Rating:  Summary: Hiliariously Close to the Truth Review: Though the situations and characters in Office Space are certainly larger than life, they are not that far from the truth--to which those of us in the corporate world will readily attest. That's what makes the movie so delightfully funny: seeing characters on screen act out (without much exaggeration) the trials and tribulations of today's desk-bound workforce.The plot of the movie itself is somewhat secondary to its entertainment value. Basically, the main character (Ron Livingston) isn't happy with his job; having been asked once by his high school guidance counselor to picture what he'd do without being paid and consider that his ideal job, he responded that he's like to sit around and do nothing. The rest of the main plot centers on his attempt to get his life back on track, from discovering a love interest in a local waitress (Jennifer Anniston) also unhappy with her job to plotting revenge on his company for firing his friends. Quickly one sees exactly why the characters are so unhappy with their jobs: a clueless, paper-shuffling boss who speaks in total monotone; inane office regulations requiring more time spent on reports than on real work; faulty office equipment; and so on. Carefully crafted to represent archetypes we all know from our own office experiences, the characters and their attempts to break free of the 9-to-5 drudgery are absolutely hilarious. You don't have to be a computer programmer or engineer to enjoy this film--all you need is to have worked somewhere once in your life that was far from the ideal environment. Watch this film and enjoy a laugh at schmucks who have it ten times worse than you ever have!
Rating:  Summary: Less is More Review: This movie's tongue-in cheek view of the office experience - rather the office tedium is not only dead on, but magnifies every bad situation you've had at work and then lets the protagonists get back at the bosses, consultants and all the other nutjobs you have to endure as co-workers. If you've never worked in the Dante's ring level referred to as cubicle, count your blessings, maybe you won't relate. However, if you have, don't miss out on watching someone else suffer at it, while you die laughing!
Rating:  Summary: a laugh a minute Review: If only everything that Jennifer Aniston did were this funny. About ten times more humorous than Friends, this movie delivers the laughs consistently and heartily. If you've ever wanted to torture the equipment in your office or tell your boss ...off, this is the movie for you. Funny, funny, funny!
Rating:  Summary: Fractions of Pennies! Review: I believe that for anyone who has had to work in a cube environment you will not only be able to relate to this movie and empathize with it's characters but I almost believe that this movie could be considered therapeutic. If you haven't worked in a "REAL" office environment then I could see how some people might have jokes go over their head. This is a movie that I believe is equivalent to Charlie Chaplin's movies of working life during his times. It is poignant and is a must for anyone who enjoys a movie that not only has good comedy but can also be an insight into the follies of what was and is considered a good working environment. ...and to think there was a time without cubicles... Yeah...I'm going to have to ask you to come to work on Saturday...thaaaaaaanks.
Rating:  Summary: I lived it... Review: Office Space will appeal to almost anybody who has worked in the corporate world. Pretty much everyone who has had to work in a cubicle will find something they can identify with in this film. Office Space uncannily recreates and satirizes situations most of us have had on the job, whether it is the ominous threat of a reduction in force, listening to corporate gobbledygook or dealing with a smarmy jerk of a boss. The difference between those of us in the real world and Ron Livingston's character is that he loses all cares about his hated job and actually strikes back at the corporate powers that be. As such, the first half of this film is absolutely hilarious. We vicariously live out our dreams to smash the jam-prone printer, knock out a cubicle wall, and skip work for a day of fishing. Fortifying the movie are quirky supporting characters - a white computer geek who listens to gangsta rap, a perpetually cheery temp, a mumbling weirdo, and so forth. The movie does begin to drag a bit during the second half, as the story moves away from office rebellion, to a floundering embezzlement scheme. Nevertheless, this movie has something for almost everybody who has worked in the rat race, and is just the right thing to watch after a bad day at work. Mmmmmm, yeah.
Rating:  Summary: Not A Good Movie! Review: Let me stress to you that this movie IS NOT funny. It may be one worst movies I've seen. I couldn't even sit through it. Don't even waste your time watching this movie, it will waste brain cells that could be used by something more interesting (like sniffing glue for example LOL...that is actually funnier than the movie gets) I suggest that if you haven't watched it spare yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Damn witty Review: This movie has an amazing script. Every piece of dialogue becomes a line that you end up saying to your friends at a later date. Absolutely hilarious, and upon further viewings you realize just how clever this movie is. The "Damn It Feels Good To Be a Gangster" sequence was the best cinematic part, whereas the rest is just brilliant character driven fun. Definitely worth the money, but the DVD itself doesn't really pack a punch.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Lackluster DVD Review: For anyone who has ever worked in a cubicle farm, this is a must see movie! You will find painfully real examples of work life that are skewered marvelously by Judge and crew. When this film was first release, I don't recall it even managed a blip on the radar screen. Thankfully, DVD/Video release gave this film much-needed exposure. My favorite performance is Gary Cole as the boss, Lundberg. He has the corporate clone down to a T, and he perfectly embodies the boss who knows nothing but how to navigate corporate politics. And Stephen Root is a scene steeler as Milton. The DVD, on the other hand, is just a DVD. No extras to make it worth your while. I recommend renting until it's re-released. (And films this popular generally are). It's too good a cult film for Judge and Co. to ignore this, and I can only imagine how worthwhile the deleted scenes would be.
Rating:  Summary: Yeah... Review: Um... yeah... I'm going to have to kind of recommend this movie... yeah... um, if you could just buy it and watch it, that would be great.... yeah...
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Movie Review: An amazing movie. This movie should be a prescribed "study" for business schools and Computer science science courses. Watching first 40 minutes of the movie was like watching my life...simply awesome and hilarous. I must have watched this movie like 50 times but every time I have enjoyed every second of it.