Rating:  Summary: Better that the first, better than all the rest. Review: Lenny Bruce -- Richard Pryor -- Margaret Cho. Got it? There are simply no other stand-ups working today who compare with these three. I liked her first film -- it was more 'theatrical' -- but this one is more wall to wall laughs. Margaret style is so honest on stage, which really sucks you in. Her impersonations are so funny, her timing is so killer -- even if she didn't have anything to say she'd be better than most comics working. I loved the way the camera stays on HER as opposed to the way most HBO type comedy shows are constantly panning the audience in a manipulative way. It's easy to get lost and feel you ARE at her live concert.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant Review: I loved Margaret in her Notorious C.H.O. tour. I saw it live and own the soundtrack and it just gets funnier everytime I hear it. This performance was nothing short of brilliant. She finds a way to combine everything from raunch to her childhood to equal rights among all people and does it so beautifully.
Rating:  Summary: ...+ 1/2 star. Entertaining, but still a bit disappointing Review: I've seen this show live and now on DVD, and I still think it's nowhere nearly as good as her previous effort, "I'm the One that I Want." Yeah, her new one-woman act is still absolutely hilarious at times (her routines about her mother, for example), but it resorts mostly to vulgar jokes and lacks the personal and emotional touches that made her last show so good. Her delivery needs some work as well: Margaret Cho is an awful impersonator, and I found her other "voices" (the colonic therapist, for example) rather irritating and difficult to understand. She also has this really annoying habit of repeating the punch line over and over again. We got the joke the first time -- let's move on. The bottom line: "Notorious C.H.O." definitely is entertaining enough to warrant a DVD rental (or a purchase, even), but I'd think twice before dropping the big bucks to see her live again.
Rating:  Summary: The world may not be quite ready for Cho... Review: Case in point...this supremely explicit and raw comedy. Her failed sitcom had orientalness (and poking fun at it) which may had unnerved some people, particularly those behind the sponsors... ...I, however, laughed my buns off during this one woman show filmed in Seattle. I laughed because Cho's brashness and complete bluntness is disarmingly hilarious and completely brilliant...one would not expect that rawness from a little Korean lady. Her sendups about her motherdear are roll down on the floor funny. And may be construed as derogatory to some Oriental-Americans: she redeems herself for making a plea for true acceptance and equality for all. Her escapades and misadventures--the fisting, the leather club(John Goodman, not Sharon Stone and unzipping the mouth mask)--garners some of the same type of laughs that Pyror is known for. Cho's routine is the kind that makes you laugh because you are embarrassed that you are laughing at something so bold and taboo. And you know what? Cho, notorious or not, is a great comic. Hey! Anyone who makes me laugh that hard has gotta be one. As one interviewee notes at the end of the show, Cho's Notorious ain't for the weak at heart. I say, So What? If a comedian doesn't provoke you every now and then, then mebbe he/she oughtta find a new job. Find this performance and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Kind of a let down... Review: Well, I love stand-up comedy and am involved in improv myself. I heard about Cho from people who've seen here. My friend and I were especially looking for some stand-up at blockbuster and rented this. We were quite dissapointed. Her jokes are spread very thin (meaning she hits some good punch lines but then draws the joke out till its completely not funny). She uses unneccessary cussing and sex to up her jokes. Being blunt doesn't mean you just say "vagina" and "ass" all the time. It seemed she lacked flow and her material is rather old and a little too raunchy for shock-value. I tried watching this all the way through 4 times. I paid 4 bucks to rent it so i wanted my money worth. Too bad. Either way, I suggest you try a few comedians like Eddie Izzard, Robin Williams, Ellen Degeneres, Billy Connolly, and others instead. But hey, its just my opinion, everybody's got one.
Rating:  Summary: Not Bad for a Girl Review: Of course, I mean my review title facetiously.
This DVD is my first real exposure to the world of Margaret Cho, having only glimpsed her stand-up and sitcom in passing through the years. "Notorious" was notorious (seems like a good word to use in this context) at the time of release for breaking through various boundaries and diving into blue material. Being a large fan of comedians who use language like a mallet (i.e., Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, David Cross, Peter Cook & Dudley Moore), I snapped this disc up.
The beginning of the film - all pre-show audience anticipation and cutaway interviews - nearly pulled me out of enjoying the thing. That may have shaded my view of the performance itself, as I didn't find it all that funny. Some very amusing moments pop up, but momentum is constantly halted by Cho's less-than-enthusiastic stand-in-one-spot performance (she admits in the extra features that she was dead tired by the time the film was shot) and the director, who appears not to map out any storyboards ahead of time and switches camera angles seemingly at random (but rarely on the *beat* of a joke or routine).
Cho's tiredness translates very well [...] and becomes quite a drag by the time the film is over.
The extras are cute, but nothing spectacular.
It is possible that I just don't get it. George Carlin is the "hippy" comic, Lenny Bruce is the "beatnik" comic and Richard Pryor is the "black" comic, Margaret Cho is the "gay" comic. That's cool. Just not my cup of meat.
Rating:  Summary: Not as funny and substantial as her other work Review: I really liked "I'm the One that I Want" because it was self-revealing, funny, and had substance. This however, lacks the weight of her last film and disintegrates into unfunny, raunchy jokes and pandering to her gay male audience. I like Margaret, especially her political passion, but I just wish she'd put more thought into her work and not just say anything that's on the top of her head because a lot of it, while shocking perhaps, is not that funny. Don't watch this with people you don't know well or it will feel fairly awkward. Her greatest talent is her impersonations, especially of her mother, which she spends less time on in every subsequent movie.
I thought "Revolution" was even worse - who wants to listen to someone talk for 15 minutes about having diarrhea in their car? Ew. Then she made this point about how people are often uncomfortable with the things she says and that's their problem because she has to be herself. OK, I guess I just won't subject myself to her anymore then - easy enough to talk with the wallet.
Fans may like this, but I was disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: hilarious Review: i thought she was so funny. i have not laughed so hard in ages. she has a very blunt gritty humor, which i can really appreciate and relate to. lol. she does talk a lot about sex but that doesnt bother me like it seem some of the other sustomers. sex is a natural part of life. there is humor in it and the experiences we endure and cho really captivates the humor in all of it. highly recommended
Rating:  Summary: Funny...in spots. Review: Margaret's comedic timing is a bit off in this, her second feature film. She waits too long to deliver the 1--2 punch, as if the audience won't follow her if she doesn't wait that for that extra pulse. She talks a lot about her sex life, and the pacing and humor of the film slows considerably when she does this. The segments about her mother are classic, though, and they make viewing this dvd time well spent. Recommended for fans. Others should rent.