Rating:  Summary: The Corporations! Review: Proving he has more than Beavis and Butthead up his sleeve Mike Judge wrote and directed this gem of a comedy about the dead-end world of a cubicle slave in a faceless corporation. Ron Livingston is Peter, one such cube dweller at Initech, a corporation we never learn much about (I think they develop banking software). It's not important, of course, because Initech looks and feels like so many offices in so many industries all across America. Bored to tears at his job Peter undergoes hypnosis at a therapist and suddenly snapping out of his routine, breaking up with his corporate girlfriend. He goes into a peaceful, carefree sort of trance where he coasts through work until two "consultants" (who signal the coming of layoffs) determine he's just not being challenged enough at work. Meanwhile, Peter's more productive friends are cut away on recommendation of their slimy manager, Bill Lumbergh, played by Gary Cole with such nauseating, weasle-like smarminess that you've seen less talented people get Oscars for smaller roles. The trio of friends, tired of being the little guys, hatch a scheme to funnell money slowly and secretly from Initech. Meanwhile, a neurotic coworker slowly cracks as his desk is moved farther and farther away from everyone else...Office Space is a must for anyone who has ever worked in an office. Sat at a cubicle. Wanted to take a fax machine into an open field and beat it with a bat while blasting Ice Cube. It captures American corporate microculture perfectly, laughing in the face of being micromanaged to death. But it touches on unversal elements and the laughs are steady, captured in the details like the boss everyone hates, or rap music in suburbia. A shame this got such a small theatrical release; it found a nice following on tape and DVD. Here's a small, low budget film delivering laughs and some wicked humor. This is Mike Judge directing but it's not Beavis and Butthead by a longshot. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: "Looks like someone has a case of the 'Moooondays!'" Review: This movie hits all the marks for those in technology jobs and/or cubicle farms! This is possibly my all-time favorite movie. I've been watching it for years, and have probably seen it 50 times at least. From Michael Bolton to money laundering; from "flair" to the "jump to conclusions" mat; from the dream of doing nothing to "...good to be a gangsta!";from the red Swingline to "...Nina speaking...._just_ a moment!" - this movie is hilarious! When I have a bad day, I watch this movie. It is truly therapeutic.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent movie! Review: Anyone who has ever worked in a corporate setting can relate to this movie. It gives a funny glimpse into what REALLY goes on in an office..from the point of view of the "worker bees" (aka peons). This is one of my favorite movies!
Rating:  Summary: Take this Job and shove it Review: This film goes to great lengths to exaggerate minor problems people face everyday, and make them Funny. I work in a factory on the shop floor, ands I can relate to many of the "problems" facing this trio of office workers plus 1. You start off laughing as an old man using a walker, is walking faster then the traffic, Peter, keeps merging into the Moving Lane to try and get through the traffic quicker only to have to jam on the breaks, and see the traffic in the lane he was just in start moving. The movie has you holding your sides laughing at the mishaps that abound throughout. Rated R for Language and a humorus sex seen with Peters boss.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious!!! Review: I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard... "Office Space" is a great flick, poking fun at daily life at the office. Its ironic and situational comedy is superb, and if you enjoy a good laugh, you love this film. I recently heart of an office-manager playing it for her staff during a meeting, to "lighten" everybody up. I think it did the trick! Find out what I mean. ;-)
Rating:  Summary: *still snickering* Review: okay, if you don't like this movie, then you've never worked a part-time (heh, or full-time) job in an office or even in retail. you immediately connect to this movie. it's wonderful, total genius. my only problem is it leaves me a bit disturbed because it's almost exactly like my job. oh yeah, and great soundtrack. ^.^
Rating:  Summary: If you've ever worked in a corporate environment... Review: You will not stop laughing throughout this entire movie! Office Space is one of the most hilarious movies I've ever seen because it's so easy to relate to. From the trials of having several bosses to the annoyances of lunchtime hyper-waiters, this movie has it all. I recommend this movie to anyone that likes comedy, but especially to those who engage in the 9-5 ratrace. It's the latter that will truly appreciate this movie and understand the subtle hilarities that makes Office Space truly brilliant.
Rating:  Summary: "It feels good to be a gangster..." Review: Mike Judge, mostly known as the creator of the innocently stupid Beavis & Butt-Head, conceived this surprise comedy masterpiece that has gained quite a following since it's initial release. Ron Livingston stars as Peter; a man so stuck in his cubicle at his dead end job that he undergoes hypnosis and decides not to do anything at all. As he puts it best later on in the film: "It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care." When company downsizing starts, he surprisingly ends up getting promoted, but when his two friends are in line to be laid off, they hatch a scheme to skim funds from the company's accounts. The film itself is laugh out loud hilarious from beginning to end, thanks to the great screen play and Judge's excellent direction. The rest of the cast is perfect as well; including Jennifer Aniston as Peter's new girlfriend, Gary Cole as Peter's smarmy jerk boss, Diedrich Bader as Peter's hilarious mullett headed neighbor, and a scene stealing Stephen Root as Milton; the company's constantly pushed around and neglected mumbling employee whose trials and tribulations you'll bust a gut laughing at. All in all, Office Space is hilarious and is a one of a kind comedy that oh so rarely comes along.
Rating:  Summary: Umm, yeah.... Review: GREAT movie! I especially appreciate the office humor after having worked for two large semiconductor manufacturing companies...won't mention any names. Anyone in similar fields will really appreciate the humor in the movie. The soundtrack isn't too bad, either.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, I hate my job... Review: I doubt I can extol this film in any original manner, but I'll give it a shot anyway. Obviously I love Office Space. Would I be wasting a pretty good beer buzz otherwise? The only people I can conceive of disliking Office Space are company presidents, CEO's and complete morons. But, being part of America's office-working automata (and not being a moron), I can relate. I could go on all day about the great jokes, great soundtrack and great characters, but these aren't what make this movie truly great. As paradoxical as it may seem, Mike Judge's true stroke of genius was making a movie that speaks to the majority. Most movies are either fantasies, portrayals of the ultra-elite, or simply gross exaggerations by studio execs of the audience's point of view. For example, movies like The Lord of the Rings are fantasies, where any connection to the viewers' lives is purely metaphorical. Most romantic comedies involve the super-rich and/or the super-attractive, and any romantic struggles these people encounter come off insincere. Finally there are movies like 40 Days and 40 Nights, where some jaded producer thought he could play to the audience's own sexual longings by portraying a protagonist who goes a whole month without intercourse. Right. How many of us can't relate to the anguish of going a month without sex? Call it 40 Score Days and 40 Score Nights and I might begin to take interest. But back to Office Space. This movie appeals to most of us: lazy, underappreciated, unattractive people who hate their jobs and curse at office machines. All of us have felt like Peter Gibbons at one time or another. And this somehow makes our jobs slightly more tolerable, knowing that we're not alone in the corporate dirge. Peter is our hero, our messiah. We all wish we could come to work late, leave early, ignore our boss, dress down, and rip the company off big time...big time. Before this movie, there was no model, no one to show us the way. And, even though few of us will ever reach the level of enlightenment that Peter has, at least we can dream.... Pass out at our cubicles and dream.