Rating:  Summary: Milton Was Right Review: The Swingline stapler indeed is superior to all other brands, and is the only kind worthy for heavy use by corporate stapler operators.This was a good movie. It captured a great deal of the impotent rage of the people who perform the real work in corporations, while the slick-talking snake-oil salesmen always seem to move up to higher positions and bigger paychecks.
Rating:  Summary: I CANT RESIST, I HAVE TO REVIEW THIS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: If you've read most of my reviews, lists, and "So-You'd-Like-To" things,, you know that i REALLY, REAAALLLY like this movie... yes sir, this is my FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME! If you've never seen it and you're wondering what my hype towards it is all about, let me give you a little tour of the plot: Peter Gibbins is an I would assume around the age of 25 year-old office worker who couldn't possibly hate his job more than he hates it now... From the traffic jam in the morning where an old man in a walker makes better forward progress than him, to getting a shock when he touches the door to walk in, to listening to that fat red-haired lady say "JUUUST A MOOMMEEENNNT" non-stop, and of course, hearing those 4 favorite words of his: "Hello Peter,, what's happening?" from his boss, Bill Lumbergh, played hillariously by Gary Cole, and of course there's also that printer that always says "Paper jam" when there IS no paper jam. Then one day, Peter realizes that "humans were not meant to spend their short lives sitting in a cubicle staring at computer screens all day, listening to 8 different bosses moan on about mission statements", and just decides, "I'm not gonna go anymore", and it all goes downhill from there....... (That's all I'll tell, dont wanna ruin it :) Other great characters include his 2 friends/coworkers, Michael Bolton (just a coincidence, no relation)- a computer nerd who loves rap music and states that "I shouldn't change my name, HE'S the one who sucks!", and Samir, an Arabian who really doesn't like that printer..., and then of course there's the great Milton Waddams, who just wants his stapler back, his paycheck, not to move his desk again, and a piece of cake.. and Tom Smikowski, the old guy who constantly worries about getting laid off, and Drew, the young laid-back guy who just wants to show a girl his OHH face (the "HOW LUMBERGH F*CKED HER" thing cracks me up every time :) But of course my favorite character would probably be Peter's next door neighbor Lawrence, who just wants Peter to "Check out channel 9!" This will be a comedy you will easily love and relate to if you have a job or class you really don't like to get up every morning to go to.. trust me, I'VE had plenty of em.... This movie also has some great tunes to go with it- "I Got This Killer Up Inside of Me", the song that Michael sings in his car in the morning, that is until a black guy walks by... "Die Motherf*ckers Die", the ultimate printer-smashing song, "Damn It Feels Good to Be A Gangster", the perfect "I-don't-care-and-I-feel-great-about-it" song, and of course, the "Take This Job and Shove It(I Aint Workin Here No More)" song played in the end credits is priceless... If you want a good comedy, you WILL NOT be dissapointed AT ALL! Trust me, this movie has lines that you will leave as quotes for your AIM away messages for years and years to come :) You can go watch that 'Lizzie McGuire' movie if you want, but,, in conclusion, I have 6 final words: TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT!!!!!! GREATEST MOVIE EVER :)
Rating:  Summary: One day i'm going to burn this whole place down Review: Sometimes the most simple of words say more than a very long review could. Think of this movie as you would if "Clerks" and "Dilbert" got together and had a baby. This is one of my all time top ten favorite funny movies. Overall-Just plain funny, if you haven't already seen it please do so.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT Review: This movie is very funny, its not just for office people. Many many laughs and few stupid parts. Seriously if you havent seen this youre missing out!
Rating:  Summary: The greatest office comedy ever? Review: I'm not sure it is essential to have worked in an office to enjoy this film, but I'm certain it will hit home for those who have. The movie was a complete bust at the box office, which utterly mystifies me, because it is hysterically funny and reflects the experience of millions of people across the United States (and I assume elsewhere). In an age where companies are seeking to lay off workers at any possible opportunity, this film has perhaps even more relevance now than it did when it came out in 1999. The humor of the film works on multiple levels, but for me so much of it is funny with a twist of the knife, for much of the humor hints at a much more serious fact: modern work is genuinely dreadful and alienating. Perhaps many office workers love their job, but I hate mine, and I assume that I am merely one of millions. No one in this film has a meaningful job. Even Lumbergh, though the boss, has an absurd position. Peter Gibbons is at least able to be honest about the ridiculousness of his plight during the incredibly funny sequence in which he is hypnotized. The film is a collection of many, many wonderful moments. I started laughing from the second that Peter Gibbons gets trapped in the traffic jam and is passed by an old man on a walker, and didn't stop until the very end. The film is a parade of very funny bits, from Michael Bolton and his passion for gangsta rap to Joanna's boss urging her to wear more flair (played by director Mike Judge) to Peter's neighbor who would yell at him through the walls to Peter's bizarre fantasy in which Lumbergh is making love to Joanna holding a cup of coffee in one hand and her ankle in the other to virtually any conversation involving Lumbergh and Milton. Some of the humor is a bit too broad. For instance, although I defy anyone not to find Milton's sequences funny as heck, they don't fit in quite as neatly with the satire of the rest of the film. I wouldn't, however, want to trade them in for a tighter movie. In a way, this movie has made my life easier to live. I suspected my job was absurd before seeing this film. Now I know it is. But somehow knowing the truth makes it easier to get through the day.
