Rating:  Summary: Loses steam... Review: Quite entertaining for the first half, but "Office Space" loses its focus once the theft scheming begins. Good, restrained performances all around, although the Jennifer Aniston subplot either didn't belong, or wasn't developed beyond the point of giving Peter a way of expressing his thoughts to the audience.Still, an enjoyable, and sometimes all too familiar parody of office politics and opression. Let's hope the lackluster box-office success doesn't keep Mike Judge from another attempt.
Rating:  Summary: So good it hurts Review: One of the greatest comedies of all time! Everyone must see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Anthem for the Work Place Review: For anyone whose had to deal with a robotic manager who repeates pointless phrases regardless of your response - this is the movie for you. For those of you who trudge to work everyday dreading encounters with chipper co-workers who make mind-numbing conversation - this is the movie for you. For anyone who wakes up every morning with only thoughts of escape on their minds as they get ready to join the commuting masses - this is defintely the movie for you. The characters are very well developed, hitting the nail on the head as far as office types go. There is a relatable type there for eveyone who's ever worked in the typical "cubicle environment." From the opening sequence, where each main character is shown reacting to the daily traffic jam, to the last scene - this movie is hilarious. It "hits the spot." It is a cathartically funny look at what life is like for most people in this type of setting. The dialogue is precious. Almost everything out of each character's mouth is quotable. You'll find yourself repeating these phrases like mantras. After the third or fourth viewing (and you will want to see it more than once or twice), you'll find yourself quoting each phrase along with the movie. You'll bond in brother/sisterhood with whomever sees it with you. It will become "your" movie. Did I mention the soundtrack? It couldn't be more perfect. It gives the movie unity and cohesion in the most comic sense, in that it takes otherwise serious moments and highlights their absurdity through the sheer ridiculousness of the music choice. It points to one character's desire to be someone else; to escape his station in a small way and become another stronger, more willful type. And, it simply rocks. The direction is also quite good. There are many nicely shot sequences which run like videos encompassing univeral moments. Particularly memorable is the "printer scene." You'll need to see the movie to know what I'm talking about. Also, the focus on character expressions and camera angles which highlight and enhance responses to certain situations are very well done, putting the focus on how the character feels in an exaggerated and caricature-like way. All in all, a must see. Quite possibly one of the funniest movies ever because of it's honesty and ability to encapsulate the moment.
Rating:  Summary: So realistic, it makes my eyeballs ache Review: If you have ever worked in a cubicle farm for a technology company, or ROFL after reading Dilbert cartoons, and know what ROFL means, you will love this movie. Mike Judge (creator of Beavis and Butthead) digs into and makes fun of the things that people hate most about their jobs, with such accuracy that he must have consulted Scott Adams himself while developing the screenplay. With company names like "Penetrode", this movie takes numerous humorous stabs at the idiocy foisted upon the modern working class by the "management class", those highly-compensated stuffed-shirts with no more qualifications than an MBA hanging on their wall. These are the people who abuse you every time you make a mistake, and try to convince you that they are really your buddy in a thinly veiled attempt to keep you submissive and cooperative. Office Space tears into the very heart of the manipulative phony friendship ploy that so many managers think of as their "brilliant" management technique. So if you're tired of being shocked every time you touch a door knob, and sick of having half a dozen different "bosses" giving you conflicting work assignments, then I highly recommend that you buy this movie and blow off some steam, before it's too late! This film is a lot of fun to watch, but if you're looking for an intellectually challenging work of art, this is not the film for you. The story is quite simple; it is a single-layer story that conveys the same information on subsequent viewing as it conveyed during the first viewing. The visual and audio elements are interesting and entertaining, but not artistic. This is a fun comedy that a lot of people can identify with, not deep social commentary. However, the social commentary that IS in the film couldn't be more timely. The DVD itself is mediocre. No extras to speak of, other than cast bios and one trailer. Transitions from one menu to another are slightly animated, and the way the DVD starts up is cute, but overall the power of the DVD medium is not utilized. Movie ------- Originality: B+ Creativity: B+ Complexity/Depth: C+ Relevance/Message: A+ Artistic Merit: C Overall Entertainment Value: A
DVD ------ Transfer Quality: A Extras: C- Use of Medium: C+
Rating:  Summary: Extremely Funny Review: Almost every scene in OFFICE SPACE has some sort of humor in it, and it is some of the more subtle humors that make this movie so hilarious. This film covers a wide range of everyday happenings in the office with typical office characters, and is held up by an interesting plot. The cast, while Jennifer Aniston is the only famous one, is great. If you like this movie the first time you watch it, you will want to watch it again and again. Then you will surely find yourself quoting a variety of lines from the many different characters. Whether you work in an office and can personally relate to this movie doesn't really matter. OFFICE SPACE will most likely satisfy (at least partially) your sense of humor.
