Rating:  Summary: Speedy Motorpsyco Review: Who ever says this movie is crap can continue to think that Richard Gere is a good actor. Meaning that yr opinion is useless to me. I know that this movie is far more enjoyable than any film i have seen in a while. While being crass and irreverent is also takes a good look at small towne America with all of it's darkly humerous crap. If yr looking for mindless entertainment then look elsewhere. But if you are interested in seeing a seemless mix of Documentary style and Indy Film style, I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: It hits the nail on the head. Review: This movie is about a group of white trash kids. It is shockingly close to my own experiences.
Rating:  Summary: Kiss me Guido is more socially accpetable in today's society Review: The sheer intellectual, pinnacleness shows the sheer velocity of this movies integrety. The bacon on the wall enphisized the mamality of all the social parasites of everything that thrives today. I liked this movie a lot cause it shows life as it is portrayed in the mixed up society of today. The gay dwarf portrayed a man I know that surely cannot handle this melting pot theory portrayed in this feature motion picture. I award it 1 star and may God have mercy on Harmony's soul.
Rating:  Summary: the red head kid is the ugliest child ever seen on any movie Review: this movie though somewhat boring still brought a sense of sheer stupidity to my world
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Will Make You Dumber !!! Review: This is the worst piece of c**p I have ever seen..The guy who made this movie must have been on some bad drugs...Also who gave this guy money to make this movie??? Hollywood has gotten worse over the years in movie quailty, but come on.. But if you have to throw-up fast forward to the part where the kid eats his dinner in the bathtub..I almost lost it right there~.Avoid this movie unless you want to feel dumber~
Rating:  Summary: Cock-A-Doodle-Doo-Doodle-Doo-Doodle-Doo Review: This is definately a crazy flick. Even though the movie has no plot and is pretty pointless, it has an EXCELLENT soundtrack! Do not watch this movie if you happen to be under the influence of any type of narcotics.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant piece of filmmaking . . . Review: Not only is Mr. Korine's portrayal of small town America a poetic one, but also a vividly accurate one at that. Combining devastating, documentary glimpses into the lives of "Jerry Springer" type people with an almost comical pop soundtrack captures the essence of ignorance pervading this country. The message is clear. Wake up, America! They are among us.
Rating:  Summary: Actually it would be zero stars if it went that low Review: This is probably the dumbest piece of crap I have ever watched in my entire life. However, I'm glad I sat through the whole thing since I can now fairly trash it. Harmony Korine (oh, forgive me if I misspelled his name) thinks he can throw his friends and family in front of the camera, just let them go, and call it a movie. What this movie is is more of a stylized mock documentary about nothing. This movie has NO meaning or message, and in that respect it lends itself to the idea that it is so deep and profound that if you can say that you like it, then you're so punk. Of course, if you don't, then you should just go home and watch your Sandra Bulock (sic) movies, you conformist! What a waste. I would only recommend this only to aspiring filmmakers. Seeing this proves that anyone can make a movie, no matter how smart they are, which would be good motivation when going through hard times. Also, Mr. Korine...please go to film school. You really could learn a lot.
Rating:  Summary: A movie thats not worth the time.. Review: I was told that this movie was going to be sick and twisted, and watched the movie to find out that the movie was stupid. Do not believe the hype, this movie will make you stupider if you watch it.
Rating:  Summary: Not as grotesque as "Twister." Review: Most articles written about Gummo at the time of its release focused on Korine's youth, but the movie itself is far from precocious. When he made Gummo, Korine was a highly immature 23-year old, one who still thought that, like a teenager, he was going to create a whole new filmmaking style, break free of narrative strictures, epater le bourgeosie, bla bla bla. What this philosophy usually leads to is unwatchable student films that string together non sequitirs like a music video, which anyone can do. Gummo is a little better because, luckily, Korine has "a bit of the poet about him," as the man says about Leopold Bloom. Most of Gummo is simply Korine fixing the camera on various uglies and waiting for "real life" to begin. This didn't work for Warhol, and it doesn't work here ( though it did work for the Maysles Brothers in their great documentary called Grey Gardens. ) And when Gummo misfires, it misfires horribly -- especially in the scene featuring Korine himself, where he makes out with a gay dwarf as if to say "You see? I'm no better than these people," and ends up saying exactly the opposite. And in the end, the entire enterprise amounts to little more than a rigged documentary about Jerry Springer's most inbred guests. But there are a few moments here that no film lover should deprive themselves of. Chief among them is the amazing shot where the two cat-killers glide down a hill on bicycles, ducking in and out of frame, while dime-store death metal plays on the soundtrack. I don't know why this is so great, but it is. Beyond that, the hillbilly who loses an arm wrestling match to his pregnant wife, then takes out his anger on a table while his friends shout "Kill that thang!" -- this is the very pinnacle of contemporary screen comedy. It's been two years since I saw Gummo in the theater, but it's still vivid in my mind ( whether for good or ill, I won't venture to say. ) Korine may be a self-conscious, affected, belletristic poseur who cribs lines from Godard on the Letterman show, but there's no doubt -- his movie IS more interesting than Armageddon. That's gotta count for something these days.