Rating:  Summary: pimpin' ain't easy, but it's necessary Review: This movie impressed me more than I thought it would. It's hard to find a good comedy these days. Well folks, this is it. It'll have you laughing out loud every single second (unless you're some management jerk..) So already you have a great comedy about how pointless, boring and horrible many jobs are these days. But beneath the comedy, there's an entire satire of modern life, and that's what makes me call this movie "genius." While it is a comedy (no tear-jerking scenes or anything like that), I found myself saying over and over "That's exactly like real life!!!!" which is why it's a genius film that every Gen X'er or younger should watch! Watch, and laugh at the absurdity which surrounds you.
Rating:  Summary: "Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays..." Review: In less stressful times during and immediately after college, I was a huge "Office Space" fan. I bought it on video, watched it a bunch of times, quoted it relentlessly (and still do) with my roommate, and generally considered it to be a funny, intelligent comedy. I had never actually worked in an office, but I imagined the movie to be a fairly accurate depiction of what the experience is like and what it does to the typical cubicle slave. In other words, I liked the movie, but in much the same way I liked lots of other movies. Then, a few months ago, I got an office job with an enormous corporation, and I now see the world of "Office Space" in a whole new light. It's still funny, but there's also a major undercurrent of depression beneath the humor. The movie's fictional Initech Corp. is a sterile suburban hell, where the bosses have become patronizing phonies and the workers are bitter and frustrated over their precarious, unfulfilling existence. My job isn't quite as bad, but few hours go by where I don't think of some line from the movie and realize just how accurately it describes what I go through on a daily basis. Human beings really aren't supposed to sit around at desks staring at computer screens all day, and "Office Space" perfectly captures the quiet despair that corporate lemmingdom can produce. At one point protagonist Peter Gibbons flatly states, "I don't like my job. I don't think I'm gonna go anymore." I'm sure many would like to say the same thing, but unfortunately in real life it doesn't prove to be that easy. Viewed in this light, "Office Space" could only have worked as a comedy. For one thing it requires a razor-sharp satire, which this movie very much is, to truly highlight the absurdity of the situations faced on a daily basis in offices nationwide. For another, if the movie's examination of life on the lower rungs of corporate America weren't lightened with some laughs, viewers would be reaching for arsenic and razorblades in record time. Ron Livingston brings a definite everyman appeal to the role of Peter: you can sympathize with Peter's plight because you've probably been there, and even if you haven't you'll still be able to feel his pain because Livingston communicates it so well. Not to mention, Gary Cole gives one of THE most underappreciated performances in cinematic history as Bill Lumbergh, Peter's "evil, disgusting pig of a boss." Sure, Lumbergh's a caricature, but Cole delivers his condescending lines with such perfect tone and expression that they still haven't stopped being funny after about ten viewings. Plus, in case you need any more reason to watch, the cast also includes the always-hilarious Diedrich Bader and the always-smoking Jennifer Aniston. As the plot progresses, "Office Space" brings in an element of wish fulfillment when Peter decides he has nothing left to lose and he might as well see what it takes to get fired. For most of its hilarious middle third the movie plays on this strain of insubordination, becoming the ultimate workplace fantasy as Peter disrespects his higher-ups and generally acts destructive around the office. There's also a scheme to rip off the company thrown in, but that's not really important. "Office Space" is so good the plot is rendered more or less secondary. Watch it, and drop out for an hour and a half.
Rating:  Summary: If you can just go ahead and read this review Review: that would be great! What a classic line! The movie rocks from the initial traffic jam scence to the red stapler to kicking the printer in the open field. There are a couple of cliches though. But the movie is great overall.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This is a comedy masterpiece in so many ways... Great lines that never get old, great characters, and well, I can kind of relate to Peter's character (If you've ever had/still have a job you can't stand, you will too!) I seriously could NEVER get sick of this movie- One weekend I watched it about 4 times in one day :) I really hope Mike Judge continues to make movies, he is a GENIOUS! but I really wish he didn't stop Beavis & Butthead... If you could just go ahead, and go buy this movie if you don't have it already, that would be great, mmm kaaay? Nothin like smashing a printer in the middle of a field :) or putting fish heads on TPS reports :) or, um ok i think i've said enough... GREATEST MOVIE EVER!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Damn it feels good to be a gangsta... Review: Office Space is the ultimate comedy for bored, middle class, gen Xers (the kind of folk who frequent amazon.com for example...). Guilty as charged - I love it! While office comedies in the past typically revolved around the protagonist trying desperately not to lose their job (The Apartment springs to mind...), the everyman in this movie refreshingly doesn't care. I think this touches a nerve in the heart of everyone who watches it knowing that their life does, or someday will, revolve around a clock, a computer and socializing with a group of people you would otherwise avoid like the plague... Mike Judge creates a fantastic bunch of characters, largely unsympathetic and weaves a plot around them that, while reminiscent of Superman 3, ends up playing second fiddle to the sharp dialogue, the set-piece sketches and the ironic, but perfectly captured interpersonal relationships that will resonate so intensely with the right viewer. The only people I've ever heard of who didn't like this film were a bunch of management consultants from London who didn't find it at all funny... It's too close to home and it's too near the bone... It's also amusing to see how "Office Space" has crept into the cultural vernacular - pick up any issue of FHM, Maxim and the like and you'll find plenty of sly references to TPS reports, staplers and "Ummm....Yeah...What's Happening?". You owe it to yourself to watch this movie!