Rating:  Summary: Flat-out hilarious Review: This movie depicts the corporate world to a Tee. I'm a programmer myself and some of this stuff hits close to home. Fortunately for me my job is a LOT better than this guy's.
Rating:  Summary: Best use of a soundtrack that I can remember Review: All of the preceding reviews were very true to the film but left one thing out - the soundtrack. The idea of a hardcore rap soundtrack for a film about a bunch of white people working in an office would seem ridiculous, but I've rarely seen a better use of songs during a movie. Right from the start, with Michael Bolton singing along to gangsta rap in his car, the soundtrack was an integral part of the film, rather than a few songs heard in the background during street scenes so they could be included on an album. I actually was so impressed with the use of music in the film that I didn't catch some of the subtler humor until I watched it a second time. I'll never get over the perfect joining of the slow motion action on screen during the execution of the scam, with the song 'it feels good to be a gangsta' being played over it. It was genius.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining for sure! Review: It could be argued Mike Judge (of Beavis and Butthead fame) may have nothing new to offer since his toon characters have seemingly run out of comedic puff. Unfortunately, anyone offering this argument in conversation could be well trumped by their opponent whipping out a copy of OFFICE SPACE and dropping it into the DVD player. You see, this is a comedy for a moment, for a very short time in our history when lots of young educated folk where making some really good money doing ridiculously boring work and reporting to morons. This movie captures that moment in all it's glorious dullness and then pulls it apart one side-splitting joke at a time. The lens of the camera is wider than corporate computer jobs though. Mr. Judge has captured the lifestyle of that time extremely well. From the ever increasing abundance of TGI Fridays type restaurants, to the painstaking 45 minute, 3 mile commute. This is a comedy that reeks of 1990's mainstream life. In terms of quality; acting, direction, and photography are all average but are helped immensely by a sound-track that also captures the musical tastes of the late 90's. Jennifer Aniston's role as a go-nowhere waitress is passable. It is the comedy that makes OFFICE SPACE a great pick. Clever use (and destruction) of corporate icons combine with cartoon-like characterizations and splendid one-liners to satisfy the humor glands.
Rating:  Summary: 'Scuse me, senor? May I speak to you plase? Review: I loved this movie so much that after I rented it I immediately went out and purchased my own copy. I HIGHLY recommend this movie to ANYONE who has ever worked in a corporate environment as either a drone or a manager (I've been both). The movie is so realistic it's impossible. You will be hooked from the opening sequence (featuring Mambo #8) where Peter switches from lane to lane in rush hour traffic only to prove Murphy's Law - The other line ALWAYS moves faster, to Samir swearing up a storm in his car, to Michael Bolton rapping in his car, to the old guy on the sidewalk passing everybody with his walker. Flash forward to the final scene where Milton (the film's true hero) is berading a resort waiter over cocktails, this movie funny from start to finish. Buy this movie if for no other reason than to be able to watch it after a bad day at work or to cheer up a coworker/friend who's had a bad day. You will watch this movie over and over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Flick! Review: A must-see for anyone that has ever worked in a cubicle environment, hated work, got pissed-off at a printer, hates the boss, or feels trapped in a deadend job. The deliberate humor slaps you in the face from the get-go and continues to do so throughout the entire film. If you need a good laugh to forget the stress of your crappy job, then you need to see this movie.