Rating:  Summary: A Classic any Cubicle worker can relate to Review: A very light, funny satire on the life of the computer programmer and the world as they see it. This story covers everything from matrix management, jaming fax machines, business improvement, to the cuicle with a window view. Anyone that works in an office full of cubicles will relate to at least some part of this movie. I particularly like the aspect of the "quality" slogans and consultants that come in to "improve" the company. Many of us have already lived through this several times.Very entertaining with a pretty good cast of people you will recognize.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful!!! Review: The best part of this DVD besides the film is the beginning menu. At first I thought something had really gone wrong, then I just started laughing as soon as the main menu came up. The extras are sadly non-existent, but it's still a great movie to own. Maybe one day they'll put out a loaded "Office Space" DVD. ...
Rating:  Summary: Funny, But Not As Funny as Most Make It Out to Be Review: For all of those people who keep telling you that "you gotta see Office Space", tell them to relax. Yes, this movie is an overexaggerated look at the corporate world and it does a fine job of really making you feel that the characters in the movie have it pretty bad. All of the stereotypical office people are present, from the annoying operator ("please hold, please hold, please hold") to the degrading boss. But when people are telling you that's you're going to laugh for hours upon hours, then they obviously have not seen classic comedies like "Caddyshack" or "Animal House". This movie has many funny moments, but to rank it in the top 10 of all-time comedies is a complete joke. So do yourself a favor and rent it. You'll laugh intermittently, and for an hour-and-a-half, it's a nice ride. But don't go thinking you're watching the greatest movie of all time. "Office Space" is a witty, entertaining look at the corporate world, but one that's a far cry from being uproarious.
Rating:  Summary: I've bought this movie 5 times Review: This is one of the most comforting movies I know. When you get home from Dilbertland, and the world seems insane, pop this movie in and laugh at someone having it truly rough. It's cheaper than hypnotherapy. I feel so strongly about the healing nature of this film, I will often purchase a copy and send it to a friend when they describe a particularly brain fryingly stupid day in corporate America. And it's also a great quote movie. Watch it and the next day you'll be walking around saying, "Why should I? He's the one that sucks." The DVD itself is light on features, but regardless, you'll want this movie on hand for emergencies. Let someone else fill out the TPS reports, and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Suprisingly One Of the Best Comedies Ever Made Review: "Office Space" is, quite suprisingly, one of the top 3 comedies of the last 20 years in my opinion. It ranks right up with "Ghostbusters" and "Back to the Future", but is a completely different type of movie. It is frankly brilliant. It's humor lies in the satirical realism in its portrayal of white-collar borgeois ennui (I was dying to use those words). Peter Gibbons is you and I: a bored and frustrated cubical drone who is surrounded by the most insane yet realistic office envoronment ever shown on film. Every office has these workers in it: 1. The annoying phone-answering voice person. (Mina in Corporate Accounts Payable) 2. The total nerd who thinks he's a tough-guy. (Michael "Mike" Bolton, look at his gangsta rap and Navy Seals posters in his cube) 3. The annoying younger guy who is a sexual harassment case waiting to happen. (Drew, the "oh" face guy) 4. The annoying older person who is eternally convinced they're going to get laid off (Tom Smigmikowski, the "Jump to Conclusions" guy). 5. The easily irritable engineer type guy who can't figure out the copier / fax machine (Samir Naninagaja) 6. The disgustingly happy and content person. (The "case of the Mondays" mail lady) 7. The snide, "method management" boss who speaks to everyone like they're in 5th grade. (Lumberg) and of course... 8. The twitchy postal case (Milton) All of these characters are people we know in our everyday dealings at work. That, combined with the cubical-farm of an office building that is Initech (direct competitor with Penetrode and Initrode) make this film almost frightening. The office is laden with Swingline staplers, walls adorned with lame "Employee of the Month" plaques, and ceilings with motivating corporate slogans like "Is this good for THE COMPANY???" We have all worked here before!! The humor is subtle and not at all goofy or in-your-face. Some may not find it as funny (probably corporate stuffed shirts and managers like Bill Lumberg) as those type of films, but this is an intellegent and hysterical comedy nonetheless. Ron Livingston is a great actor who is just now becoming recognized after his role on "The Pracice" and in HBO's "Band of Brothers". He plays another great roll in the direct to video "Body Shots". The guy who plays Lumberg was also Mike Brady from the "Brady Bunch" movies and he is also brilliant. Check this out quick before you get laid off or downsized!!
Rating:  Summary: Fandamntastic Review: This is a great movie, but I only reccomend it to people who have real senses of humor. Many people have an obsession with movies like "Meet the parents." A slighly funny movie. You can solve this problem by buying them a copy of office space after hitting them in the head with a base ball bat.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Perfect Review: "Office Space" is a brilliant and totally spot-on satire of life in an office. Mike Judge wrote and directed a quirky and unlikely story of office vengance. The jokes are often subtle...but even the disguised jokes are belly laugh funny. Using a cast of largely-unknown actors, Judge keeps the laughs coming. Dietrich Bader (hilariously disguised in a mullet wig and biker mustache) provides a great white trash accent as Peter's goofy neighbor. Our hero Peter is played by Ron Livingston. Peter turns into an unlikely hero, doing what all of us wish we had the guts to do in our sterile office environments. Peter's work buddies, Zamir Naginnajar and Michael Bolton (no relation) are perfect, played as everyday joes just trying to get by. Everyone knows someone like all of the characters in "Office Space", making it very familiar from the first viewing. It's perfect for repeat viewings too and has more quotable lines than most movies released today. I can't wait to see what Mike Judge does next.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: This is definately a good movie, it made me laugh a lot, eventhough the movie has a strange sense of humor. The way that Peter's boss talked was extremely fun and that is exactly how bosses talk, something like: - John, what's happening? - good morning sir. - uhmm... yeah, well john I was wondering if you could come to work tomorrow at 9:00 because I am a little short in personell... - But boss... - Uhmm... yeah if you get here that would be terrific, thanks a lot john.(probably this wasn't funny but it will be when you see the movie). So, overall this is a nice movie with strange, smart sense of humor but not to be considered a completely comedy movie. The office satire is very accurate to real life and I gave it 4 stars just because I did not like the ending very much; it could have been more interesting by intensifying the relation with Joanna and I dunno, putting something in the plot besides the virus thing and Peter not finishing working where he did. I do not own the DVD or VHS I just saw the movie on TV, but if you have not seen it buy the VHS cuz the DVD is a little more expensive and its practically the same as the VHS. Hope this was helpful to you, cya!
Rating:  Summary: Are you a software engineer? Review: I watched this movie thrice and will be watching it again in the future :-) I worked in high profile software companies in US and UK and I must say, I can relate this movie to a typical work environment of an IT company. This is a refreshing comedy. You'll see a typical "manager" in this movie. It's fun to watch along with your friends and colleagues. I'd like to watch this with my boss sometime ;-)
Rating:  Summary: Instant Classic! Review: This movies is by far, one the single funniest movies I've ever seen. They just don't make enough movies like this. The characters are all brilliant and after watching it over 100 times I still laugh just as hard (if not harder) with each new viewing. A must own for anyone with half a brain!