature (the romance scenes were just that, romance)...I think this is probably what disappointed some viewers is that this was a "clean" film. Funny how we have come along way from seeing clean films made in Hollywood. When one is made it is seen as a let down !
Rating:  Summary: always rent first Review: Perhaps I made a mistake in not going to see this movie while it was in theaters. That being said, I took to heart all of the wonderful reviews, the appearence on Oprah and the recommendations of total strangers that this movie was the HIT of the year! I believed in them so well that instead of renting the movie, I went out and purchased it post haste! Big mistake....I'm now watching the movie for the 2nd time in an attempt to marvel in the hysterical comedic perceptions reported to be caused by this movie. I giggled maybe 4 or 5 times and forced a robust outburst one or two times......I'm still waiting and hoping that it will come........and imagine...it's mine to keep....go figure..